Cornelius Arx Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Cornelius Arx

High Priest

Cornelius Arx serves as the High Priest of the Cathedral of Trithereon in Verbobonc, a pivotal religious figure whose leadership and spiritual guidance resonate throughout the Flanaess. As head of all Trithereon churches in the region, Cornelius is responsible for overseeing a large and active clergy and plays a crucial role in both the religious and political spheres of the city. His venerable age and profound wisdom have earned him a reputation as one of the most respected and influential religious leaders in the area.
  • Position and Influence: Cornelius Arx holds the highest ecclesiastical position within the Trithereon faith across the Flanaess, making his decisions and leadership vital to the church's direction and activities.
  • Personality and Leadership Style: Known for his good cheer and ability to find humor in adversity, his approachable and compassionate leadership style has made him deeply beloved among his followers and respected in the wider community.

Background and Ascendancy

Cornelius's journey to becoming the High Priest is marked by dedication, migration, and profound commitment to his faith.
  • Early Life and Migration: Originally from The Free City of Greyhawk, Cornelius moved to Verbobonc in 550 CY, bringing with him a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to the teachings of Trithereon.
  • Leadership Tenure: He has served as the High Priest at the Cathedral of Trithereon for over thirty years, guiding the church through periods of both challenge and prosperity.

Role and Responsibilities

As High Priest, Cornelius Arx’s duties extend far beyond leading worship services; he is deeply involved in the administration of the church and its interactions with external entities.
  • Guidance and Counseling: Frequently provides counsel to the ViscountWilfrick Verdanhart of Verbobonc, reflecting his significant influence in local governance and his role in shaping policy and decision-making.
  • Clergy Oversight: Oversees a dynamic body of clerics, managing a core group of 40 priests that can expand up to over 300 during peak pilgrimage seasons.

Notable Contributions and Achievements

Cornelius's tenure as High Priest has been marked by several key contributions that have strengthened the church and benefited the community.
  • Expansion of Church Services: Has significantly expanded the range of services offered by the cathedral, including educational programs, community aid, and interfaith initiatives.
  • Advocacy and Interfaith Relations: Actively works towards fostering peace and unity among various religious groups, enhancing the cathedral’s role as a center for spiritual reconciliation and community cohesion.

Personal Traits and Leadership Style

Cornelius's personal qualities deeply influence his approach to leadership and his interactions with both the clergy and the laity.
  • Humor and Resilience: Renowned for his ability to see humor in difficult situations, bringing light and hope to challenging circumstances.
  • Community Engagement: His deep engagement in community affairs has made him a beloved figure, known for his warmth and accessibility.

Cornelius Arx's Role in Verbobonc

Under the leadership of High Priest Cornelius Arx, the worship of Trithereon in Verbobonc embodies the principles of independence, justice, and self-reliance. As the second most popular deity in the city after St. Cuthbert, Trithereon's following, driven by the charismatic Cornelius, plays a significant role in shaping the local religious and social landscape.
Popularity and Influence
Trithereon's worship enjoys robust support in Verbobonc, appealing to those who value freedom and self-determination.
  • Wide Appeal: Following closely behind Church of St Cuthbert in terms of popularity, Trithereon attracts a diverse following, from common folk to adventurers and local militia.
  • Spirit of Independence: The deity’s principles resonate strongly with the city’s spirit, emphasizing individual liberty and justice.
Historical Significance
The Cathedral of Trithereon stands as a testament to the historical and cultural significance of its worship in the city.
  • Architectural Marvel: Built with contributions from gnomish, elven, and human craftsmen, the cathedral is not only a place of worship but also a symbol of the collaborative spirit of Verbobonc’s diverse communities.
  • Symbol of Unity and Diversity: Reflects the city's rich history of cooperation among different races and cultures, mirroring Trithereon's ideals of freedom and respect for individuality.
Community Empowerment
Cornelius Arx emphasizes teaching self-reliance and empowerment, aligning with Trithereon's doctrines.
  • Self-Protection: Advocates for communities to be self-sufficient in matters of protection and defense, reducing dependency on centralized powers.
  • Educational Programs: Implements various programs aimed at empowering individuals and communities to stand up for their rights and defend themselves.
Collaboration and Caution
The Cathedral of Trithereon maintains a careful balance between cooperation with local authorities and maintaining independence.
  • Local Alliances: Works closely with local militias, magistrates, and the Mounted Borderers to ensure the safety and security of the populace.
  • Cautious Cooperation: Maintains a cautious stance towards official authorities to prevent overreach and protect the freedoms of its followers.
Relationship with Other Factions
The worship of Trithereon involves careful interactions with other religious and secular groups within Verbobonc.
  • The Gnarley Rangers and Church of Ehlonna: While there is cooperation, particularly in environmental and border safety issues, the Cathedral’s activities remain largely autonomous.
  • Autonomous Operations: Primarily operates from “Summoner’s Keep” in Rhynehurst, especially after tensions with the Church of St. Cuthbert pushed them to establish a more independent base.


Cornelius Arx's leadership has significantly shaped the worship of Trithereon in Verbobonc. His approach has not only fostered a strong and independent congregation but has also integrated the worship of Trithereon into the broader social and political fabric of the city. His reputation for wisdom, humor, and approachability continues to draw a wide array of followers, reinforcing the Cathedral's role as a center of empowerment and advocacy for justice and individual rights.   High Priest Cornelius Arx is more than a religious leader; he is a pillar of the Verbobonc community and a beacon of hope and strength. Through his wise leadership, affable nature, and unshakeable faith, he continues to guide the Cathedral of Trithereon and its followers towards a future filled with promise and faithfulness to their divine patron. His legacy is characterized not just by the growth of the church, but also by the deep personal impact he has on those he serves.
Cornelius Arx, (Human Clr 18) High Priest of Trithereon
  • Leads the Cathedral of Trithereon(C1) which is the head of all Trithereon churches in the Flanaess.
Chaotic good
Current Location
Year of Birth
531 45 Years old
piercing grey
Long flowing grey mane
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The true measure of justice isn't vengeance or punishment, but the readiness to defend the oppressed and forgive the repentant."
Highlights Cornelius's belief in Trithereon's justice, focusing on protection and redemption rather than retribution.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Trithereon holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Cornelius Arx by 3orcs


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