Thomas Hadlee Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Thomas Hadlee


Sir Thomas Hadlee is a knight loyal to House Asbury, known for his calm intensity and meticulous nature. His dedication to his duties and his family makes him a key figure in Asbury Manor.


Sir Thomas Hadlee is a man with a calm yet intense demeanor. He is always seen in well-pressed and immaculate clothes, reflecting his disciplined nature. To conceal his balding head, he wears a cloth helming cap. A prominent scar down his right eyebrow, a result of a battle with a wyvern, marks his otherwise composed appearance.
Sir Thomas is melancholic but persistent in his duties. He places his responsibilities to the Baroness above all else, even spurning the advances of admirers. Despite his reserved manner, he is passionate and proud of his work. His thoroughness and attention to detail are unmatched.


Sir Thomas's background is steeped in loyalty and service. He has been a knight beholden to House Asbury for many years, his dedication unwavering. His scar from a wyvern battle is a testament to his bravery and skill.
  • Service: Long-time knight of House Asbury
  • Battle Scars: Notably from a wyvern encounter
  • Training: Extensive knightly training


Sir Thomas is driven by a sense of duty and honor. His primary motivation is to serve Baroness Elinor Asbury and protect Asbury Manor. His adoration for family life fuels his desire to maintain peace and order within the manor.
  • Duty: Serve Baroness Elinor Asbury
  • Honor: Uphold the honor of House Asbury
  • Family: Adoration for family life


Sir Thomas maintains professional relationships with the inhabitants of Asbury Manor. He is particularly close to his squire, Keld Hougaard, who he mentors with care and rigor. Baroness Elinor Asbury: Loyal knight Baroness Elinor Asbury 
  • Connection: Loyal servant and protector
  • Respect: Holds her in high regard
  • Service: Dedicates his efforts to her service 
Viggo Hougaard
  • Connection: Respected elder and family friend
  • Interactions: Professional and respectful
Local Villagers
  • Reputation: Viewed as a figure of authority and respect
  • Interactions: Professional and dutiful

Politics in Asbury Manor

Within the political landscape of Asbury Manor and the broader Viscounty of Verbobonc, Sir Thomas is a stabilizing force. His allegiance to House Asbury is unquestionable, and his presence reassures the Baroness and the manor’s inhabitants.
  • House Asbury: Unwavering loyalty
  • Viscounty Politics: Stabilizing presence
Sir Thomas Hadlee
  • Knight Fighter level 9
  • Medium Warhorse
  • Heavy Lance
Height: 6'1"
  • Build: Athletic
  • Clothing: Immaculate and well-pressed attire
  • Notable Feature: Scar down the right eyebrow
  • Disposition: Melancholic yet persistent
  • Loyalty: Absolute to House Asbury
  • Passion: Extremely passionate about his duties
  • Attention to Detail: Never misses a detail
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
547 29 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Honor is not given, it is earned."
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Sir Thomas Hadlee by 3orcs


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