The Free Cities

Free as a feather on a breeze, or a stone on the tide.

Written by Yerran

I've journeyed from the storm-torn magnificence of Darkpost to the serene calm of Saviour's Gulf. From the tropical wilds of Paruga to the reserved hearty holds of Khan Zorak, and none are so called 'free'. I remember true freedom, and thought my answers lay here, but there are none. Everywhere I see a chained people. From depravity in Karos and Paruga to the honour of the past in the dwarfholds. From reckless addiction to complete purity. I've trodden the width and breadth of mortal experiences in these cities, though all lack something. And now I've come, once more to the Mountains of Flame, hoping to be freed. I cannot return, but one must be worthy. One must come. I cannot wait here. Not in Kaln Igni. There are no answers for me, just regret and death.

The Cities

Across Lenwir are a dozen or so city states or free towns. These have banded together to form collectives in cases where they aren't strong enough to stand alone or have remained as individual city states. These collectives have a set of loose rules and treaties binding them together in the event of invasion or rising perils, but many know to form treaties and bonds gives up a breath of their freedom, binding them more to the rules of nations, a thing they detest.

Each city and collective is wildly different with their own set of laws, governance, wealth and desires. Though some have bound themselves to each other for protection others languish in their freedom of spirit. Though none two are the same, and the interactions between them are often strained due to the nature of their individuality.    



The Dracis Collective

A collective of Ashen Dracanoid survivors who live a peaceful life upon the islands below Xieyin Island. They are incredibly skilled artisans who have established several colonies and would prefer the simplistic lives of farmers, builders, inventors and creators. In recent years they have become members of the Unitum Pact in a bid to protect themselves from the raiding pirates and expansionist agenda of the Kylithotal Empire. Though not many of their collective exist they learn and train their children in the unique crafting of these specialised tools, passing on unique and valuable knowledge.    

The Dwarven Enclave

The remnants of the once great dwarven empire upon Lenwir. Now centred upon the last city, Khan Zorak, and the dozen of smaller tribes scattered around Lenwir, most concentrated in Nemir. Determined to reclaim their stolen and broken cities and see a dwarven resurgence across the continent.    

The Red Ushad

A land of freedom fighters and refugees who have fled the oppressive laws of Sabal and beyond to live a new life where all are accepted amongst The Crimson Canyons.  

Light's Talon

An order of dragons and dracanoid creatures residing high within The Flametip Mountains. Previously considered lost to the world until recently. They are devout and worship the holy light, giving their lives to keep the forces of darkness from the world. Their entire order is trained to fight, and they must to keep the world from collapsing.

Stormheld Bastion

A nation within the incredibly dangerous The Shattered Shelf formed by an alternate species of humans known as the Vorago. Adapted over years by the Maelstroms magic and the magically infused storms, these people fought for freedom against the Yeshi and still do. Using their expertise in sailing, incredible storm based magics and the environment of their nation to battle back the much larger and stronger nation.

City States


A tropical island chain with a pirate city and several opposing pirate families vying for power. You can find anything you seek upon these islands, should you have the money to pay for it.    

Dhun Khenil

A sprawling broken city upon the edge of Sabal and The Flametip Mountains. Most of it is built beneath the mountain and known for the creation of an ancient script and the imbuement of magic into weapons. Legends also tell of a path beneath the mountain range and one that perhaps spreads across Lenwir itself. However, currently the city is split into four sections each owned by a different warring faction seeking to claim the ancient city.  

Nie Soe

A half sunken city submerged in a swirling whirlpool of incredible scale and mostly inhabited by humanoid sea creatures, sea-elves and others.  


The last desert city not beneath the sway of The Emperor. Surrounded by magically enchanted quicksand that acts like water, home to freemen and sand-pirate alike, working together to ensure they never again become slaves. They sail the sands and raid the lands of Sabal.  

Allsend Landing

A newly established settlement out on the edge of civilisation. Built upon a chunk of land over the Maelstrom itself, held up by an ancient statue, the city has become somewhat of a tourist attraction, not just for the reality-bending that emerges from the Maelstrom but also for its unusual and specialised cuisine.

Unitum Pact

A pact sealed between half a dozen independent cities and small nations. A deterrent to the greater nations and a measure of security by the signatories. The pact promises the aid of the others should their sovereignty come under threat through any means. It's current signatories are: The Dwarven Enclave, Nie Soe, The Dracis Collective, Stormheld Bastion and The Red Ushad.

Paruga and Karos consider themselves their own entities, lawless towns unto their own government, refusing to be chained to a foreign past. While Dhun Khenil is a warzone with no clear ruler to sign the accord. Light's Talon is largely unknown to the world, as the actions of the world are unknown to them. They know nothing of the Pact or its purpose, only 'The Forever War'.


The Crimson Canyons
The Flametip Mountains
The Southern Shattered Shelf
Xieyin Island
Article cover image use permitted under pixabay CCL.
Credited artists: StefwithanF

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