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A female elf of stunning beauty, startling emerald eyes and long blonde hair unusual for an elf, in the style of the gnarley elves, wearing a simple spun tunic and a long cloak of winter-wolf fur. An oak root crest adorns her hair as a crown of natures divine.
Shandril, a half-elven cleric of unparalleled beauty and grace, serves as the spiritual heart of Ostverk, guiding its people with the wisdom and blessings of Beory, the Hearth Mother. Unique among the Elves of the Gnarley Forest, Shandril is one of the few who have taken up the mantle of cleric rather than following the druidic path. Her connection to Beory is deep and profound, and under her guidance, the village of Ostverk has flourished, becoming a place of peace, fertility, and prosperity.

Early Life and Heritage

Shandril’s origins are shrouded in mystery, but what is known speaks of a lineage that blends the ethereal grace of the elves with the resilience of humanity. Born to a human mother and an elven father, Shandril inherited the best qualities of both races. Her father, a respected figure in the elven courts, ensured she received an education steeped in both the arcane and divine. Her mother, a devout follower of Beory, instilled in her a deep reverence for the natural world and the goddess who governs it.
Key Influences
  • Elven Heritage: Shandril’s father’s influence provided her with a profound understanding of elven lore and magic, though her path diverged from the typical elven focus on arcane arts, leading her instead toward the divine.
  • Parents and Heritage: Shandril was born to a human mother and an elven father, embodying the blend of both cultures. Her mother, a skilled herbalist, and her father, a minor noble among the elves, instilled in her a profound respect for the natural world.

Physical Description

Shandril is a vision of otherworldly beauty. Her long blonde hair, an uncommon trait among elves, cascades down her back like liquid gold, framing a face of delicate features and radiant emerald eyes. These eyes, which seem to hold the wisdom of ages, are as startling as they are captivating. She wears a simple spun tunic, symbolizing her humility, and a long cloak made from winter-wolf fur, which provides warmth and protection. An oak root crest adorns her hair, serving as both a crown and a symbol of her deep connection to nature and Beory.

Role and Responsibilities

Shandril’s responsibilities are vast and varied, encompassing the spiritual well-being of the entire village of Ostverk. As the sole cleric of Beory in the region, she performs rituals, provides counsel, and maintains the sanctity of the Temple of Beory.
Interestingly, there are no druidic shrines in the village, nor is there a Flan shrine to Berei, Obad-Hai or any demi-human or humanoid gods. If questioned about this, Shandril replies simply: “It is the will of Berei.”

Personality and Beliefs

Shandril’s personality is a blend of elven grace and human compassion. She is serene and composed, her every action measured and deliberate. However, beneath her calm exterior lies a fierce protector of her people and the natural world. Her connection to Beory shapes every aspect of her life, guiding her decisions and actions.
Core Beliefs
  • Nature’s Harmony: Shandril believes deeply in the balance of nature and the importance of maintaining harmony between all living things. She sees her role as a cleric as one of ensuring this balance is preserved, both in the natural world and within the community of Ostverk.
  • Beory’s Will: Shandril’s faith in Beory is absolute. She often speaks of the goddess’s will as guiding her actions, and she trusts that whatever happens in Ostverk is part of Beory’s divine plan.
  • Humility and Service: Despite her power and influence, Shandril remains humble, viewing her role as one of service to the people and the goddess. She lives simply, her material needs few, as she dedicates herself fully to her duties.


Shandril’s relationships with others are characterized by mutual respect and deep trust. She is a confidante and advisor to many, including some of the most powerful figures in the region.
Key Relationships
  • Lord Corbin Deleveu: Shandril shares a strong bond with Lord Corbin, the Warden of Ostverk. Though their responsibilities differ, they both work towards the common goal of protecting and nurturing the village. Their relationship is one of mutual respect, with Lord Corbin often seeking Shandril’s counsel on matters of spiritual and natural significance.
  • The Elves of Caer Ostverk: Shandril is well-regarded by the elves of 1. Caer Ostverk, who recognize her as a bridge between their world and the human realm. Her unique status as a cleric rather than a druid sets her apart, but also earns her a special place in their hearts.
  • The Gnarley Rangers: The rangers of the Gnarley Forest view Shandril as a guardian of their sacred lands. They often visit the Temple of Beory to seek her blessings before embarking on their missions, and they trust her to protect the spiritual integrity of the forest.
  • Ranger Knight Wyn: Wyn, a senior ranger knight of the Gnarley Rangers, recognized Shandril’s potential early on. He became her mentor and close ally, guiding her through the subtleties of ranger duties and the broader implications of their roles within the forest.

