Arant Kolgrim Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Arant Kolgrim


The Flawed Heir of Kolgrim Manor

Lord Arant Kolgrim, the current master of Kolgrim Manor, is a man of contrasts. Inherited wealth and status from his esteemed father have placed him in a position of power, yet his personal flaws and lack of administrative skills have led to mismanagement and growing discontent among his vassals and peers.

Detailed Description

Personality and Traits
Arrogance and Self-Importance
Arant Kolgrim is known for his unbridled arrogance and inflated sense of self-importance. These traits have won him few friends and allies in Penwick and beyond. Despite his lofty position, he often comes across as condescending and detached from the needs of his people.
Key Traits
  • Arrogant
  • Self-important
  • Condescending

Passion for Hunting

Unlike his father, who was celebrated for his military prowess, Arant finds little interest in martial matters. Instead, he has developed a keen passion for hunting. He spends a significant amount of time at his hunting lodge in the forest, where wild game is driven to him for the final killing blow. This pastime has done little to endear him to the local populace, who view it as a symbol of his detachment from their everyday struggles.
  • Passion for hunting
  • Detached from local issues
"The thrill of the hunt is where I find my true calling."

Ineffective Administrator

Arant's lack of interest in governance has led to poor administration of his lands. Resources are wasted, and many of the manor's staff have been replaced over the past year. His increasing reliance on mercenaries, who are paid well for little work, has further strained the manor's finances.
Administrative Skills
  • Ineffective management
  • Resource wastage
  • High turnover of staff

Background and History

Inherited Legacy
Arant Kolgrim inherited Kolgrim Manor from his father, Sir Voltrick Kolgrim, a celebrated warrior and retired Captain of the Mounted Borderers. Sir Voltrick was known for his skill with the lance and his loyal service to House Milinous. His recent passing from a wasting disease was a significant loss, and Arant has struggled to live up to his father's legacy.
  • Father: Sir Voltrick Kolgrim, celebrated warrior
  • Legacy: Struggles to uphold family reputation

Marriage and Family

Arant has been married for three years to Lady Kolgrim, a kind woman who is quick to smile but frail in both body and mind. She often engages in light, inconsequential conversations, avoiding the more serious issues that plague their household.

Current Issues

Mercenary Reliance
Arant’s administration is marked by his heavy reliance on mercenaries. These hired soldiers are well-compensated but have little to do, as Arant lacks the strategic vision to deploy them effectively. This reliance has led to wasted resources and growing dissatisfaction among the local populace.
Reliance on Mercenaries
  • Well-paid but underutilized
  • Resource wastage

Mismanagement of Resources

The manor’s resources are poorly managed under Arant’s leadership. His focus on hunting and personal leisure has diverted attention from the critical needs of his estate. This mismanagement has led to economic decline and discontent among his vassals.
Resource Management
  • Poorly managed
  • Economic decline

Social Isolation

Arant’s arrogance and self-importance have isolated him from potential allies. His disdain for local politics and community issues has left him with few supporters. The once respected Kolgrim name is now viewed with skepticism and disappointment.
Social Standing
  • Isolated from allies
  • Decline in respect

Relationships and Politics

Vassal to House Milinous 
As a vassal to Sir Simon Milinous, Arant supports the ambition to consolidate power within House Milinous. However, his ineffective leadership and mismanagement have raised concerns about his ability to contribute meaningfully to these plans.
  • Political Allegiance: Supports House Milinous
  • Effectiveness: Questioned due to poor leadership

Local Influence in Penwick

Arant’s relationship with the people of Penwick is strained. His father’s legacy of strength and respect has been overshadowed by Arant’s failures. The local populace views him with growing discontent, and his administration is often criticized for its inefficiency and wastefulness.
  • Local Influence: Strained relationships
  • Public Perception: Growing discontent

Key Relationships

Lady Kolgrim 
Lady Kolgrim, Arant’s wife, is a kind and gentle soul. Despite her frailty, she tries to support her husband. However, her influence is limited, and she often avoids the more serious issues that plague their household.
  • Role: Supportive wife
  • Influence: Limited
Sir Simon Milinous 
As Arant’s liege lord, Sir Simon Milinous has a vested interest in Kolgrim Manor. While he appreciates Arant’s support, he is increasingly concerned about the manor’s decline and Arant’s ability to manage his lands effectively.
  • Role: Liege lord
  • Concern: Over Arant’s management
Lady Kolgrim Secret
Show spoiler
Lady Kolgrim has subverted her husband to the altar of Tharizdun. By hosting the infernal hunts in the name of Belial, Lady Kolgrim hopes to release Balan, Master of the Infernal Hunt, onto the prime. She hopes to open a gate and receive the favor of Belial in her pursuit of power and to weaken the hold on Tharizdun's bindings. Lady Kolgrim is now the real power controlling the lands of House Kolgrim. House Kolgrim is a minor noble house owing fealty to House Milinous. Lord Kolgrim holds the honorific of Right Honorable Sir but is not of martial character as was his father before him.   Lady Kolgrim has been using her black arts and allegiance to Balan to summon various fiendish creatures to perform primal hunts in his name. A full month of infernal hunting has taken place by the start of this adventure. On the third night of the full moon at the assassin's hour, a gate may now be opened to allow Balan to enter the prime for the ultimate hunt. The completion of the hunting nears its end on the first night of the full moon, as the patrol becomes the prey. All but two members of the patrol, Sir Drinsal and Corporal Janic have survived with four members falling to the hunters. The hunting pack has chased their prey to the edges of the farmlands bordering the festival grounds.


Lord Arant Kolgrim’s tenure as the master of Kolgrim Manor is marked by contrasts. While he has inherited wealth and status from his esteemed father, his personal flaws and lack of administrative skills have led to mismanagement and growing discontent. As he continues to rely on mercenaries and focuses on his passion for hunting, the manor's future remains uncertain. Arant must find a way to rise above his shortcomings to restore the legacy of the Kolgrim name.
"Critics are merely voices of the uninformed; I know what’s best for these lands."
Sir Arant Kolgrim  Personality and Motivation
Sir Arant Kolgrim is known for his unbridled arrogance and sense of self-importance, which have won him few friends in Penwick. Unlike his father, who was a celebrated warrior, Arant lacks interest in weapons and war, preferring the thrill of the hunt. His poor administration and wasteful spending on mercenaries have strained the manor's resources.
  • Role: Lord of Kolgrim Manor
Chaotic neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
545 31 Years old
dark brown
black medium crop with trimmed beard
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Milinous coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lord Arant Kolgrim by 3orcs


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