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Rockhall is a dwarven settlement located deep in the Lortmil Mountains, renowned for its masterful craftsmanship in weapons and armor. The Dwarves of Clan Rockhall, under the leadership of Thornblade Rockspitter, are a proud community with deep connections to their ancestral stronghold, Ulthak-Nor. The village is a hub of political intrigue, spiritual devotion, and skilled metalworking, attracting adventurers, traders, and even rivals from across the Viscounty of Verbobonc and beyond.

History of Rockhall

THE HISTORY OF CLAN ROCKHALL is entwined with the rise and fall of the ancient dwarven citadel of Ulthak-Nor. For generations, Clan Rockhall has preserved the traditions of this lost stronghold, keeping alive the dream of its reclamation. Founded in the aftermath of the Hateful Wars, Rockhall became a refuge for dwarves displaced from their ancestral homes by orc and goblin invasions.
  • The Fall of Ulthak-Nor: The great citadel of Ulthak-Nor was abandoned during The Hateful Wars, a series of brutal conflicts that cleared the Lortmil Mountains of humanoid tribes but left many dwarven strongholds in ruins.
  • Rebuilding Rockhall: Clan Rockhall, led by the Rockspitter lineage, established their settlement in the wake of this devastation, crafting a new home amidst the mountains while retaining the dream of reclaiming their ancestral citadel.

Geography and Location

Nestled in the southern borders of the Lortmil Mountains, Rockhall overlooks the Greenway Valley of the Gnomes, with whom the dwarves maintain a strong trade relationship. The settlement is surrounded by mineral-rich mountains, making it an ideal location for mining and metalwork, while the rugged terrain provides natural defenses against invaders.
  • Proximity to Verbobonc: Rockhall lies south of the Verbobonc, Viscounty, maintaining political and economic ties with the human settlements while preserving its autonomy.
  • Natural Resources: The Lortmil Mountains are rich in precious metals, making Rockhall a center for smelting, blacksmithing, and the production of exceptional dwarven weapons and armor.

Society and Culture

Rockhall's society is built around the principles of community, craftsmanship, and ancestral reverence. The dwarves of Clan Rockhall are deeply religious, with Moradin, the All-Father of the Dwarves, as their chief deity, alongside Berronar Truesilver, the Matron of Home and Hearth.
  • Clan Structure: The Rockspitter lineage, led by Thornblade Rockspitter, heads the clan, followed by a council of elders and skilled craftsmen who oversee the village's governance and daily operations.
  • Craftsmanship: The dwarves of Rockhall are famed for their superior craftsmanship, particularly in metalworking. The village’s forges are legendary, producing some of the finest weapons and armor in the region.

Religion in Rockhall

The religious life of Rockhall revolves around the worship of Moradin and Berronar Truesilver. These deities represent the core values of dwarven society: creation, protection, and community.
  • Temple of Moradin: The central religious structure in Rockhall, the temple is a grand hall where daily prayers and rituals are held. The temple also functions as a community center where disputes are settled and clan decisions are made.
  • Berronar’s Influence: Berronar Truesilver’s priestesses play a key role in maintaining the unity of the clan, overseeing family matters and providing healing services.

Politics and Governance

Rockhall maintains a delicate political balance between its dwarven traditions and external pressures from Verbobonc and the gnome communities of the Greenway Valley. The dwarves of Rockhall are fiercely independent, but their reliance on trade with Verbobonc and their alliance with the gnomes of the Kron Hills binds them to the wider political landscape.
  • Clan Council: The council consists of elders, including craftsmen and warriors, who advise Thornblade on matters of governance. The council also plays a key role in maintaining diplomatic relations with neighboring regions.
  • Relations with the Gnomes: The dwarves of Rockhall enjoy a close relationship with the gnomes of the Greenway Valley, sharing common enemies in the form of goblins and orcs, and often collaborating on mining ventures.

