Allitur Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Allitur is the Flan god of Ethics and Propriety   The Flan God of Ethics and Propriety Allitur stands as a pillar of moral fortitude and societal order within the Flan pantheon, championing the principles of ethics and propriety. His worship emphasizes the importance of laws, traditions, and cultural rites, playing a crucial role in maintaining harmony and justice across the lands that revere him.

History and Relationships

  • Brother of Rao: Allitur is described as the younger sibling of Rao, symbolizing their interconnected roles in guiding morality and peace.
  • Pantheon Relations: Acts as a mediator and liaison within the Flannae Flan pantheon and with other divine entities, including a notable alliance with Heironeous.
  • Connection to Stern Alia: Some sources suggest Stern Alia may be an aspect of Allitur, indicating a complex interplay of divine identities.


Depicted as a noble Flan man upon his indefatigable horse, Keph, Allitur's imagery embodies the relentless pursuit of moral clarity and the journey towards ethical enlightenment.
  • Realm: Empyrea, The City of Tempered Souls
  • Location: Resides in Empyrea on Mount Celestia's fifth layer, Mertion, known for its healing sanctuaries.
  • Healing Powers: The city's numerous fountains offer cures for physical and spiritual ailments, drawing pilgrims seeking restoration and redemption.
  • Center of Healing: Empyrea's reputation as a hub for healers and hospitals underscores Allitur's commitment to nurturing body, mind, and soul.
Allitur's teachings emphasize:
  • Respect for Laws and Traditions: Advocating for a deep understanding and adherence to societal norms and rituals.
  • Cultural Appreciation: Encouraging the celebration and preservation of cultural heritage.


Allitur finds devotion among those who value justice, tradition, and community:
  • Geographic Worship: Particularly venerated in regions like Geoff, Perrenland, Sterich, Tenh, and the Yeomanry.
  • Knights of the Watch: His principles align closely with the order's values, attracting many knights to his worship.


Clerics of Allitur serve in multifaceted roles within society:
  • Judicial Functions: Acting as judges, arbitrators, and legal advisors in disputes.
  • Messengers and Scribes: Facilitating communication and documentation of laws and decrees.
  • Enforcers: Upholding justice through the punishment of crimes and the rectification of wrongs.


  • Tower of Custom: Among Allitur's most renowned temples, this sanctuary in Istivin symbolizes the importance of tradition and societal norms in fostering a harmonious community.
Allitur's worship involves:
  • Ceremonies of Justice: Rituals that reinforce the sanctity of laws and oaths.
  • Cultural Celebrations: Events that honor and preserve the diverse traditions of Allitur's followers.

The Hammer of Truth and the Guide of Decision

Allitur's influence extends far beyond the realms of the divine, directly impacting the societal fabric of the Flanaess. Known as the Hammer of Truth and the Guide of Decision, Allitur's priests play pivotal roles in ensuring the veracity of words spoken within courts and the halls of power, as well as among the common folk.

Priests of Allitur: The Guardians of Truth

  • Role in Society: Priests, often referred to as 'Guides,' are integral in judicial processes, employed by courts and rulers to ascertain truthfulness. Their high reputation is a testament to their unwavering commitment to honesty and ethical conduct.
  • Service to the Common People: Unlike Rao, who is venerated by the elite, Allitur champions the cause of the commoner, offering guidance, settling disputes, and presiding over trials to uphold justice and fairness.
Ethical Magic Use
  • Respect for the Mind: Allitur's clergy avoid the use of mind-intruding spells without consent, emphasizing respect and the fostering of trust over coercion.
  • Detect Lie: While not forbidden, the use of spells like Detect Lie is discouraged, with a preference for mental acuity and training in discerning truth.
  • Allitur's Mark: A Symbol of Dishonesty
  • Faerie Fire Variant: Allitur's Mark is a specialized spell used to visibly mark those who have knowingly lied, serving as a deterrent and a symbol of the god's disdain for dishonesty.
  • Conflict with Syrul: The deity Syrul, representing everything antithetical to Allitur's teachings, emerges as a formidable adversary, with her followers capable of evading magical detection of lies.
The Clergy's Role in Society
  • Guides in Ethical Dilemmas: 'Guides' are sought after for wisdom in moral quandaries, with phrases like "Allitur Speaks" and "By the Lips of Allitur" signifying the utterance of absolute truth.
  • Sermons and Worship: Focus on honesty, ethics, and morality, tailored to respect life and the specific cultural context of each region.
  • Priestly Garb: Characterized by silvers and blues, adorned with the silver star and rune of truth of Allitur.
Challenges and Perceptions
  • Perception in 'Less Civilized' Societies: In regions where moral compromises are commonplace, Allitur's priests face opposition, viewed as impediments to the established way of life.
  • Campaigns of Liberation: Active in advocating against slavery and immoral practices, they often clash with societal norms in places like Hold of the Sea Princes and Keoland.


