Lisid Mach Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Lisid Mach

the Fisherman

Physical Description

Lisid Mach (LG male old human ex-paladin of Hieronous 4) is an old one-armed man who has lived in Etterboak longer than most people can remember. He is rather tall and skinny, with amber eyes shadowed with the past, and brown skin. The most notable physical trait of Lisid is a scar over his eye, a constant reminder of his violent past.


Lisid is a figure of resilience and melancholy. Though well-liked by everyone and known for his kindness, most folks also pity him. He is often found sitting alone near the water, staring out at the river or downing large amounts of ale at Falienn's Gambling House, where he regales fellow drinkers with tales from his long and exciting adventuring days. These tales are often exaggerated or entirely fabricated, as Lisid struggles to reconcile with his past.


Long ago, Lisid was a member of an adventuring group intent on clearing out a nest of kobolds. Soon after entering their lair, they were ambushed and most of the party was slaughtered. A large bugbear ripped off Lisid's arm and left him for dead. This horrific encounter profoundly shook Lisid, leading him to abandon his paladin duties and turn to a life of fishing and drinking.
"Beware the bugbears; they are treacherous creatures."


Lisid’s motivation lies in his desire for redemption and revenge. He has spent many years learning about kobolds and bugbears, hoping to exact his revenge someday. Though he has become a sad, drunken shell of the man he might have been, his hatred for kobolds and bugbears remains strong, and he could be of immense value to anyone seeking information about these creatures. Relationship with the Lords of Verbobonc   Lisid maintains a respectful distance from the political intrigues of Verbobonc, focusing instead on his simple life by the river. However, his past as a paladin of Hieronous and his extensive knowledge of local threats make him a valuable, albeit underutilized, resource for House Langmuir and other noble houses.
"My days of adventure are behind me, but the tales remain."

Relationships and Politics

Lisid's relationship with the villagers of Etterboek is one of mutual respect and quiet pity. He is well-regarded for his past heroics, but his current state elicits sympathy. The political dynamics of Verbobonc and the ongoing tensions with kobolds and bugbears mean that Lisid’s knowledge could be critical if properly harnessed by the local authorities.
Notable Interactions
Key Points
Modest Living: Lisid’s Shack exemplifies a simple, humble life by the river. Tragic Past: Lisid’s history is marked by a tragic encounter with kobolds and bugbears, leading to his current state. Valuable Knowledge: Despite his current state, Lisid’s knowledge of local threats makes him a potential asset. Community Figure: Lisid is a well-liked, though pitied, figure in Etterboek, respected for his past and his resilience.   Lisid’s Shack, with its rustic charm and the tragic story of its owner, stands as a poignant reminder of the heroics and hardships that shape the lives of the people in Etterboek.
"The past is a cruel companion, but it teaches the harshest lessons."
Lisid currently has fragments of a shattered sword in his pockets, and 1 Gold 5 Silver 9 Copper to his name.   In combat, he uses a dagger.
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
538 38 Years old
hazel blue
long curly grey
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I've seen my share of monsters, but none scarier than regret."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lisid Mach by 3orcs


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