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1. Caer Ostverk

The elven fort, a marvel of ancient elven craftsmanship and mystical architecture, stands solemn and majestic amidst the whispering woods. At each corner of the castle, slender spires reach towards the heavens, their form like glistening spindles spun from dreams and moonbeams. The brilliant white stone of these spires, intertwined with veins of shining silver, captures the light in a dance of sparkling radiance, as if the very stars had been woven into their structure.   Graceful arches, crafted with an artistry that speaks of an age when magic and craft were indistinguishable, swoop elegantly from spire to spire. These arches, soaring through the air with the grace of swans in flight, bear the weight of history and time. The ancient elves, in their unparalleled mastery, have imbued these structures with a strength that belies their delicate appearance. So finely wrought are they that it seems a mere bird alighting upon them could tip the scales and disturb their ethereal balance.   As one gazes upon the fort, a curious sense of stillness pervades the senses. The battlements, high upon the walls, show no sign of movement, no flicker of life. Yet, this absence of motion belies the vigilance that lies within. For in this tranquil stillness, one senses the presence of countless elven archers, unseen and unheard, their bows drawn in silent watchfulness. The fort, a bastion of elven might, holds secrets and defenses known only to its kindred.   The gilded front gates, resplendent in their ornate beauty, stand closed with no visible means of opening them. They are not merely doors of wood and metal, but portals guarded by enchantments of old, discernible only to those versed in the ancient ways of the elves. These gates, a testament to the fort's impenetrable nature, seem to await a sign or word, a key borne of elven lore, to grant passage to those deemed worthy.   In this hallowed place, where time seems to pause and the ancient heartbeat of the forest resonates, the elven fort stands as a timeless sentinel, a keeper of forgotten magics and a bastion of the ethereal grace of the elven folk.
Caer Ostverk is a magnificent fortress nestled in the Gnarley Forest, standing as a guardian of the border between the Faerie Kingdom of Celene and the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Commanded by Hestomalkor Talarien Carewlein, this elven stronghold is both a marvel of ancient craftsmanship and a bastion of mystical defense. With its gleaming spires, ethereal architecture, and a garrison of elite elven warriors, Caer Ostverk is more than just a military outpost—it is a symbol of the timeless vigilance and unparalleled artistry of the elven race.
Architecture and Design
The architecture of Caer Ostverk reflects the pinnacle of elven craftsmanship, blending physical structure with magical enchantment. The fortress is a sight to behold, with its slender spires and graceful arches, each element infused with the magic and grace of the ancient elves.
Key Architectural Features
  • Gleaming Spires: The fortress is crowned with slender spires that reach skyward, their surfaces gleaming with a silvery radiance. These spires are not only decorative but also serve as focal points for the fortress's magical defenses.
  • Graceful Arches: Connecting the spires are arches so delicately crafted that they seem to defy gravity. These arches are symbolic of the unity between the physical and magical realms, a hallmark of elven architecture.
  • Enchanted Battlements: The battlements of Caer Ostverk, though seemingly uninhabited, are imbued with ancient spells that allow the garrison to remain hidden while maintaining constant vigilance over the surrounding lands.
  • Gilded Front Gates: The gates of the fortress are both a work of art and a formidable defense. Guarded by ancient enchantments, they can only be opened by those who possess the knowledge of the elven lore.

Command and Garrison

Caer Ostverk is under the command of Hestomalkor Talarien Carewlein, a knight commander of Celene, who leads a permanent garrison of 50 elite elven warriors. These warriors, chosen for their skill and dedication, are tasked with guarding the borders of Celene and preventing unauthorized entry into the kingdom.
Duties and Responsibilities
The primary duty of Caer Ostverk's garrison is to protect the borders of Celene, ensuring that no unauthorized individuals cross into the kingdom. This responsibility is taken with the utmost seriousness, as the elves see themselves as the protectors of their sacred homeland.
Key Responsibilities
  • Border Security: The garrison conducts regular patrols along the border, turning away or apprehending any who attempt to cross without permission from the Grand Court of Celene.
  • Military Training: The garrison trains continuously, honing their skills in both physical combat and magical arts to maintain their readiness.
  • Diplomatic Duties: Talarien Carewlein also serves as a liaison between Ostverk and the capital of Celene, Enstad, ensuring that the needs and concerns of the border region are communicated to the ruling council.