Economy and Trade

The economy of Rockhall is centered on mining and craftsmanship. The dwarves extract precious metals from the surrounding mountains, which are then forged into weapons, armor, and intricate jewelry, traded with the surrounding regions.
  • Ore Production: Rockhall’s mines produce high-quality iron and silver, making the settlement a key supplier of raw materials and finished goods to Verbobonc and the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills.
  • Artisan Guilds: Dwarven craftsmen in Rockhall belong to guilds that regulate the quality of work produced in the settlement, ensuring that all goods meet the high standards of dwarven craftsmanship.

Military and Defense

Rockhall is heavily fortified, with a well-trained militia and strong defensive structures. The dwarves of Rockhall are experienced warriors, having fought in countless skirmishes against orcs, goblins, and other threats in the Lortmil Mountains.
  • The Guardians of Rockhall: This elite group of warriors serves as both the personal guard of Thornblade Rockspitter and the defenders of the village. They are highly skilled in both melee combat and defensive tactics.


Rockhall stands as a symbol of dwarven resilience and tradition. Under the leadership of Thornblade Rockspitter, the village thrives as a center of craftsmanship, faith, and political influence in the Lortmil Mountains. Whether forging legendary weapons or navigating the treacherous waters of diplomacy with neighboring powers, the dwarves of Rockhall remain steadfast in their pursuit of excellence and the reclamation of their lost heritage in Ulthak-Nor.

Notable Locations in Rockhall

Most of Rockhall is a patchwork of small businesses providing services to the miners and wayfarers, with a large number of shabby flophouses. A few locations, however, are of greater interest to adventurers:


Situated in the bottleneck between the rises of the pair of steep peaks called The Sisters, the Raggedy Wall comprises boulders, debris from the mines and spikes of stones created via stone shape by a circle of local half-elf druids once aligned with Thornblade but who mysteriously disappeared two winters ago.   Standing at the crest of a rise, the strange, jutting wall stands 15 feet high on both sides of a volatile section of the Feig River. The village itself is accessible via a sturdy iron-bound gate that is typically open during daylight hours though guarded by a group of Rockhall Dwarven guards.


This garish wooden building sometimes sports a fresh coat of red and orange paint, but within weeks, the dust, smoke and grime of Feigrvidr, dulls it into a kind of blood red and ruddy ochre. Over the door hangs a sign with an eye inside a flickering flame.
A lively tavern run by Shadra Flamegaze, the inn serves as a gathering place for miners, merchants, and adventurers. It is known for its strong ale and hearty meals.
  • Inside decsription: The inside of this rather clean (for Rockhall) tavern inn is typically very busy, no matter the time of day.
  • Tavern owner: A gaunt and hawk-nosed middle-aged man frantically trends the bar and the tables serving drinks and the daily stew. The man, Venthis Flamegaze (NG male middle-aged human commoner 2) is the co-owner of the establishment. His partner, a flaxen-haired, sturdy and handsome woman typically sits in a corner booth, drinking and watching for trouble.
  • Barkeep's Wife: The woman is the barkeep’s wife, Shadra Flamegaze (CG female human commoner), who won a small fortune and lost her grace while adventuring. She is content to spend her days amid the solace of hard drink, stable coin and the relative peace of her business. She has a fiery temper and is easily roused to anger by injustice.
  • Guests: For the last year, Medri Halguth (NG female half-elf expert 2) has rented the inn's largest guestroom. Halguth is a researcher of giant lore who buys giant artifacts for many wealthy Southerners. Most believe her patrons are so wealthy and powerful that not even Halfbeard dares cross the woman.

