Phaulkon Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Phaulkon God of the Open Air, Wind, Clouds, Birds, Archery
Master of Birds, the Feathered One, the Far Reacher, the Wind Archer   Phaulkon, the Suel deity of Air, Wind, Clouds, Birds, and Archery, commands the skies with an unmatched prowess in combat, second only to Kord among the Suel pantheon. His followers revere him for his dedication to the eradication of evil and his protection over all that flies.  


Phaulkon is often depicted as a majestic figure:
  • Appearance: A clean-shaven, powerful winged man, often depicted bare-chested to symbolize his freedom and dominion over the skies.
  • Symbolism: His representation emphasizes the vastness of the air and the freedom it represents, embodying the limitless potential and the inherent unpredictability of the wind.


Phaulkon's divine relationships are characterized by alliances formed against evil:
  • Family Ties: Son of Lendor, further establishing his importance within the pantheon through this lineage.
  • Progeny: Father of Kord with Syrul, indicating a complex relationship intertwined with power and divine responsibilities.
  • Allies: Shares a close bond with Jascar, Murlynd, Atroa, and Aerdrie Faenya, highlighting a network of deities dedicated to the protection and stewardship of the natural world and its inhabitants.


Phaulkon's divine domain is as vast and free as the skies he governs:
  • Abode: While some texts place him in Arborea, among the elvish realms of Arvandor, others cite the Elemental Plane of Air as his realm, reflecting his elemental nature and affinity with the skies.


Phaulkon's followers are spread across various regions, drawn to his principles of freedom and vigilance:
  • Geographical Influence: Strongest in the Sheldomar Valley, particularly in Keoland, the Duchy of Ulek, and the Yeomanry, with a notable following in Celene.
  • Community Role: An abbey once dedicated to him in Restenford on Lendore Isle signifies his importance in local communities, though its current status is uncertain.


The clerics of Phaulkon are guardians of the sky and teachers of the bow:
  • Sacred Weapons: Longbows and shortbows, tools that exemplify precision, range, and the freedom of the sky.
  • Duties and Activities: Protecting nests, interpreting the skies, teaching archery, and training soldiers in ranged combat. They are also tasked with the destruction or safeguarding of evil artifacts.
  • Lifestyle: Phaulkian priests are characterized by their nomadic existence, preferring the openness of the wild skies to the confines of temples.

Cleric Hierarchy of Phaulkon

The clerical order of Phaulkon, the Suel god of Air, Wind, Clouds, Birds, and Archery, is distinguished not only by their dedication to eradicating evil and protecting the skies but also by a unique system of vestments that signify rank and devotion within their ranks. This system is a visual testament to their connection with the elements they revere and the divine entity they serve.
Daily and Travel Wear
  • Levels 1-3 (Initiates and Junior Clerics): Wear light blue tunics, symbolizing the clear sky and their nascent journey within Phaulkon's service.
  • Levels 4-6 (Intermediate Clerics): Don medium blue tunics, reflecting their deeper commitment and growing understanding of Phaulkon's domain.
  • Levels 7-8 (Senior Clerics): Transition to dark blue tunics, indicating their advanced status and closer connection to the mysteries of the air.
  • Level 9+ (High Priests): Adorn themselves in multi-hued blue garments that depict clouds and flying birds, representing their highest attainment of wisdom and power under Phaulkon's guidance.
Ceremonial Attire
During sacred ceremonies, the clergy of Phaulkon embrace a uniformity that symbolizes their unity and collective strength:
  • All Levels: Pure white robes are worn by clerics of all ranks, embodying the purity of the sky and the clouds.
Scarf Signifiers:
  • Levels 4-6: Add a scarf of medium blue, denoting their intermediate rank.
  • Levels 7-8: Wear a dark blue scarf, showcasing their seniority.
  • Levels 9+: A multihued blue scarf is worn, reflecting their highest echelon of spiritual achievement.
Symbol of Devotion
  • Feathers: A constant in the attire of Phaulkon's clerics, at least one feather is worn at all times, symbolizing their eternal bond with the birds of the air and the winds they ride upon.
Major Ceremonies
For significant religious observances, the clerics of Phaulkon don additional symbols of their faith and rank:
  • Headdresses: Comprised of hawk and eagle feathers, each feather represents a level of the cleric, serving as a mark of their dedication and progress on their spiritual journey.

Temples and Rituals

Temples dedicated to Phaulkon are rare, reflecting his clergy's preference for the open sky:
  • Temples: Few and far between, these sacred places are open to the sky, emphasizing a connection with the element of air.
  • Rituals: Ceremonies often involve skyward offerings, blessings for hunters and archers, and prayers for clear skies and favorable winds.


Phaulkon's influence is as wide and free as the skies, guiding his followers in the pursuit of righteousness through the mastery of archery and the protection of the natural world. His dedication to combating evil, along with the boundless domains he watches over, cements his place as a guardian of all that exists beneath the vast expanse of the heavens.  
Credits: Phaulkon was created by Len Lakofka and incorporated by Gary Gygax into the World of Greyhawk campaign
  Suel Pantheon
Holy symbol: winged human silhouette
Realm: Olympian Glades of Arborea
Domains: Air, Animal, Chaos, Good, Sky, War
Specialty Priest
  • 1st level: Featherfall
  • 3rd level: Melf's Acid Arrow
  • 5th level: Speak with Animals (normal birds only) at will
  • 7th level: Fly
  • 10th level: Control Winds
  • 13th level: Conjure Air Elemental 1/week
Phaulkon holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Phaulkon by 3orcs


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