C1 Cathedral of Trithereon Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C1 Cathedral of Trithereon

The temple doors are pure gold, two stories high, with elaborate friezes portraying the gods that founded and protect the city. Bright gems and sections of polished silver enhance the richness of the doors. The walls that flank them are stark, finely-polished white marble, rising 30 feet to a golden roof with elaborate vines and decoration visible along the edge. The Temple of Trithereon is built of durable stone and is well able to resist attack. It is always built with an eye for defense and contains a massive bell tower from which the faithful can be called to worship.   Most of the time, the great doors are closed and a smaller, human-sized door to their right is used for people entering and leaving the temple. The odor of incense wafts out the door every time someone opens it, perfuming the whole area.
The Cathedral of Trithereon stands majestically in the heart of Verbobonc, symbolizing not only the spiritual fervor but also the architectural splendor of the city. With its imposing golden doors and stark white marble walls, this cathedral is a fortress of faith, dedicated to Trithereon, the god of individuality and liberty. This iconic religious structure dominates the Civic Centre district, drawing both the faithful and the curious to its sacred halls.
Majestic Architecture
The Cathedral of Trithereon, standing prominently in the heart of Verbobonc, is a masterpiece of religious architecture, combining divine inspiration with formidable defensive features. Its design not only reflects the grandeur of its worship but also the protective strength of its deity.
  • Grand Entrance: The cathedral's entrance is marked by towering gold doors that reach two stories high, intricately decorated with friezes depicting the gods who founded and protect the city. These friezes are adorned with bright gems and polished silver, creating a dazzling display of craftsmanship and devotion.
  • Elaborate Exterior: Surrounding the magnificent doors are walls of finely-polished white marble, which rise 30 feet to meet a golden roof. The roof itself is an art piece, edged with elaborate vines and decorative motifs that catch the light and the eyes of all who approach.

Defensive Features

True to the teachings of Trithereon—god of individuality, liberty, retribution, and self-defense—the cathedral incorporates several elements designed to protect its sanctity and ensure the security of its congregants.
  • Fortified Construction: The structure is built from durable stone, capable of withstanding both the elements and potential attacks. The choice of materials and construction techniques reflects a strategic approach to defense, ensuring the cathedral stands as a bastion of strength.
  • Bell Tower: Dominating the cathedral's silhouette is a massive bell tower, from which calls to worship are sounded. This tower serves both a religious and a practical purpose, as it can also be used to alert the faithful in times of danger or celebration.
Interior Splendor
Inside the Cathedral of Trithereon, visitors are greeted by an atmosphere of reverence and beauty, designed to uplift the spirit and underscore the solemnity of the worship space.
  • Vaulted Ceilings and Stained Glass: The interior boasts soaring stone arches that carry the eye upward to vaulted ceilings, where light filters through stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns across the nave. Each window tells a story of saints and heroes, with Trithereon often depicted among mortals, guiding and protecting them.
  • Sanctuary and Altars: The main nave leads to a raised dais where a squat marble altar stands, inscribed with ancient rites and prayers. This altar is the heart of the cathedral, surrounded by rows of pews that can accommodate hundreds of the faithful.
Aromatic and Sensory Experience
The sensory experience within the cathedral is carefully curated to create an environment of peace and contemplation.
  • Incense and Perfume: The air inside the cathedral is rich with the scent of incense, which wafts out each time the smaller, human-sized door beside the main entrance is used. This aroma fills the surrounding area, extending the sacred atmosphere beyond the physical boundaries of the cathedral.
Voices within the soaring stone chamber carry up to its vaulted heights before descending, reverberating in a way both pleasant and overwhelming. Ceiling-height windows of stained glass depict saints and heroes in their most desperate hours, Trithereon descending to treat with mortals. Alcoves occupy the space between these windows, and within each stands the towering statue of a heroic figure. Rows upon rows of pews—three dozen at least—lead to a raised dais, upon which stands a squat altar of marble, inscribed with ancient rites. Great gnomish, elven, and human architects, several mages, and the priesthood of Trithereon all contributed to its construction, making it one of the true wonders of the Flanaess.   In addition to serving as the center of worship of Trithereon in the Flanaess, it symbolizes the diversity of Oerth's deities as well as the individual's freedom to worship any of them. As such, small shrines make up the outer-most areas of the temple, one devoted to every god or goddess, including the racial and dark gods. The inner chambers are mainly for worship of Trithereon and the vaulted ceilings are an incredible mosaic depicting the diversity and balance of all the known pantheons in the Flanaess. Pilgrims from across the Flanaess flock to Verbobonc just to see it, and none have ever left disappointed.

