38. Lisid's Shack Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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38. Lisid's Shack

Lisid's Shack, a modest single-story building perched on the west side of Nigb's Run, exudes the aroma of recently fried fish that wafts through the air. The squat structure, with its grey shingled roof and a single stone chimney, appears worn yet sturdy. Square shuttered windows frame the weathered walls, while the front porch is strewn with ropes, buckets, and drying fish hooked from the rafters. Around the back, a small wooden dock extends from the porch, cluttered with fishing supplies and leading to a two-man fisherman's boat tied to a post. The gentle flow of Nigb's Run carries the sounds of merchants and fishermen poling up and down the river. This shack is owned by Lisid the Fisherman, an old, one-armed man and former paladin of Hieronous, known for his tall, skinny frame, amber eyes shadowed by the past, and a notable scar over one eye. Despite his tragic past, Lisid is well-liked and often found near the water, reminiscing about his adventurous days or enjoying a drink at the local gambling house.

Exterior Description

The odor of recently fried fish wafts from this modest single-story building. Squat with a roof covered in grey shingles, the structure boasts one chimney of stone with square shuttered windows as the only noticeable features on this drab building. The front porch is cluttered with ropes and buckets thrown against the wall and over the rails, while drying fish hang hooked from the rafters. A grease-grimed wooden door sits slightly ajar in its frame.
Surrounding Features
Back Porch and Dock: Around the back, a small dock is built into the back porch. Fishing supplies and parts are stacked along the wall and docks, leaving a perilous route to the two-man fisherman’s boat tied to a post. The Nigb's Run gently flows by as merchants and fishermen pole up and down the river.
  • Location Significance: The shack is positioned strategically on the banks of Nigb’s Run, offering Lisid easy access to the river and a serene spot for contemplation and fishing.

Interior Description

The inside of Lisid’s Shack is modest but functional, filled with the essentials for a fisherman’s life. The interior is dimly lit, with the scent of fried fish lingering in the air. A small fireplace in the corner keeps the place warm, while the walls are adorned with various fishing equipment, old maps, and mementos from Lisid’s adventuring days.
Key Features
  • Living Area: The living area is cozy with a simple wooden table and chairs, a worn-out armchair, and a small cot in the corner.
  • Kitchen Area: The kitchen area is basic, with a small stove, a few pots and pans, and a counter cluttered with fishing tools and supplies.
  • Personal Artifacts: Personal artifacts, including an old paladin’s shield and a rusted sword, hang prominently on the walls, hinting at Lisid’s adventurous past.
"The Nigb's Run has been my companion longer than any adventuring party."
Lisid’s Shack, with its rustic charm and the tragic story of its owner, stands as a poignant reminder of the heroics and hardships that shape the lives of the people in Etterboek.
Lisid's Shack by 3orcs
"Fishing’s a lot like life: patience, luck, and knowing when to reel in."
Lisid Mach 
  • Role: Retired paladin and fisherman
  • Relationships: Well-liked by the townsfolk and known for his exaggerated tales of adventure.
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Lisid Mach by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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