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Myrdin Triscaryn


Myrdin Triscaryn is a skilled and dedicated grey elf, serving as a lieutenant in the border patrol stationed at Caer Ostverk, a strategic elven fortification on the borders of Celene. As a Fighter of three levels, Myrdin is a capable warrior who has proven his mettle in defending the elven kingdom from external threats. His loyalty to Queen Yolande and his commitment to his duty make him a respected leader among his peers, though he often finds himself overshadowed by his older and more accomplished brother, Traeliorn Triscaryn.

Physical Description

Myrdin Triscaryn is a striking figure, typical of the Grey Elves. He stands at 5'10", with a lean, athletic build that speaks to his years of rigorous combat training. His long, silver hair flows freely, often tucked behind his pointed ears, and his sharp, ice-blue eyes are constantly alert, scanning his surroundings for any sign of danger. Myrdin’s youthful appearance belies his combat experience; his smooth, unlined face is a testament to his elven heritage. He typically wears a suit of finely crafted elven chainmail, light and flexible yet incredibly durable, allowing him to move swiftly through the dense underbrush of the Gnarley Forest. Myrdin wields a slender longsword with intricate elven runes etched into the blade, a weapon that has been in his family for generations.

Background and History

Myrdin was born into the noble Triscaryn family, a line of Grey Elves known for their unwavering dedication to the protection of Celene. As the younger brother of Traeliorn Triscaryn, Myrdin has always felt a strong sense of duty to uphold his family’s legacy, though he often struggles with the pressure of living up to his brother’s considerable reputation.   From a young age, Myrdin was trained in the martial arts, mastering the sword and bow under the tutelage of seasoned warriors. Despite his natural talent, Myrdin has always felt the need to prove himself, pushing himself harder in training and on the battlefield. His determination and skill earned him the rank of lieutenant at Caer Ostverk, where he now serves alongside his brother under the command of Commander Talarien Carewlein.   Myrdin’s role at Caer Ostverk is primarily focused on leading patrols along the borders of Celene, ensuring that no threats cross into elven territory. While he is fiercely loyal to his people and dedicated to his duty, Myrdin often finds himself questioning the closed-border policy, especially as he witnesses the rising tensions in the surrounding regions.

Family and Relationships

The Triscaryn family is deeply rooted in the history and culture of Celene, with Myrdin’s ancestors having served the elven kingdom for centuries. Despite the weight of this legacy, Myrdin maintains strong, supportive relationships with his family members.
  • Traeliorn Triscaryn: Myrdin’s older brother, Traeliorn, is both a mentor and a source of inspiration for Myrdin. However, their relationship is also marked by a subtle rivalry, as Myrdin constantly feels the need to prove that he is more than just Traeliorn’s younger brother. While Myrdin respects and admires Traeliorn’s accomplishments, he is determined to forge his own path and earn recognition for his own deeds.
  • Commander Talarien Carewlein: Myrdin holds Commander Carewlein in high regard, respecting his leadership and wisdom. He is eager to learn from the Commander and hopes to one day achieve a rank similar to that of his mentor. Myrdin is a trusted lieutenant, often chosen by Carewlein to lead crucial patrols or undertake sensitive missions along the border.

Duty and Loyalty to Celene

Myrdin’s loyalty to Celene is unwavering, though his views on the kingdom’s policies are more nuanced than those of his brother. While he understands the importance of maintaining the closed borders, he sometimes questions whether complete isolation is the best course of action.
On the Closed Borders of Celene: "Our borders must be defended, of that I have no doubt. But I wonder if isolation is the answer. The world outside our borders is changing, and we cannot ignore it forever. Perhaps there is a way to protect Celene while also engaging with the world beyond."
Role as Border Patrol Lieutenant
As a lieutenant in the elven patrol at Caer Ostverk, Myrdin’s duties are primarily focused on maintaining the security of Celene’s borders. He leads regular patrols through the Gnarley Forest, navigating the dense underbrush and ensuring that no threats go unnoticed.
  • Patrol Duties: Myrdin takes his patrol duties seriously, often volunteering for the most dangerous routes. He is known for his keen senses and ability to move silently through the forest, making him a formidable scout. Myrdin’s patrols are thorough, and he is diligent in reporting any signs of intrusion or potential threats to Commander Carewlein.
  • Training and Mentorship: Myrdin is also responsible for training new recruits in the patrol, passing on the skills and knowledge he has acquired over the years. While he is demanding, he is also fair, earning the respect and loyalty of those who serve under him. Myrdin takes pride in seeing his trainees succeed and is always willing to offer guidance to those who seek it.

Views on Regional Tensions

Myrdin is acutely aware of the rising tensions in the regions surrounding Celene, particularly the Verbobonc, Viscounty and the Greenway Valley. His patrols often bring him into contact with humans, gnomes, and other races, and he has developed a nuanced perspective on the political landscape.
On the Rise of Bandits: "The increase in banditry is a troubling sign. It’s not just random attacks—it’s coordinated, organized. If left unchecked, it could spill over into our lands. We must remain vigilant, and perhaps even reconsider our stance of complete isolation."
On the Political Problems with the Gnomes: "The gnomes of Greenway Valley and Sheernobb are our allies, yet there are tensions that cannot be ignored. We must navigate these relationships carefully, ensuring that our borders remain secure without alienating those who could be valuable partners."
On Viscount Wilfrick’s Withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers: "The withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers from the Kron Hills is a mistake, in my view. It leaves a critical gap in the region’s defenses. Lord Deleveu’s forces are spread too thin as it is, and without the Borderers, the burden falls even more heavily on us. We must be prepared to step in if the situation deteriorates further."

Personality and Motivations

Myrdin is a complex individual, driven by a desire to prove himself and a deep sense of duty to his people. He is introspective, often contemplating the broader implications of his actions and the policies of his kingdom.
  • Ambition and Proving Himself: Myrdin is ambitious, but not out of a desire for power. Instead, he seeks to prove that he is capable of achieving greatness on his own terms. This drive sometimes leads him to take unnecessary risks, but it also pushes him to excel in his duties.
  • Strategic Thinker: Unlike his brother, who is more focused on the immediate defense of Celene, Myrdin is a strategic thinker who considers the long-term implications of his actions. He is not afraid to challenge the status quo if he believes it will ultimately benefit his people.
  • Protective of His Men: Myrdin is fiercely protective of those under his command. He feels a deep responsibility for their safety and well-being, often putting their needs above his own. This protective instinct sometimes leads him into conflict with his superiors, particularly when he feels that their orders endanger his men unnecessarily.


Myrdin Triscaryn is a dedicated and capable lieutenant in the elven patrol at Caer Ostverk. While he operates in the shadow of his older brother, Traeliorn, Myrdin is determined to carve out his own legacy, one that is defined by his strategic thinking, his loyalty to Celene, and his willingness to question the policies that govern his people. As tensions rise in the region, Myrdin’s role becomes increasingly critical, and his actions will undoubtedly shape the future of Celene and its relationships with the world beyond its borders.
"Our borders are sacred, and I shall defend them with blade and spell alike."
Elven Border Patrol Lieutenant at Caer Ostverk
Fighter 3
  • HD3, HP 22
  • AC 17
  • Str 13, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis, 10, Cha 11
  • Longsword+1
  • Longbow+1
  • Elven chainmail
Lawful neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
436 140 Years old
sharp, ice-blue eyes
long, silver hair flows freely
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The purity of Celene must be preserved, no matter the cost."
Elven Pantheon

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Myrdin Triscaryn by 3orcs


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