Political and Social Influence

Shandril’s influence extends beyond the spiritual realm into the political and social fabric of Ostverk. Her guidance and decisions often shape the policies and actions of the village’s leadership.
Political Role
  • Diplomatic Influence: Shandril plays a key role in maintaining diplomatic relations between Ostverk and the elven kingdom of Celene. Her unique position as a half-elf cleric allows her to navigate the complexities of these relationships with skill and grace.
  • Advisor to Leadership: Shandril’s counsel is highly valued by the village’s leaders, including Lord Corbin Deleveu. Her insights into the spiritual and natural aspects of life in Ostverk often guide their decisions, particularly in times of crisis.
Concerns and Challenges
Despite her many successes, Shandril faces significant challenges in her role as the spiritual leader of Ostverk.
Growing Tensions with Celene
  • Closed Borders: The closed borders of Celene, enforced by Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty, have created tensions between the elves and the humans of Ostverk. Shandril works tirelessly to maintain peace, but the situation remains delicate.
  • Diplomatic Struggles: As a key figure in the village’s diplomatic efforts, Shandril often finds herself caught between the needs of her people and the demands of the elven kingdom. Balancing these conflicting interests is a constant challenge.
Rising Threats
  • Banditry and Raids: The increase in bandit raids on local farms has left the villagers fearful and more reliant on Shandril’s protection. The temple has become a central place for seeking solace and strength.
  • Depletion of the Mounted Borderers: The withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers from the Kron Hills has left Ostverk vulnerable, further heightening the villagers’ reliance on the temple for spiritual security.

Legacy and Future

Shandril’s legacy is already being felt in Ostverk. Her dedication to Beory and her people has transformed the village into a place of peace and prosperity, despite the many challenges it faces.
Vision for the Future
  • Sustained Prosperity: Shandril’s primary goal is to ensure that Ostverk remains a fertile and prosperous village, blessed by Beory. She continues to perform rituals and provide guidance to secure this future.
  • Spiritual Leadership: Shandril is committed to maintaining the spiritual integrity of the village and the surrounding lands. She sees her role as a protector of both the people and the natural world, and she is determined to fulfill this duty for as long as she is able.
Druid of Beory Altar by 3orcs


Shandril stands as a beacon of hope and strength in Ostverk. Her unique position as a half-elven cleric, her deep connection to Beory, and her unwavering dedication to her people have made her an indispensable figure in the village. As the challenges facing Ostverk grow, Shandril’s role will only become more critical, and her legacy will continue to shape the future of this small but vital community.
Questions on Baran
"How should I know? Baran and I are friends! Good friends. Nothing more!"
"What? No! Our friendship is based on honor and loyalty, not foolish games of love!
I ... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. This is just so ... unexpected. Confusing."
Shandril, Cleric of Beory
The Temple of Beory is overseen by Shandril, a druidess of The Old Faith . Shandril is known for her wisdom, her deep connection to nature, and her unwavering dedication to Beory.
  • Druid level 5
  • HP 20
  • AC 16
  • Str 9, Dex 15. Con 10, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 17
Druidic Duties
  • Rituals and Ceremonies: Shandril leads all major ceremonies at the Temple of Beory, including those for harvest blessings, fertility, and seasonal transitions. Her rituals are central to the life of the village, ensuring the continued prosperity and protection of Ostverk.
  • Counsel and Guidance: Villagers frequently seek Shandril’s advice on matters both spiritual and mundane. Her wisdom, derived from both her divine connection and her life experiences, makes her a revered figure in Ostverk.
  • Protection of the Village: Through her divine powers, Shandril protects the village from malevolent forces, both natural and supernatural. Her presence alone is said to deter evil from crossing into Ostverk’s borders.
Neutral good
Current Location
Year of Birth
541 35 Years old
startling emerald eyes
long blonde hair unusual for an elf
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
The Crucible of Beory
Among Shandril’s many sacred duties, one of the most significant involves the care and use of the Crucible of Beory, a powerful artifact bestowed upon her by the goddess herself. This crucible, made from Ipp wood and inscribed with ancient runes, is central to many of the rituals she performs.
Powers and Uses
  • Fertility Blessing: The Crucible of Beory can be used once a day to grant fertility to those who seek it, ensuring the continuation of family lines and the prosperity of the village.
  • Holy Water Creation: Once a week, Shandril can use the crucible to transform fresh rainwater into holy water, which is then used in various purification and protection rituals.
  • Conception Blessing: Women who drink holy water from the crucible and receive Shandril’s blessing are granted the ability to conceive, regardless of age or other conditions, ensuring the future generation of Ostverk’s people.
The way of nature has no beginning and no end. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world. The forest connects all things, life to death, darkness to light. When life ends, another begins. The family is the strongest tie between individuals, and one must learn to support and depend upon one's family to survive. A community is a form of large family, and when another family is in need it is the duty of the community to provide for them. We must help one another and I will not flinch in the face of this sacred duty. Praise Berei.
The family is the strongest tie between individuals, and one must learn to support and depend upon one's family to survive. A community is a form of large family, and when another family is in need it is the duty of the community to provide for them. The birth of a new child in a time of plenty is a great blessing and an opportunity to resolve differences and restore frayed connections within the family. Care must be taken with every planting so that life can begin there again next year.

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Shandril Druid of Beory by 3orcs


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