3. The Radiant Sanctuary of Etterboek Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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3. The Radiant Sanctuary of Etterboek

The Radiant Sanctuary of Etterboek stands proudly at the end of Browich Bridge, overlooking the bustling Etterboek Market Square. This cathedral is a vital spiritual center for the township, where villagers gather to pray to various lawful good deities supported by House Langmuir. Under the guidance of Torbera Biegr, a priest of Rao, the cathedral welcomes all worshipers and serves as a symbol of unity and peace.

Detailed Description of the Location

The Radiant Sanctuary is a modest round building with colorful painted wood and plaster exterior walls. The interior is reasonably tidy, featuring lacquered wood and a high ceiling that adds a sense of grandeur. Upon entering, visitors are greeted by a large holy symbol embedded in the wall, symbolizing the cathedral's dedication to the gods of law and order.
Key Features
  • Architecture: Modest round building with painted wood and plaster exterior.
  • Interior: Lacquered wood, high ceiling, and a large holy symbol embedded in the wall.
  • Gardens: Lush gardens surround the cathedral, providing a peaceful retreat for meditation and prayer.

Historical Background

Founding and Development
The Radiant Sanctuary was established several decades ago as a place of worship for lawful good deities. Initially dedicated to St. Cuthbert, the temple's support expanded to include other deities such as Rao and Pholtus, reflecting the diverse religious practices of the villagers.
  • Founding Era: Established to cater to the spiritual needs of Etterboek's growing population.
  • Expansion: Inclusion of multiple lawful good deities to serve a broader congregation.

Prominent Events

  • Consecration Ceremony: The cathedral was consecrated in a grand ceremony attended by various nobles and clergy from Verbobonc.
  • Restoration Projects: Periodic restoration projects funded by House Langmuir have maintained the cathedral's beauty and structural integrity.

Political Influence

Relationships with Nobles
House Langmuir, a prominent supporter of the Radiant Sanctuary, plays a significant role in the cathedral's political influence. The support of House Langmuir has helped the cathedral maintain its position as a key spiritual and cultural center in Etterboek.
  • House Langmuir: Major supporter, providing funding and political backing.
  • Influence: The cathedral's influence extends through its relationships with the lords of Verbobonc and other noble houses.

Estates and Churches

The Radiant Sanctuary
The primary location for worship in Etterboek, the Radiant Sanctuary, is more than just a place of prayer. It serves as a community center, a place of learning, and a symbol of hope for the villagers.
  • Main Cathedral: The central hub for worship and community activities.
  • Classroom: A place for learning and religious education, fostering a deeper understanding of lawful good teachings.
  • Relationships

Interfaith Harmony

The Radiant Sanctuary fosters interfaith harmony by allowing priests of various lawful good deities to present sermons. This inclusivity has created a strong sense of community and mutual respect among the villagers.
  • Inclusivity: Welcomes priests of Rao, Pholtus, St. Cuthbert, and other lawful good deities.
  • Community: Promotes unity and cooperation among worshipers.

Current Affairs

Recent Developments
The cathedral remains a vibrant center of worship and community activities. Recent developments include increased support from House Langmuir and efforts to expand the cathedral's educational programs.
  • Support from House Langmuir: Enhanced funding and political backing.
  • Educational Programs: Expansion of religious education and community outreach.


The Radiant Sanctuary of Etterboek is more than just a place of worship. It is a symbol of unity, peace, and the enduring spirit of the township. Under the guidance of Torbera Biegr and with the support of House Langmuir, the cathedral continues to thrive as a beacon of lawful goodness in the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
The Radiant Sanctuary of Etterboek by 3ORCS
"Unity in Faith, Strength in Virtue."
The Radiant Sanctuary Key Figures
Torbera Biegr  Torbera Biegr, the presiding priest, is a cleric of The Order of Rao with a sage's background. Known for his wisdom and calm demeanor, Torbera runs the cathedral and ensures that all lawful good priests have a platform to present sermons.
  • Role: Presiding priest of the Radiant Sanctuary.
  • Background: Cleric of Rao, former sage.
  • Personality: Wise, calm, and inclusive.
Other Priests
The cathedral is also home to several other priests who serve the lawful good deities, including Pholtus and Church of St Cuthbert. These priests work harmoniously under Torbera's guidance to provide spiritual support to the community.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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