Aurelia Kolgrim Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Aurelia Kolgrim


The Secret Power Behind Kolgrim Manor

Lady Aurelia Kolgrim, the wife of Lord Arant Kolgrim, is more than she appears. Known publicly as a kind and talkative woman, she harbors a desire for power. Through infernal rituals and black arts, Lady Kolgrim seeks to strengthen House Kolgrim without relying on Lord Arant.

Background and History

Marriage and Role
Lady Aurelia has been married to Lord Arant Kolgrim for three years. Despite her husband's failings, she has supported him publicly while secretly undermining him. Her influence has grown steadily, making her the true power behind Kolgrim Manor.
  • Marriage: Married to Lord Arant Kolgrim for three years
  • Public Role: Supportive wife
  • Private Role: Manipulative power behind the throne
Secret Allegiance
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Unbeknownst to Lord Kolgrim and the inhabitants of Penwick, Lady Aurelia is a devout follower of Tharizdun and has pledged herself to Belial, Lord of the Fourth Circle of Hell. Her ultimate goal is to weaken Tharizdun's bindings and gain Belial's favor by unleashing Balan, Master of the Infernal Hunt, onto the material plane.
  • Allegiance: Tharizdun and Belial
  • Goal: Weaken Tharizdun’s bindings and gain Belial’s favor


Pursuit of Power
Lady Aurelia’s primary motivation is to gain power. By aligning with Belial and conducting infernal rituals, she hopes to establish herself as a formidable force within the region, ultimately controlling not just Kolgrim Manor but also extending her influence over the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
  • Primary Motivation: Gain power through dark alliances
  • Secondary Motivation: Control and influence over the Viscounty
"Ambition is the key to unlocking one's destiny."
Infernal Hunts
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Aurelia has been conducting infernal hunts in the name of Belial. These hunts are more than just a pastime—they are rituals designed to open a gate for Balan to enter the prime material plane. The culmination of these hunts is meant to occur on the third night of the full moon, during the assassin’s hour.
  • Infernal Hunts: Rituals to summon Balan
  • Culmination: Third night of the full moon

Current Affairs

Infernal Rituals
A full month of infernal hunting has taken place under Lady Aurelia’s direction. These hunts have been used to prepare for the ultimate ritual, where Balan, Master of the Infernal Hunt, will be summoned. The hunts have already resulted in casualties, including members of the local patrol.
  • Rituals: Month-long infernal hunts
  • Casualties: Local patrol members
Secret Power
Lady Aurelia’s influence over Kolgrim Manor is now absolute. Through her black arts and summoning of fiendish creatures, she has subverted Lord Kolgrim and many of the manor's staff. The Black Griffon Guardsmen, particularly Farley, her devoted defender, are under her control.
  • Control: Absolute power over Kolgrim Manor
  • Devoted Defender: Black Griffon Guardsmen Farley
Upcoming Ritual
The final ritual is set to occur on the first night of the full moon, where the patrol will become the prey. This ultimate hunt aims to open a gate for Balan to enter the material plane, marking the zenith of Lady Aurelia’s dark ambitions.
  • Final Ritual: First night of the full moon
  • Objective: Open a gate for Balan

Secret Plans and Rituals

Black Arts
Lady Aurelia has been practicing dark rituals in secret, summoning various fiendish creatures to perform primal hunts in the name of Balan. These activities have gone unnoticed by her husband and most of the manor’s inhabitants.
  • Black Arts: Summoning fiendish creatures
  • Secrecy: Unnoticed by Lord Kolgrim
Gate Opening
The ultimate goal of these rituals is to open a gate to the prime material plane, allowing Balan, the Huntmaster of Belial, to enter. This event is timed to occur on the third night of the full moon during the assassin's hour.
  • Gate Opening: Allow Balan to enter the prime material plane
  • Timing: Third night of the full moon


Lady Aurelia Kolgrim, the seemingly kind and gentle wife of Lord Arant Kolgrim, harbors dark ambitions and a sinister secret. Her allegiance to Tharizdun and Belial drives her to conduct infernal rituals aimed at summoning Balan, Master of the Infernal Hunt. With her manipulation and dark arts, she has become the true power behind Kolgrim Manor, poised to unleash chaos and gain ultimate power in the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Lady Kolgrim Secrets
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Lady Kolgrim has subverted her husband to the altar of Tharizdun. By hosting the infernal hunts in the name of Belial, Lady Kolgrim hopes to release Balan, Master of the Infernal Hunt, onto the prime. She hopes to open a gate and receive the favor of Belial in her pursuit of power and to weaken the hold on Tharizdun's bindings. Lady Kolgrim is now the real power controlling the lands of House Kolgrim. House Kolgrim is a minor noble house owing fealty to House Milinous. Lord Kolgrim holds the honorific of Right Honorable Sir but is not of martial character as was his father before him   Lady Kolgrim has been using her black arts and allegiance to Balan to summon various fiendish creatures to perform primal hunts in his name. A full month of infernal hunting has taken place by the start of this adventure. On the third night of the full moon at the assassin's hour, a gate may now be opened to allow Balan to enter the prime for the ultimate hunt. The completion of the hunting nears its end on the first night of the full moon, as the patrol becomes the prey. All but two members of the patrol, Sir Drinsal and Corporal Janic have survived with four members falling to the hunters. The hunting pack has chased their prey to the edges of the farmlands bordering the festival grounds.   Lady Kolgrim is a Temptress of Evil worshiping Tharizdun and attempting to free Belial the Lord of the 4t Circle of Hell to hunt on the Material Plane. Through Balan, the Huntmaster of Belial, she has been conducting the infernal rights to bring Belial to the Material Plane for a hunt in Verbobonc. The Black Griffon Guardsmen Farley, her devoted defender, moves to her side. Larza has precast protection from arrows on Lady Kolgrim. Larza has also precast on herself: endurance and mage armor. Her first action is to cast haste followed by using the scroll to put a wall of force up to protect one flank.
"The true strength lies not in the sword, but in the mind."
Lady Kolgrim
  • Female human Clr9 (Tharizdun)
  • HD 9d8 hp 57
  • 3o ft.
  • Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12., Int 24, Wis 19, Cha 12
Possessions: silver sacrificial dagger, belt pouch, 70 gp.   Spells Prepared (6/5/5/4/4/2 Necromancy spells)
  • o - detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, read magic, resistance
  • 1 - cause fear, doom, mage armor", protection from good (2), protection from law (2)
  • 2 - bull's strength, calm emotions, endurance, hold person, silence, Tharizdun's touch
Domains: Madness (Once per day, you can see and act with the clarity of true madness. Use your Insanity score as a bonus on a single roll involving Wisdom, such as a Listen check or Will saving throw.
Chaotic evil
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
549 27 Years old
dough brown
platinum blonde
Quotes & Catchphrases
"A well-placed smile can conceal a thousand secrets."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lady Kolgrim by 3orcs


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