Historical Significance

The story of the Cathedral of Trithereon's current standing begins with a vision of grandeur and divine providence following the destruction of the original church during the Long Siege in 412 CY. The city and its people were in desperate need of spiritual and communal rebuilding, and the vision for a new, formidable temple served as a beacon of hope and renewal.
  • Foundational History: Rebuilt after the original church was destroyed during the Long Siege in 412 CY, following a divine vision.
  • Proposition by Crneyh Longspear: At a time when the city was still reeling from the siege's devastation, Crneyh Longspear, the then Lord Mayor and later known as the Right Worshipful Mayor, proposed the ambitious project of reconstructing the cathedral. His leadership and foresight were instrumental in rallying the community and resources necessary for such a monumental endeavor.
The Entrustment of Fragarach
Upon the completion of the Cathedral, a significant event marked its consecration and underscored its importance in the region's spiritual and political realms.
  • The Holy Sword Fragarach: Known as "The Answerer," this legendary sword was entrusted to the High Priest of the Cathedral. Fragarach was more than a symbol of divine authority; it was believed to possess actual powers, capable of compelling truth and cutting through any deceit or armor.
  • Role of Fragarach in the Cathedral: Kept within the Hallowed Sanctum of Trithereon, the sword was not only a relic of immense power but also a symbol of the High Priest's duty to uphold truth and justice, core tenets of Trithereon's teachings.
The Loss of Fragarach
The narrative of the Cathedral is also marked by moments of significant loss, notably the disappearance of Prince Thrommel IV along with the holy sword.
  • Prince Thrommel IV’s Role: As Marshall of Furyondy, Prince Thrommel IV was a key figure in the allied forces during the battles at Emirdy Meadows. His leadership and valor were instrumental in several victories, and his possession of Fragarach was seen as a sign of divine favor.
  • Disappearance and Impact: The loss of Prince Thrommel IV and Fragarach was a tremendous blow to the forces of good. Not only did it mean the loss of a revered leader and a sacred relic, but it also signified a significant spiritual setback for the Cathedral and its community. The circumstances of his disappearance remain shrouded in mystery and speculation, adding a layer of legend to the Cathedral’s history.

Religious Influence and Activities

As a major religious hub, the Cathedral of Trithereon plays a crucial role in the spiritual life of Verbobonc and the surrounding regions.
  • Center of Worship: Serves as the primary venue for worshiping Trithereon and hosts major religious ceremonies.
  • Ecumenical Harmony: Includes small shrines dedicated to various deities, reflecting the cathedral’s commitment to freedom of worship.

Relationships and Community Role

The Cathedral’s influence extends beyond its physical boundaries, impacting local politics and community dynamics.
  • Religious Leadership: Guided by a high priest who is a key religious figure in the city.
  • Interfaith Relations: Maintains a cooperative stance towards other religious institutions, despite historical rivalries, notably with the Church of St. Cuthbert.

Notable Figures

The cathedral is not only a building but a community, led by individuals dedicated to its sacred mission.
  • Current High Priest: A spiritual leader who is deeply respected within the community and oversees the cathedral’s extensive clerical activities.
  • Historical Figures: Includes heroes and saints depicted in the stained glass, each contributing to the rich tapestry of the cathedral’s lore.

Pilgrimage and Tourism

The Cathedral of Trithereon is a beacon for pilgrims from across the Flanaess, drawn by its religious significance and architectural beauty.
  • Pilgrimage Site: Attracts thousands of pilgrims yearly, eager to witness the cathedral’s splendor and seek spiritual solace.
  • Cultural Impact: Boosts local tourism, contributing to Verbobonc’s economy and cultural heritage.

Relationships and Notable Figures

Relationships Within the Community
The Cathedral of Trithereon in Verbobonc is not just a religious landmark; it is a central hub for spiritual guidance and political counsel within the city and beyond. The relationships fostered by the cathedral's clergy with local authorities, other religious groups, and the community at large are pivotal to its role in the civic and spiritual life of the region.
  • Advisory Role: The high priest's counsel is frequently sought by the Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart of Verbobonc, highlighting the cathedral's significant influence in local governance.
  • Community Engagement: The cathedral and its clergy are actively involved in the community, participating in public events, providing aid, and working collaboratively with other religious organizations to promote peace and unity.