3: Thane Hall

The heart of the village, the Clanhall is where the council meets and where Thornblade Rockspitter resides. It also serves as a gathering place for religious ceremonies and major clan decisions. This massive hall was constructed to mimic the style of northern dwarven thanes of legend. The great building serves as home and base of operation for the Grand Thane and Thane Thornblade Rockspitter and his closest friends and agents. From here the Thane rules Rockhall. His advisers, including his chief henchmen Flaith Bloodblade (male dwarf fighter 5) and Krovusa (location 3; female barbarian 3), report to him what goes on within Rockhall and he sends them on missions when necessary.   Over the years, Thornblade has become increasingly reclusive and depressive and does not often take visitors or deal with those who seek his audience directly. Lately, he has relied on his lover and the mother of his two sons, Lytha Boldbrow (female dwarf expert 2), to treat with visitors directly while he observes from behind a series of false walls.


The primary source of Rockhall’s wealth, the Shadowtop Mines are extensive, with veins of silver and iron running deep beneath the mountains. These mines are heavily guarded and fiercely defended from outsiders. These four mines snake into and under Shadowtop Peak, the most metal-rich peak in the immediate area. Various miners and guides toil and often die in the mines, overseen by Thornblade overseer and guards. Each day more rich ore is brought out of these holes and brought to the Clanging Halls to be smelted and worked.


The Clanging Halls are the forges and workshops where the dwarves produce their famed weapons and armor. The constant hammering and clanging of metal can be heard throughout the day and night. These four massive buildings house the workers of the Shadowtop mines and serve as the work halls for the craftsfolk owned or indentured by Thornblade.   During daylight hours, and sometimes through the night, a constant clanging emits from these halls, as their workers refine the ore and create works to sell to southerners or to increase Clan Rockhall's hoard. Those that work here are mostly miserable and the guards watch all who visit this place carefully.


Inside this rather rickety wooden tower of strange windows and balconies is a maze of drinking nooks and gambling halls. Run by the rather androgynous half-elf Savion (N female half-elf rogue 2), it is said she is favoured by both Thornblade and his lover Lytha, and thus enjoys their protection and patronage. The many dark corners of this shadow-cloaked tower are dangerous places, and visitors should keep a hand close to their coin pouch…and blade.


Originally built for an influx of higher-class clientele who never braved the rowdiness of Rockhall, this inn with its large rooms is the current favourite of adventurers looking to plunder northern sites. A nearly permanent resident is Andrul Ringold (N dwarf female ranger 4). The dwarf hunter funds and often leads expeditions into the Lortmil Mountains, and claims to be searching for the fabled Axe of the Dwarfish Lords, believed lost in the giant hall of Ulthak-Nor though most believe her quest to be nothing more than a quixotic quest for a fairy tale artifact.


This maze of shanties, shacks and booths, supplies most of Rockhall’s inhabitants with cheap food, hard liquor, illicit substances and the goods of day to day living. A crowded and smelly market, the place is rife with cutpurses and muggers.


Rockhall's halfling community claims this entire section of the village. Insular and paranoid, these Halfling hobniz are minor craftfolk and bakers. Most importantly they run the middens, taking muck from the streets and the mines, and “treating” the muck before flushing it down the Shadow Run.   The treatment involves finding slivers of precious metal and other treasures from the copious amounts of waste the halflings haul and sift through by way of their monstrous pets.   The halflings refuse to speak in any language other than the Halfling tongue unless they are speaking to Thornblade Rockspitte or his select agents. They tend not to mingle with the other villagers.


These six large wood and iron vats contain the waste and refuse collected by the halflings of Rockhall. Most of the population stay away from the middens, not only due to the terrible smell but because strange movement has been spotted amidst the muck and many too curious folk have disappeared while trespassing in the area.   The middens are home to swarms of pygmy-otyughs, bred and used by the halflings to eat the offal, and filter precious metals and gemstones, along with other treasures, within their strange gizzards. The small offal eaters are also used for body disposal, most often by Thornblade Rockspitte himself.


While the peak of Shadowtop holds the most lucrative mines in the area, the peaks of the upper gulch are not without their mineral deposits. Thornblade rents out three mines to entrepreneurs from Verbobonc, Viscounty. While the yields of these mines have been meagre compared to the bounty coming out of Shadowtop, their masters keep digging. Everyone in Rockhall is sure if any of these mines prove to be especially lucrative.