Allitur's divine guidance on ethics and propriety offers a foundation for societal harmony, emphasizing the significance of laws, traditions, and moral conduct. Through his clergy, temples, and the devout worship of his followers, Allitur's influence weaves through the fabric of societies, championing the ideals of justice, respect, and cultural reverence. His realm, Empyrea, stands as a testament to his commitment to healing and purity, reflecting his ethos in every cured ailment and restored soul.  

Granted Powers of Allitur's Clergy

The clergy of Allitur, dedicated to upholding ethics and propriety, are endowed with divine abilities that reflect their deity’s domain over truth and moral integrity. One of the most significant granted powers is their enhanced ability to discern the truthfulness of others’ words, a skill that grows in accuracy and reliability with each level of their priestly journey.

Truth Detection

  • Base Mechanism: This ability allows priests to have an increasing chance, with each level, to discern whether a speaker is telling the truth. This assessment is based on listening to and observing the speaker, requiring a wisdom check at half the priest's wisdom score, with a bonus of +1 for every level attained.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Encountering individuals from unfamiliar cultures or races—such as a drow or a foreign dignitary—may introduce penalties or result in failure until the priest has had sufficient time to understand and observe the nuances of that race or culture.
  • Scope of Ability: The truth detection ability can be applied to demi-humans, humanoids, and giants, as determined by the Dungeon Master (DM). However, it is ineffective against non-human monsters and beings from the outer planes.
Outcome of Detection:
  • Success: The priest discerns that the speaker is deliberately lying.
  • Uncertainty: Failure to meet the check results in uncertainty regarding the speaker's truthfulness.
  • Misinterpretation: A roll of 20 leads the priest to mistakenly believe lies as truths and truths as lies.
  • Limitation: The ability does not reveal lies spoken unwittingly by the speaker.
Implications for Gameplay
This granted power significantly enhances the role of Allitur's clergy as arbiters of truth and ethics within the game, providing them with a unique tool to navigate social and diplomatic encounters. The nuances of the ability—such as its sensitivity to cultural differences and its limitations against certain creatures—add depth to its application, requiring clerics to use it judiciously and with wisdom.
Strategic Use in Campaigns
  • Social Encounters: This power can be a game-changer in situations where discerning the truth can prevent conflicts, unveil deceptions, or solve mysteries.
  • Cultural Exploration: Encounters with new races and cultures not only pose challenges but also opportunities for priests to expand their understanding and effectiveness in truth detection.
  • Narrative Depth: The potential for misinterpretation, especially with a roll of 20, introduces dramatic tension and complexity to the narrative, enriching the storytelling aspect of campaigns.
Flan Pantheon
  • Holy symbol: pair of clasped hands
  • Realm: Empyrea, The City of Tempered Souls
  • Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law
Speciality Bonus spells
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Lawful Good (Lawful Neutral tendencies)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Let your words be bound by truth, and your actions governed by justice. In this way, we honor Allitur, who stands as the beacon of moral clarity in a world often shrouded in ambiguity."
Allitur holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Allitur by 3orcs


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