High Priest Cornelius Arx

Cornelius Arx, the High Priest of Trithereon, is a venerable and beloved figure whose leadership has profoundly impacted the cathedral's role and reputation within Verbobonc.
  • Background and Leadership: Having moved from The Free City of Greyhawk in 550 CY, Cornelius has served as the high priest for over thirty years. His experience and wisdom make him one of the highest-ranking priests of Trithereon in the Flanaess.
  • Personal Traits: Known for his good cheer and ability to find humor in adversity, Cornelius's leadership style is both heartwarming and effective. His laughter and gentle demeanor have endeared him to both the clergy and the laity, making him a pillar of strength and joy in the community.

Clergy and Staff

The Cathedral of Trithereon is staffed by a dedicated group of clergy who play various roles in the functioning of the cathedral and its wide array of services.
  • Priestly Cohort: At any given time, the cathedral houses 40 priests, with numbers swelling to over 300 during pilgrimages and major religious festivals.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: These priests are not only involved in the day-to-day activities of the cathedral but also engage in missions across the region, keeping an eye on the balance of power and ensuring that no lawful authority oversteps its bounds.
Visitor Engagement and Tourism
As the largest attraction in the city, the Cathedral of Trithereon draws a diverse array of visitors, making it a bustling nexus of activity year-round.
  • Diverse Visitors: The cathedral's open policy allows worshipers of all deities to find solace and sanctuary within its walls, attracting tourists, pilgrims, and faithful from across the Flanaess.
  • Public Spaces and Activities: The areas surrounding the cathedral are always teeming with activity, hosting everything from religious ceremonies to public discussions and cultural exchanges.
Cornelius Arx by 3orcs
Founding Date
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Trithereon holy symbol by 3orcs
Goods and Services at the Cathedral of Trithereon
Religious Resources and Artifacts
The Cathedral of Trithereon in Verbobonc is a treasure trove of religious artifacts and resources, offering comprehensive information and services related to all recognized deities under one roof.
  • Diverse Religious Items: An extensive collection of church rhetoric, divine prayers, and gods' edicts is available to the public, facilitating a deeper understanding and practice of various faiths.
  • Identification Services: The cathedral offers services to identify any manner of divine magic items, aiding adventurers and worshippers in discerning their properties and uses.
Restricted Areas and Sacred Artifacts
While the Cathedral is open and welcoming in its public spaces, it also contains restricted areas dedicated to more sensitive church matters.
  • Access Restrictions: Certain sections of the cathedral are off-limits to the general public, used exclusively for church business and housing sacred relics.
  • Security Measures: These areas are protected by robust security measures including wards, glyphs, guards, and traps to safeguard the holy items contained within.
Community Support Services
The Cathedral not only serves as a place of worship but also as a center for community support, offering a variety of services to assist the needy and the afflicted.
  • Soup Kitchen: Operates a daily soup kitchen providing conjured food and water, free of charge to the poor.
  • Health Services: Hosts a weekly mass for the ill, offering divine interventions such as curing diseases, blindness, and light wounds on 'Godsday'.
Magical and Clerical Services
The Cathedral provides extensive magical and clerical services to the community, making divine interventions accessible to a broader public.
  • Spellcasting Services: Offers a wide range of spells (up to 5th level) to be cast by the priests at 90% of the standard Player's Handbook (PHB) prices, though patrons may experience long waiting times.
  • Resurrection Services: Conducts monthly sessions where 'Raise Dead' and 'Resurrect' spells are offered at a discounted rate, with other days priced higher to manage demand.
Potion and Scroll Production
In addition to its spiritual services, the Cathedral also engages in the production of divine potions and scrolls, catering to the specific needs of its congregation.
  • Production Capability: Can produce any divine potion or scroll, with a 50% chance that specific items are immediately available, otherwise requiring a one-day wait.
  • Cost Structure: Items are priced at average cost, making them accessible to a wide range of patrons.
Security and Surveillance
Despite its open approach in public areas, the Cathedral maintains a vigilant stance against potential threats and espionage from various quarters.
  • Vigilance Against Spies: Aware of the possibility of espionage from other religious groups, the Cathedral takes precautions to monitor and counteract any such activities.
  • Anti-Cult Measures: The city's concern over the emergence of evil cults leads to stringent measures to prevent their establishment, with the Cathedral playing a crucial role in these efforts.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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