Kord Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Brawler

Kord, god of Athletics, Sport, Brawling, Strength, and Courage   Kord, the Suel god of Athletics, Sports, Brawling, Strength, and Courage, stands as a towering figure in the pantheon, embodying the raw power of physical prowess and the spirit of competition.

Divine Vigor

Celestial Appearance
  • Depiction: Kord's visage is that of a muscular colossus, with fiery red hair and beard, adorned in battle regalia crafted from dragon hides. His presence is marked by the wielding of Kelmar, a sentient greatsword of legend, alongside an ordinary two-handed sword for balanced combat.
The Warrior's Aesthetic
  • Symbolism: Kord's attire and armaments reflect his dominion over battle and valor, with his diverse arsenal symbolizing the multifaceted nature of strength and courage.

Pantheon Relations

Divine Kinship and Rivalries
  • Heritage: As the progeny of Phaulkon and Syrul, and the grandchild of Lendor, Kord's lineage is rich with divine might and cunning. This heritage grants him a unique position within the celestial hierarchy, revered and contested in equal measure.
  • Alliances and Adversaries: Beyond his family, Kord aligns with titans, eladrin, and earth elementals, while opposing dragons, particularly those of lawful evil nature.

The Hall of the Valiant

Celestial Realm
  • Ysgard: Within this realm of eternal battle and feasting, Kord's followers find their afterlife, a grand testament to valor and strength, where the spirits of warriors converge in endless competition and camaraderie.

Tenets of the Brawler

Kord's doctrine emphasizes bravery and the natural hierarchy established through physical and moral strength. His teachings advocate for facing life's battles head-on, where the worthy emerge victorious and earn their place beside him in the afterlife.

Followers of the Mighty

Devotion Across the Lands
  • Widespread Worship: Kord's worship transcends borders, deeply ingrained in the cultures of barbarian states, kingdoms, and isolated communities, making him the most venerated among the Suel deities.

Clergy of Valor

The Priests' Path
Kord’s clergy embody the essence of their deity: strength, courage, and the joy of competition. Their role extends beyond the spiritual, serving as leaders, mentors, and exemplars of physical prowess within their communities. The path to becoming a cleric of Kord is as much about proving one's physical mettle as it is about spiritual devotion.
  • Vestments and Virtues: Clad in colors that mirror Kord's own, his clergy embodies the physical and spiritual aspects of strength. They engage in rigorous training, oversee athletic events, and challenge both themselves and others to greater feats of strength and courage.
  • Path of Initiation: Entry into Kord's priesthood often follows notable physical achievements or a demonstrated desire for strength, leading to a life dedicated to leadership, physical excellence, and the propagation of Kord's virtues.
  • Oaths: Oaths and epithets related to Kord include "May fate see your blade shatter!" "By Kord's sword!" and "By the blue boots of Kord!"
Pathways to Priesthood
  • Trials of Strength: Entry into Kord’s clergy often comes after demonstrating exceptional physical ability, be it through athletic competitions, feats of endurance, or acts of bravery. Such achievements draw the attention of existing clerics, marking the aspirant as worthy of Kord's blessings.
  • From Weakness to Strength: In rarer cases, those who lack physical strength but show a deep desire to overcome their limitations are also chosen. These individuals undergo a transformative journey, guided by Kord's teachings to unlock their potential.
Training and Expectations
  • Rigorous Discipline: Initiation into the priesthood involves extensive physical training, from calisthenics to specialized sports practices. This regime not only builds physical strength but also instills discipline, resilience, and a deeper connection to Kord's domain.
  • Leadership through Example: Clerics of Kord are seen as pillars of their communities, leading by example and encouraging others to embrace their own strength. They organize events that celebrate physical prowess, such as athletic competitions and tournaments, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and friendly rivalry.
  • Defenders of the Faith: Questioning a cleric’s fitness or dedication is a serious affront. Such challenges are met with determination, as clerics go to great lengths to prove their worth, though always mindful of the line between challenge and recklessness.
Beliefs and Practices
  • Sacred Armaments: The preferred weapons of Kord's clergy—the greatsword and the bastard sword—are symbols of their combat prowess. Only descendants of Kord may don dragon-hide, a rule that reinforces the sanctity of their lineage and the respect owed to their divine ancestor.
  • Magic as Enhancement: In alignment with Kord’s philosophy, clerics use magic to bolster the capabilities of their allies rather than for direct aggression. This approach underscores the importance of personal strength and valor in confronting challenges.
Becoming a Champion of Kord
  • Proving One’s Might: The journey to becoming a cleric of Kord is marked by personal trials and the pursuit of physical excellence. Whether through dominating a gladiatorial arena, conquering a daunting peak, or vanquishing a formidable dragon, each quest serves to honor Kord and validate the cleric’s devotion.
  • Communal Worship: The worship of Kord is a vibrant affair, characterized by loud rhythmic chanting and clapping, reinforcing the communal bond among his followers. Temples often double as arenas where physical and spiritual pursuits merge, celebrating the joy of life and the thrill of competition.

