4. Temple of the Four Winds Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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4. Temple of the Four Winds

The Temple of the Four Winds stands majestically on the west side of Etterboek, facing the bustling town market square. Dedicated to the Velaeri, the Oeridian Oerid agricultural deities Velnius, Atroa, Sotillion, and Wenta, this temple serves as a spiritual and communal hub for the village's inhabitants, guiding them through the cycles of the seasons.

Historical Background

Etterboek has long been the breadbasket of the Verbobonc, Viscounty, and the worship of the Velaeri deities is deeply embedded in its culture. The temple was established centuries ago by the early Oeridian settlers who brought their agricultural deities with them. Over time, the temple has grown and evolved, reflecting the village's development from a small farming community into a vibrant township.


The Temple of the Four Winds is a grand structure, symbolizing the spiritual and agricultural importance of the Velaeri gods.
  • Grand Entrance: The temple's entrance is marked by towering divine doors that reach two stories high, intricately decorated with friezes depicting the Velaeri gods, adorned with bright gems and polished silver.
  • Elaborate Exterior: The walls are made of finely-polished stone, rising 30 feet to meet a golden roof. The roof is edged with elaborate designs and decorative motifs.
  • Unique Architecture: The building's shape is rectangular with additional wings dedicated to each deity, creating a sense of harmony and balance.
  • Vaulted Ceilings and Stained Glass: Inside, visitors are greeted by soaring stone arches and stained glass windows that cast colorful patterns across the nave. Each window represents the seasons, with colored glass mimicking the respective season's light.
  • Sanctuary and Altars: The main nave leads to a raised dais with a central altar dedicated to all four deities. Each deity has a unique altar reflecting their attributes.
Altars of the Velaeri
  • Velnius: An altar adorned with symbols of the sky and weather. 
  • Atroa: Decorated with motifs of spring and renewal.
  • Sotillion: Featuring elements of summer and growth.
  • Wenta: Embellished with symbols of harvest and brewing.

Ceremonies and Services

The Temple of the Four Winds offers a variety of ceremonies and services dedicated to each of the Velaeri gods:
Velnius (God of Sky, Weather, and the West Wind)
  • Rituals: Offerings for favorable weather and protection from storms.
  • Holy Days: Celebrations during the autumn equinox and harvest festivals.
Atroa (Goddess of Spring, East Wind, and Renewal)
  • Rituals: Ceremonies for planting season and personal renewal.
  • Holy Days: Spring festivals and ceremonies marking the beginning of the growing season.
Sotillion (Goddess of Summer, South Wind, and Ease)
  • Rituals: Prayers for a bountiful summer and personal relaxation.
  • Holy Days: Mid-summer celebrations and festivals of abundance.
Wenta  (Goddess of Autumn, Brewing, Harvest, and the West Wind)
  • Rituals: Harvest ceremonies and brewing rituals.
  • Holy Days: Brewfest and harvest home festivals.

Politics and Relationships

The Temple of the Four Winds plays a significant role in the political landscape of Etterboek and the wider Viscounty of Verbobonc. Relationships with House Langmuir:
  • Mutual Respect: House Langmuir, particularly Baron Ludovic Langmuir, respects the temple's influence over the villagers and its role in maintaining the agricultural prosperity of the region.
  • Support and Protection: The temple supports House Langmuir's rule, and in return, the house provides protection and resources to the temple.
Politics within the Viscounty
  • Influence: The temple's priests often serve as advisors to local leaders and play a crucial role in mediating disputes.
  • Advocacy: The temple advocates for policies that support agriculture, sustainability, and the well-being of the farmers.

Current Affairs

The Temple of the Four Winds remains a focal point of Etterboek's spiritual and social life.
  • Ettercap Raids: The temple is actively involved in addressing the threat of Ettercap raids, offering spiritual support and practical aid to affected farmers.
  • Community Support: The temple continues to provide essential services such as education, healthcare, and communal gatherings, strengthening the bond between the villagers and the Velaeri gods.
The Temple of the Four Winds stands as a testament to the enduring faith and resilience of the people of Etterboek, guiding them through the cycles of the seasons and the challenges of life.
Temple of the Four Winds by 3orcs
"Faithful to the Velaeri, Faithful to the Land."
Temple of the Four Winds Key Figures
The Temple of the Four Winds is managed by a dedicated group of priests, each serving one of the Velaeri gods. High Priest Edrick Velwind (Leader of the Temple)
  • Description: Edrick is an elderly, wise human with a long, flowing beard and bright blue eyes. He wears simple but elegant robes adorned with symbols of all four deities.
  • Personality: Compassionate and insightful, Edrick is deeply respected by the villagers and holds a close relationship with House Langmuir.
  • Motivation: To ensure the spiritual well-being of Etterboek and maintain harmony with nature.
  • Concerns: The increasing number of Ettercap raids on farmlands.
Priestess Marila Atroan (Servant of Atroa)
  • Description: Marila is a youthful Half-Elves with golden hair and a gentle demeanor. She wears robes of green and gold.
  • Personality: Kind and nurturing, Marila is loved by the community for her healing abilities and gentle spirit.
  • Motivation: To bring renewal and hope to the people of Etterboek.
Priest Haldor Stonehearth (Servant of Velnius):
  • Description: Haldor is a stout human with a weathered face and strong build. He wears sky-blue robes with silver linings.
  • Personality: Stern yet fair, Haldor commands respect for his knowledge of the weather and the natural world.
  • Motivation: To protect the village from harsh weather and ensure favorable conditions for farming.
Priestess Solara Sumaril (Servant of Sotillion):
  • Description: Solara is a radiant elf with long, flowing blonde hair and a serene presence. She wears robes of yellow and green.
  • Personality: Calm and tranquil, Solara brings peace and comfort to those around her.
  • Motivation: To promote growth and ease within the community.
Priest Taran Brewmaster (Servant of Wenta):
  • Description: Taran is a jolly, rotund dwarf with a bushy beard and rosy cheeks. He wears robes decorated with autumn leaves and grain motifs.
  • Personality: Cheerful and welcoming, Taran is known for his excellent brews and hearty laughter.
  • Motivation: To celebrate the harvest and bring joy to the people through brewing and festivals.
Temple / Church
Parent Location
High Priest Veltharius Sunderwind by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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