This crooked and ill-finished tower was initially built to protect the fledgling village from threats deeper within the Lortmil Mountains that never came. Now it serves as a stopping point for adventuring bands bringing plunder back from the various abandoned giant halls. Its location allows Thornblade to tax this influx of such treasures before the agents of collectors get their chance to purchase them.
Rumors and Secrets of Rockhall
Show spoiler
  1. A group of adventurers, are loudly boasting they will be the ones to uncover the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords from the giant ruins to the north
  2. A group of halflings are straining under the bulk of a large bundle, roughly the shape of a large man, which they are trying to get onto one of their offal carts.
  3. Criers come from the upper mines, bringing word of a terrible collapse in one of the mines. Help is needed to dig a passage to search for survivors.
  4. Qysin the Muddled, the crazy blind oracle stumbles down the street, screaming about how all of Feigrvidr will soon be cleansed by a river of blood crashing down the Titan Peaks.
  5. A crazed or drunk sorcerer starts lobbing spells seeming at random in the streets, injuring people and setting buildings on fire.
  6. A group of dangerous-looking dwarves approach, looking for a group of hardened sellswords and adventurers looking to get into the good favour of the High Thane and Imperator.

Notable Figures

Thornblade Rockspitter
Clan Elder and Priest of Moradin
  • Role: Thornblade Rockspitter is the spiritual and political leader of Clan Rockhall. As a priest of Moradin, he embodies the virtues of craftsmanship, strength, and perseverance.
  • Lineage: Thornblade is the son of Ulgar the Defender and Gunleada, a priestess of Berronar Truesilver, giving him strong spiritual and martial lineage.
Sadendd Durenhardt
Clan Storyteller
  • Role: Sadendd Durenhardt, son of the renowned weaponsmith Rask Durenhardt, serves as the clan storyteller. His duty is to preserve and recite the clan’s history, including the prophecy of the reclamation of Ulthak-Nor.
Flaith Bloodblade and Krovusa
Chief Agents of Thornblade
  • Flaith Bloodblade: A seasoned dwarf warrior, Flaith serves as one of Thornblade’s most trusted agents, often handling the clan's most delicate or dangerous tasks.
  • Krovusa: A mute albino half-orc barbarian and Flaith’s partner, Krovusa is known for her brutal efficiency and unwavering loyalty to the clan.
Rockhall map by 3orcs
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Rockhall Banner by Living Greyhawk

Notable Locations

1. Raggedy Wall: Built from a hodgepodge of debris and many stone shape, this wall protects the village’s southern entrance.   2. Flamegaze Tavern Inn: One of the cleaner buildings in the village, it’s kept relatively peaceful by the retired paladin, Shadra Flamegaze.   3. Imperator’s Hall: This great hall serves as the village’s seat of power and home for Thornblade Rockspitter.   4. Shadowtop Mines: This cluster of four mines was the first dug by Thornblade and his dwarves.   5. Clanging Halls: These four large workshops constantly emit a rhythm of clangs as ore is refined and turned into works of art.   6. Sin’s Roost: A den providing gambling and drink, this is a popular spot for miners, miscreants and adventurers.   7. Little Lordling’s Inn: This inn is popular with adventurers delving into the Lortmil Mountains in search of giant enclaves.   8. Hawkers Maze: This jumble of small stalls and shops sells a variety of goods.   9. Halfling Town: This collection of stunted shacks and burrows houses a tight knit halfling community.   10. Middens: These large vats contain the waste from both the village and the mines.   11. Upper Mines: These minor, less profitable mines are leased to others by Thornblade.   12. Last Tower: From this roughly-finished tower Thornblade’s minions watch for returning adventurers to tax.

Cover image: ortmil Mountains (1920 x 600 px) by 3orcs


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