Politics and Relationships

Caer Ostverk plays a crucial role in the delicate political landscape of the region. The fortress is not only a military outpost but also a center of diplomacy, where the interests of Celene and the Viscounty of Verbobonc are balanced.
Key Political Relationships
  • Queen Yolande of Celene: Talarien Carewlein's ultimate loyalty lies with Queen Yolande, whose edicts he enforces at the border. He ensures that the closed borders of Celene are respected and that no unauthorized access is granted.
  • Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu: Talarien maintains a cordial relationship with Lord Corbin Deleveu, the human steward of Ostverk. This relationship is built on mutual respect and a shared understanding of the importance of maintaining peace between their realms.
  • The Verbobonc, Viscounty: While primarily focused on the defense of Celene, Caer Ostverk also plays a role in the broader politics of the region, ensuring that the interests of the elves are protected within the Viscounty.
The Faerie Kingdom of Celene
Caer Ostverk is one of the many outposts that protect the Faerie Kingdom of Celene, a realm known for its beauty, magic, and strict isolationism. The kingdom is ruled by Queen Yolande, who has closed the borders to outsiders, making the role of Caer Ostverk's garrison even more critical.
Celene's Closed Borders
  • Strict Enforcement: The borders of Celene are closed to all but the most trusted individuals, and obtaining permission to enter the kingdom can take months or even years. Talarien and his garrison enforce this policy with unwavering dedication.
  • The Companion Guard: While Caer Ostverk focuses on border security, the broader defense of Celene is handled by the Companion Guard, an elite force of knights who protect the queen and the capital.
Military Patrols and Border Enforcement
The elven garrison at Caer Ostverk is responsible for patrolling the borders of Celene, ensuring that no unauthorized individuals enter the kingdom. These patrols are conducted with a level of stealth and precision that reflects the elves' deep connection to the forest.
Composition of Border Patrols
  • Captain and Lieutenants: The patrols are led by experienced officers, including Captain Traeliorn Triscaryn and Lieutenant Myrdin Triscaryn.
  • Rangers and Scouts: The patrols include skilled rangers who use their knowledge of the forest to detect and intercept any intruders.
  • Mounted Patrols: Some patrols are conducted on horseback, allowing the elves to cover large areas quickly and efficiently.

Mystical Defenses and Enchantments

Caer Ostverk is protected by a series of powerful enchantments that make the fortress nearly impervious to attack. These defenses are the product of ancient elven magic, passed down through the ages and refined by the greatest spellcasters of Celene.
Key Mystical Defenses
  • Invisible Guardians: The battlements of Caer Ostverk are guarded by invisible sentinels, created by powerful spells that allow the garrison to monitor the surrounding area without being seen.
  • Enchanted Gates: The gilded front gates of the fortress are protected by ancient enchantments that prevent unauthorized entry. Only those with the knowledge of elven lore can open these gates.
  • Wards and Seals: The walls of Caer Ostverk are reinforced with magical wards that protect against both physical and magical assaults, ensuring the safety of the fortress and its inhabitants.
Conclusion Caer Ostverk stands as a timeless sentinel at the border of the Faerie Kingdom of Celene, a fortress of unmatched beauty and strength. Under the command of Hestomalkor Talarien Carewlein, this elven stronghold embodies the grace, wisdom, and power of the elves. Its spires and arches, gleaming in the light of the sun and moon, are a testament to the enduring legacy of the Seldarine. As long as Caer Ostverk stands, the borders of Celene will remain secure, protected by the vigilance and dedication of its elven guardians.
Gates of Caer Ostverk by 3orcs
"The border is closed. Leave now, and you will not be harmed"
Garrison Composition
  • Commanding Officer: Talarien Carewlein, a figure of immense authority and respect, commands the garrison and oversees all operations within Caer Ostverk.
  • Captain Traeliorn Triscaryn: A seasoned warrior who leads the day-to-day military activities within the fortress.
  • Lieutenant Myrdin Triscaryn: A skilled fighter and magic-user who assists in the coordination of patrols and the defense of the border.
  • Scout Leader Laeroth Neriphyra: A ranger responsible for leading the scouts who patrol the surrounding forests.
  • Scouts and Fighters: The garrison is composed of skilled rangers and fighters, each trained in the art of forest warfare and stealth. Their patrols ensure the security of the border and the enforcement of Celene's laws.
Elven Patrol names
  • Kyrtaar Trisgella
  • Folluin Craqirelle
  • Athtar Brykian
  • Yhendorn Raloxalim
  • Ayluin Engeiros
  • Eletha Enphine (F)
Parent Location
Caer Ostverk by 3orcs
Elven Patrol
These Elves and half-elves are either mounted or afoot as appropriate. Mounts will be medium and/or light warhorses. Numbers as follows:
  • 1 captain: Fighter/Magic-User, 4-6 / 5-7, AC4
  • 2 lieutenants: Fighter/Magic-User, 3-5 / 4-6 AC5
  • 1 scout (half-elf): Cleric/Ranger 5, 5-7 AC5
  • 4 sergants: Fighter 3-5 / 5-7 AC4
  • 4 scouts: Ranger 1-2, AC5
  • 13-18 elves: standard elves 1, AC5
HD: 1 (d8), AC15, Saves P, CG, Mv 30, Elven traits, forest stealth
Caer Ostverk Border Patrol
  • Captain Traeliorn Triscaryn
  • Lieutenant Myrdin Triscaryn
  • Scout leader Laeroth Neriphyra
  • Scouts (2) Ranger level 1
  • Fighters (12) HD: 1 (d8), AC15, Saves P, CG, Mv 30, Elven traits, forest stealth

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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