P15. Kolgrim Manor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P15. Kolgrim Manor

The Overlook of Penwick

Kolgrim Manor, perched on a ridge that overlooks the rest of the town, is a grand three-story structure surrounded by an outer wall and gatehouse. This manor house is the residence of the Right Honorable Sir Arant Kolgrim and his Lady Lady Kolgrim. As minor nobles, House Kolgrim is a vassal to Sir Simon Milinous of House Milinous. Despite its imposing presence, the manor suffers from poor administration under Lord Kolgrim, who squanders resources and hires an increasing number of mercenaries.

Detailed Description

Location and Layout
  • Location: Ridge overlooking Penwick
Kolgrim Manor is strategically built on a ridge, giving it a commanding view of the town of Penwick. The manor house itself is a large, three-story structure made of stone, with tall windows and decorative battlements. Surrounding the manor is a fortified outer wall and a gatehouse, which is always manned by several warriors.
  • Structure: Three-story stone manor with tall windows and decorative battlements
  • Fortifications: Outer wall and gatehouse manned by warriors
Interior Features
Inside, the manor is lavishly decorated, though signs of neglect are apparent in some areas. The grand hall, adorned with tapestries and family portraits, serves as the main gathering place. The manor also includes a library, a dining hall, and numerous bedrooms. The hunting trophies displayed throughout the manor reflect Lord Kolgrim's passion for the hunt.
  • Lavishly decorated grand hall
  • Library and dining hall
  • Numerous bedrooms
  • Hunting trophies displayed throughout

Local Influence in Penwick

Arant's unpopularity and poor administration have strained relationships with the townspeople of Penwick. His father’s legacy as a celebrated warrior is overshadowed by Arant’s ineffectiveness, leading to a decline in the manor's standing in the community.
  • Local Influence: Strained relationships due to poor administration
  • Legacy: Overshadowed by father’s achievements

Historical Context

Sir Voltrick Kolgrim
Arant’s father, Sir Voltrick Kolgrim, was a renowned Captain of the Mounted Borderers, celebrated for his skill with the lance and his service to House Milinous. His recent demise, believed to be caused by a wasting disease, was a significant loss to the community and House Milinous.
  • Father: Sir Voltrick Kolgrim, a celebrated warrior
  • Legacy: Known for skill with the lance and service to House Milinous
"In time, they will see the wisdom in my ways and the strength of House Kolgrim."

Current Challenges

Following Sir Voltrick’s death, Arant has struggled to manage the manor effectively. His focus on hunting and reliance on mercenaries have led to resource wastage and a decline in the manor’s prosperity.
  • Challenges: Struggle to manage the manor effectively
  • Resource Management: Poor due to focus on hunting and mercenaries


Kolgrim Manor, once a symbol of strength and prosperity under Sir Voltrick Kolgrim, now faces challenges under the leadership of Sir Arant Kolgrim. Despite its strategic location and grand structure, the manor suffers from poor administration and strained community relationships. The future of Kolgrim Manor hinges on Arant’s ability to rise above his shortcomings and restore the legacy of his father.
Kolgrim Manor by 3orcs
"Penwick prospers under the Kolgrim name, and it will continue to do so."
Sir Arant Kolgrim  Personality and Motivation
Sir Arant Kolgrim is known for his unbridled arrogance and sense of self-importance, which have won him few friends in Penwick. Unlike his father, who was a celebrated warrior, Arant lacks interest in weapons and war, preferring the thrill of the hunt. His poor administration and wasteful spending on mercenaries have strained the manor's resources.
  • Role: Lord of Kolgrim Manor
Lord Arant Kolgrim by 3orcs
Lady Kolgrim  Personality and Motivation
Lady Kolgrim is a kind and talkative woman, quick to smile but frail in both body and mind. She often engages in conversations about unimportant matters, preferring to avoid the more serious issues plaguing the manor.
"My father’s legacy is a heavy mantle, but I wear it with pride."
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Milinous coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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