Temples of Triumph

Sanctuaries of Strength
  • Architectural Marvels: Temples dedicated to Kord are grand arenas where the physical and the divine meet. These complexes serve as centers for training, competition, and worship, celebrating the physical form and the spirit of competition.

Ceremonies of Strength

Rituals and Rites
Kord's worship involves vibrant ceremonies, celebrating victories and feats of strength. His rites are short but intense, focusing on joyous dancing and the recounting of victories, with music and chants that energize and inspire. Kord’s worship is characterized by vibrant and dynamic expressions of faith, reflecting the god's own passion for physical prowess and bravery. The rituals dedicated to Kord are not just acts of reverence but celebrations of life and strength, integral to understanding and connecting with the divine.
Rituals of Victory
  • Joyous Conclusions: Each ceremony, whether marking a victory in battle or the completion of a Herculean task, is a festive event filled with dancing and jubilation. It's a time when the congregation gathers to share in the triumphs of their fellows, reinforcing the communal bond through shared achievement.
  • Testimonies of Might: Central to these ceremonies is the tradition of recounting one’s accomplishments. This practice serves not only to honor Kord but to inspire others within the community to strive for greater heights, reinforcing the ideal that strength and courage are virtues to be celebrated and aspired to.
Songs of the Mighty
  • Anthems to Valor: Music plays a crucial role in the worship of Kord, with hymns that extol the deity's greatness and the notable victories achieved in his name. These songs serve as both praise and reminder of the ideals Kord embodies.
  • Rhythmic Devotion: Prayers to Kord are energetic and loud, filled with clapping and chanting that resonate through the halls of his temples. The purposeful use of rhythm and repetition in these chants is designed to invoke a sense of unity and shared strength among his followers, binding them in their common devotion.
The Echoes of Battle
The rituals and prayers dedicated to Kord encapsulate the essence of the deity’s domain: the celebration of strength, the honor of combat, and the courage to face life’s challenges head-on. Through these vibrant expressions of faith, Kord’s followers find not only a way to connect with the divine but also to affirm their own place in the world as champions of strength and valor.   Kord's essence permeates every aspect of his worship, from the grandeur of his temples to the spirited nature of his clergy and followers. In the divine realm and on the material plane alike, Kord's influence inspires all to embrace their strength, face challenges head-on, and find honor in the heat of battle.
Creative origins: Kord was created by Lenard Lakofka.
  Suel Panteon
Holy symbol: eight-pointed star composed of spears and maces
Realm: Heroic Domains of Ysgard
Domains: Chaos, Competition, Good, Luck, Strength
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Clerics of the 1st order: + 2 to saves vs. fear
  • Clerics of the 4th order: strength (W2 protection from Lawful
  • Clerics of the 7th order: detect lawful, +3 save vs. fear; + 2 to sa vs spells cast by lawful-aligned enemies
  • Clerics of the 9th order: may use Elemental (earth) spells.
  • Clerics of the 10th order: enlarge (self +4 vs fear
  • Cleric of the 16th order: strength (self +5 vs fear
  • Divine Classification
    Intermediate god
    Chaotic good
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Strength of arm, courage of heart, under Kord we stand apart." 
    "In the clash of steel, Kord's will is revealed."
    Kord holy symbol by 3orcs

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Kord by 3orcs


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