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Kath Langward


Standing there is a large man of baklunish Suel mix, great of girth, with a booming voice and a friendly demeanor. His large face frames a brown beard and friars hat which covers his baldness. He seems friendly and exuberant and full of mirth. With just traveling clothes he wields a a shiny and smooth quarterstaff from years of use and travel. Hanging from a leather cord around his neck is a wooden disc carved with a curved line .
Kath is the jovial and robust guardian of the 18. Fharlanghn Chapter House in Ostverk. Known for his large stature and equally large heart, Kath embodies the spirit of hospitality and safe passage that Fharlanghn, the god of roads, espouses. His chapter house not only serves as a waypoint for travelers but also as a symbol of the journeys that shape our lives.


  • Origins: Kath is of Baklunish-Suel descent, his heritage evident in his robust build and distinctive features.
  • Early Life: Before dedicating his life to Fharlanghn, Kath was a caravan leader, known for his lucky escapes and cheerful disposition despite the dangers of the road.

Role and Responsibilities

  • Chapter House Keeper: Kath manages the 18. Fharlanghn Chapter House  ensuring it provides rest and respite for travelers.
  • Spiritual Guide: He offers blessings and guidance to those who seek to travel, especially those venturing into dangerous territories like the Gnarley Forest or crossing into the Faerie Kingdom of Celene.
  • Community Support: Kath’s duties extend beyond spiritual guidance; he helps maintain the stability and safety of the local travel routes.

Services Offered

  • Traveler's Aid: Kath provides various services such as care for horses, lodging, and even baths for weary travelers.
  • Blessings and Rituals: Regular blessings for caravans and individual travelers commence under Kath’s watchful eye, invoking Fharlanghn’s favor for safe and successful journeys.

Relationships and Interactions

  • Shandril: Kath shares a special bond with Shandril, admiring her patience and wisdom. He often turns to her for advice and assistance in spiritual matters.
  • Travelers and Pilgrims: Kath interacts daily with a diverse array of travelers, offering them a warm welcome and practical assistance.

Challenges and Threats

  • Regional Dangers: The vicinity around Ostverk, including the menacing Gnarley Forest and the volatile border with Celene, poses significant dangers due to bandit raids and orcish warbands, making Kath’s role crucial for many.
  • Overseeing Safety: With threats from Blackthorn Orcs and other malevolent forces, Kath’s leadership is pivotal in safeguarding the roads and paths leading to and from Ostverk.

Personal Traits and Qualities

  • Affectionate and Protective: Known for his bear-hug greetings, Kath’s affectionate nature makes him a beloved figure among those who know him.
  • Lucky Yet Clumsy: His success often attributed to sheer luck rather than skill, Kath’s clumsy yet fortunate nature has become legendary along the roads he travels.
Future Aspirations
  • Enhanced Security: Kath aims to strengthen the defenses of the Chapter House and improve the safety of the travel routes under his watch.
  • Expand Outreach: He is motivated to extend the services of the Chapter House to support more travelers and become a beacon of hope and safety for all who venture through Ostverk.

Divine Augery of Fharlanghn

Kath, the affable cleric of Fharlanghn, plays a vital role in aiding travelers and sharing his divine insights into the often perilous routes of the Viscounty of Verbobonc and the Gnarley forests. His unique ability to scry travel information is invaluable, particularly in an area fraught with the dangers posed by bandits, slavers from the Wild Coast, and marauding bands of Blackthorn Orcs and raiding goblins. Here's how Kath's divine powers enhance his service to the community:
  • Scrying for Safety: Kath uses his divinely granted scrying abilities to foresee potential dangers along the travel routes. This proactive approach helps in warning travelers and merchants about possible threats, allowing them to prepare or choose safer paths.
  • Sharing Crucial Information: He shares this crucial travel information with travelers and merchants stopping at the Fharlanghn Chapter House, ensuring they are well-informed before they continue their journeys.
  • Strategic Advice: For those heading into particularly dangerous areas, Kath provides strategic advice on how to avoid or handle potential threats based on his scrying results.
  • Collaboration with Local Forces: Kath's insights are also shared with local militia and rangers, aiding them in patrolling and securing the roads and forests more effectively.
  • Support for Merchant Caravans: Merchant caravans benefit significantly from Kath's abilities, as he can predict safe travel times and routes, reducing their risks of ambushes and losses.
  • Emergency Alerts: In cases of imminent threats, such as orc raids or slaver attacks, Kath can send out emergency alerts to nearby settlements and travelers, potentially saving lives and livelihoods.
Kath’s role extends beyond that of a typical cleric; he is a guardian of the pathways, ensuring that the roads and trails of the Viscounty of Verbobonc remain as safe as possible for those who travel them. His dedication to Fharlanghn’s tenets of travel and discovery is demonstrated daily through his commitment to the safety and well-being of all who pass through his chapter house.


Kath’s life and work at the Fharlanghn Chapter House epitomize the ideals of journey and discovery. His dedication not only serves those who seek respite within his walls but also embodies the spirit of adventure that Fharlanghn cherishes.
Kath Langward
Guardian of the Open Road
Kath is a towering figure, with a broad frame covered by simple traveler's clothes. His head is crowned with a friar's hat hiding his baldness, and his face is framed by a well-maintained brown beard.
  • Demeanor: Always seen with a smile, Kath’s presence is as comforting as it is imposing. His booming voice and hearty laughter are as familiar as the roads he protects.
Cleric of Fharlanghn level 2
  • HP 10; AC 2[17]
  • Atk: mace (1d6 Move 12: Save 14;
  • AL L; CL/XP 2/30
  • Str 13, Con 13, Dex 9, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 13
  • Special: banish undead, +2 save bonus vs. paralyzation and poison, spells (1).
  • Clerics of the 1st order: all MV rates increased by 25%
  • Equipment: Banded mail, staff, holy water, holy symbol
Cleric Spells
0 - Detect Evil, Detect Magic, First Aid, Light 1st—cure light wounds, Bless, Shield of Faith
Lawful neutral
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
541 35 Years old
balding red with full red beard
Aligned Organization

Kath Suerton

Medium Human Cleric of Fharlanghn , Neutral Good

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 32

12 +1
8 -1
12 +1
8 -1
14 +2
12 +1

Languages Common
Challenge 5


Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Kath of Fharlanghn by 3orcs


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