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18. Fharlanghn Chapter House

Outside the open barn doors is a water trough to the right. Its surface ripple with skating insects. Entering you are greeted by reeking of boards, thumps, snorts and whinnies. You view stalls of weathered oak planks, the damp smell of ammonia, deep golden hue of old straw, half empty hay net hangs limply in the corner, almost empty bucket of water, stable door with top half pinned back by a rusted iron hook. The stalls line the north side lit by streams of sunlight from the rafters above. At the far west end is a wood ladder that leads up to the hay loft. To the right is a barrel of apples and sacks of grain.
In the heart of Ostverk, near the vibrant market square and the serene Hingnora Pond, stands the Fharlanghn Chapter House. This unique establishment serves as a spiritual haven and practical rest stop for travelers, embodying the teachings of Fharlanghn, the god of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads. It is run by Kath Langward, a devoted priest of Fharlanghn, who, with his family, upholds the traditions of hospitality and guidance that are core to the deity's worship.

Description of the Chapter House

  • Exterior: The Chapter House, resembling a large barn, features open doors leading to a tranquil water trough skirted by buzzing insects. Inside, visitors are greeted by the smell of old wood and the sounds of stable life.
  • Interior: It houses several stalls made of weathered oak, filled with the sweet scent of straw and the occasional nickering of horses. Sunlight filters through the rafters, illuminating the paths to the hayloft and the apple and grain storage.

Dangers of Travel in the Viscounty

  • Local Threats: The area around Ostverk has seen an increase in banditry and raids from marauding Blackthorn Orcs and goblins, making travel hazardous without proper precautions.
  • Chapel’s Role: The Chapter House not only offers a safe haven but also acts as an information hub where Kath and his family provide updates on road conditions and potential dangers to help travelers prepare adequately.

Kath’s Role and Beliefs

  • Motivation and Goals: Kath is deeply committed to aiding all travelers in honor of Fharlanghn, hoping to inspire a love for travel and discovery in others as he has experienced in his own life.
  • Beliefs: He follows the teachings of The Old Faith, seeing the journey of life as a path guided by the forces of nature and the divine, promoting harmony with the natural world.
Community Impact
  • Relationships: Kath maintains strong relationships with local merchants, other religious communities, and travelers. His chapter house serves as a crucial junction for not just physical journeys but also spiritual connections across Ostverk.
  • Support for Travelers: By offering a blend of practical and spiritual support, Kath ensures that the Chapter House is more than just a waypoint; it’s a memorable part of each traveler's journey.

Rituals and Ceremonies

  • Blessings of Caravans: Every group of travelers or caravan departing from Ostverk receives a ceremonial blessing from Kath, wishing them safe travels and good fortune.
  • The Eternal Pilgrimage: This profound spiritual undertaking is occasionally embarked upon by the most devout followers. Those who commit to this pilgrimage dedicate their lives to constant travel, embodying Fharlanghn’s spirit of endless journeying.


Kath Langward and his family have turned the Fharlanghn Chapter House into a cornerstone of support and safety, reflecting the god’s ethos of journey and discovery. Through his service, Kath embodies the spirit of the open road, making the Chapter House a beacon for all who seek the horizon.

Kath greetings travelers

Standing there is a large man of baklunish Suel mix, great of girth, with a booming voice and a friendly demeanor. He lifts his chin and smiles brightly with his big large face framing a brown beard and friars hat which covers his baldness. He seems friendly and exuberant and full of mirth. Wears comfortable, sturdy, broken-in, explorer’s outfits cradling a shiny and smooth quarterstaff from years of use and travel.
"Welcome to Ostverk! Are you travelers of afar?! All journey never and but only pause to appreciate where you have arrived at! This station serves as a stopover point for priests all over Oerth on their way into the Faerie Kingdom of Celene. I only charge a minimal fee, but I do expect fellow travelers to contribute to the work needed around the stables for your keep, and most importantly, you are not to overstay your welcome when you could be using this time for travel like decent folk would!"
Questions on Celene
"Celene is the principal nation of the elves in the Flanaess. Ruled by an elven monarch of Faerie lineage, the Grand Court is imbibed of the Fey Mysteries, from the frolics to the passions, and all rites are observed with deliberate care. Queen Yolande is foremost in these devotions."
Capital of Celene
"The capital is Enstad and is a small city, compared to other capitals, and is dominated by the Palace of the Faerie Queen, with its gold-chased silver domes and spires. Parks and meadows, filled with numerous fountains, pools, and gardens, are the other chief examples of architecture in the elven capital. It is a grand sight to see! One of the things one should see in their lifetime!"
Closed borders
"Celene. Greatest of the olven lands in the Flanaess. For years Yolande has closed her borders, leaving only the Knights of Luna to patrol outside her borders. While the elven realm is defended by the Companion Guard, knights under the command of the royal consort."
Fharlanghn Chapter House by 3orcs
Kath Langward
The Keeper of Paths
Kath, a man of Baklunish-Suel descent, combines the robust cheerfulness of his heritage with a profound dedication to Fharlanghn. Having inherited the role from his forebears, he has transformed what was once a simple stable into a spiritual rest stop for weary travelers.
  • Personality: Known for his booming voice and jovial demeanor, Kath is often seen wearing his friar's hat and a well-worn explorer's outfit, symbolizing his readiness for both spiritual and physical journeys.
  • Physical Description: He is a large, friendly man, often found with a quarterstaff in hand, reflecting his readiness to aid those in need.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Services Offered
  • Stabling and Rest: For a minimal fee, travelers can find lodging for their horses and themselves. Kath expects visitors to assist with chores as payment for their stay.
  • Spiritual Guidance: The loft of the Chapter House serves as a sleeping quarter for travelers and contains a small shrine to Fharlanghn where visitors can offer prayers or seek divine inspiration for their journeys.
  • Traveler’s Aid: Kath and his aides provide care for travelers and their mounts, offering everything from stable space to minor healing services to ensure both are fit for the road ahead.
  • Navigation Assistance: Maps and local road conditions are readily available, with updates provided by travelers returning from their journeys, ensuring that all who leave are well-prepared for the path ahead.

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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