Keld Hougaard Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Keld Hougaard


Squire Keld Hougaard is a promising young squire serving House Asbury. Bright and athletic, Keld's future as a knight seems assured, yet his headstrong nature often leads him into hasty decisions.   Keld Hougaard is a young squire serving Sir Thomas Hadlee at Asbury Manor. A cousin to Baroness Elinor Asbury and a descendant of the legendary Aluna Greensward, Keld was chosen for his potential to uphold the honor and legacy of House Asbury.

Detailed Description

  • Appearance: Tall and lean, with an athletic build. He has short, tousled brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a youthful, determined expression. His attire is typical of a squire, featuring simple but well-maintained armor and a House Asbury tabard.
  • Personality: Keld is bright, athletic, and enthusiastic. However, his eagerness often translates into impulsiveness, leading him to act before thinking. Despite this, his loyalty and courage make him a valued member of the manor.


  • Lineage: Keld is a cousin to Baroness Elinor Asbury, and a direct descendant of Aluna Greensward, a historical figure of great renown in House Asbury. This prestigious lineage played a significant role in his selection as a squire.
  • Training: Keld has been training under Sir Thomas Hadlee since his early teens. His education has been rigorous, focusing on both martial prowess and the chivalric code. His natural athleticism and quick mind have served him well, though his impulsiveness remains a challenge.

Politics of Verbobonc

Keld's position as squire places him in the intricate web of Verbobonc's politics. His actions and decisions, even as a young squire, can impact House Asbury's standing.
  • House Asbury: Keld is fiercely loyal to House Asbury. His relationship with Baroness Elinor is strong, and he views his role as a way to honor his family and their legacy.
  • House Milinous: The political maneuvering between House Asbury and House Milinous often influences Keld's training and duties. He is aware of the delicate balance and strives to act in ways that will strengthen House Asbury's position.
  • Viscounty of Verbobonc: Keld's actions and progress are watched closely by the lords of Verbobonc. His potential rise to knighthood is seen as a positive sign for House Asbury's future.


  • Sir Thomas Hadlee: Keld respects and admires his mentor, Sir Thomas Hadlee. Their relationship is one of mutual respect, with Sir Thomas acting as a strict but fair guide in Keld's journey to knighthood.
  • Baroness Elinor Asbury: As his cousin, Elinor has a protective and encouraging relationship with Keld. She sees his potential and supports his training, hoping he will become a steadfast knight for House Asbury.
  • Fellow Squires: Keld's headstrong nature often puts him at odds with other squires, though many respect his skills and determination. He has a few close friends among them who share his adventurous spirit.


Keld is driven by a deep desire to honor his family's legacy and prove himself as a worthy knight. His connection to Aluna Greensward fuels his ambition, and he strives to live up to the storied history of his ancestors.

Current Issues

  • Impulsiveness: Keld's tendency to act before thinking often lands him in trouble. Sir Thomas Hadlee and Baroness Elinor Asbury continually work to temper his impulsiveness with wisdom.
  • Training and Expectations: The rigorous training and high expectations placed upon Keld are both motivating and stressful. He feels the weight of his lineage and the need to succeed for his family and House Asbury.
  • Political Intrigues: Navigating the political landscape of Verbobonc is a challenge for Keld. He must learn to balance his duties as a squire with the complex dynamics of inter-house politics.
"Courage is found in the heart, not the mind."
Squire Keld Hougaard
3rd level Fighter
  • Role: Squire to Sir Thomas Hadlee
  • Age: Late teens
  • Appearance: Athletic build, brown hair, blue eyes
  • Personality: Bright, athletic, headstrong, loyal
  • Lineage: Cousin to Baroness Elinor Asbury, descendant of Aluna Greensward
  • Training: Rigorous martial and chivalric education under Sir Thomas Hadlee
  • Motivation: Honor family legacy, become a worthy knight
Current Issues
  • Impulsiveness leading to trouble
  • High expectations and rigorous training
  • Navigating political intrigues in Verbobonc
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
557 19 Years old
medium shaggy
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Why wait when action can bring results?"
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Squire Keld Hougaard by 3orcs


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