Llerg Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Llerg, god of Animal, Chaos, Strength, Courage
Great Bear, Animal Fang, Strongest Serpent, God of Force   Llerg, revered as the Suel god of Beasts and Strength, embodies the primal aspects of nature and the untamed wilderness. His worship is rooted deeply in the lives of those who live in close harmony with the natural world, from the savage tribes of the Amedio Jungle to the barbarian states.  

Divine Essence

Celestial Aspect
  • Depiction: Llerg appears as a formidable, bearded man adorned with furs, exuding raw power and primal ferocity. Alternatively, he manifests as a bear, snake, or alligator, creatures revered and considered sacred within his cult.
  • Sacred Animals: Bears, snakes, and alligators hold a special place in Llerg's worship, symbolizing his dominion over the animal kingdom and the various facets of his strength.

Pantheon Dynamics

Divine Relations
  • Alliances and Rivalries: Llerg maintains a complex network of divine relationships, including an alliance with Vatun, a friendly rivalry with Kord, and an enmity towards Telchur, the god of winter, whom he views as a symbol of the harshness that opposes the natural order he champions.

Realm of the Beast

Sanctuary in the Chaos
  • Beasthaven: Nestled within the ever-shifting landscapes of Limbo, Beasthaven serves as Llerg's dominion, a realm where the spirit of the wild reigns supreme.

The Doctrine of the Wild

Llerg preaches a doctrine that glorifies strength, freedom, and the intrinsic value of all beasts. He champions living in accordance with the laws of nature rather than those of man, urging his followers to find wisdom in the simplicity and brutality of the animal world.

Followers of the Wild God

  • Devotees: Llerg's followers include those who live on the fringes of civilization, such as barbarians, hunters, and anyone who respects the raw power and majesty of nature. They view Llerg not just as a deity but as a primal force that guides their survival and prosperity.

Clergy of the Beast

Wild Priests
  • Forest Dwellers: Priests of Llerg shun civilization, embracing a life amidst the wilderness. Their lack of tact is overshadowed by their profound bond with nature.
  • Rites of Passage: A notable rite for ascending clerics involves a solitary battle with a bear, symbolizing their commitment to Llerg's path and their own inner strength.

Temples of the Untamed

Sanctuaries in the Wild
  • Construction: Temples dedicated to Llerg are simplistic structures that blend seamlessly with their natural surroundings, often becoming focal points for local wildlife.
  • Decor and Ambiance: The interior is a homage to the animal kingdom, adorned with skins and motifs that celebrate the beauty and ferocity of Llerg's sacred creatures.

Rituals and Celebrations

Holy Days
  • Seasonal Rites: The emergence of predators after winter marks a time of festivity, characterized by prayer, wrestling, and dancing around the fire, embodying the vibrant spirit of Llerg's worship.


Llerg's worship is a testament to the untamed aspects of the world, a call to embrace the primal instincts within and recognize the profound strength and wisdom inherent in the natural order. His followers, bound by a deep reverence for the wild, navigate life guided by the teachings of the Beast God, finding freedom and power in the raw essence of nature.
  Suel Panteon
Holy symbol: representations of a bear, a snake, or an alligator
Realm: Limbo
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Strength
Specialty Cleric spells
  • The Feral: All clergy of Llerg, will not be attacked by animals unless the animal is attacked first.
  • 1st level: Feral: increase his STR 1x a day by 1d6 (max 18), last 1 rnd/level.
  • 3rd level: Feral: +1 STR permanently increased (max 18).
  • 5th level: Feral: must defeat a bear. If survive gain the ability to track as ranger same level.
  • 7th level: Feral: summon a carnivore once per day: creatures: cave bear, alligator, giant constrictor snake. Arrive in 1d10 rnds. The animal will fight for the Feral duration: 1 turn/lvl.
  • 10th level: Feral: enter a berserk state 1x per day. STR increased to 18, gain 2 extra HP per lvl, Gain additional +2 ToHit, punch 2/rnd, 1d8/1d8 damage. Damage 1st taken from the additional HP, extra HP remaining at the end of Beserker Rage fades away. Duration 1 rnd/lvl, although the priest may end it early with SA vs Parallelization.
  • 13th level: Feral: shapechange 1/day into cavebear, alligator or giant constrictor snake. The priest retains his mind, HP and BTH. but otherwise indistinguishable from normal creature of that type, even to other animals. Duration 1 turn/lvl; heals 1d12 HP when return to normal form.
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Chaotic neutral
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the heart of the beast, we find our strength." 
"Let the wilderness guide you, as Llerg guides the untamed."
"Strength is not conquered, it is awakened within."
Llerg holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Llerg by 3orcs


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