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Traeliorn Triscaryn


Traeliorn Triscaryn is a distinguished Grey Elf, serving as the Captain of an Elven Patrol stationed at Caer Ostverk, a critical fortification on the border of the elven kingdom of Celene. A Fighter of six levels and a Wizard of three, Traeliorn embodies the duality of martial prowess and arcane mastery, making him a formidable leader and protector of Celene's borders. His loyalty to Queen Yolande, his duty to defend the borders of Celene, and his complex relationships with the human and gnomish inhabitants of the region define his role in the intricate political landscape of the Viscounty of Verbobonc.

Physical Description

Traeliorn is the epitome of elven grace and discipline. Standing at 6 feet tall, he has a lean, muscular build honed through centuries of combat training. His long, silver hair is often tied back, revealing his sharp, angular features and piercing violet eyes that seem to see into the very soul of those he meets. His skin is pale, almost ethereal, with a faint sheen that catches the light. Traeliorn's armor is a finely crafted blend of mithral and enchanted elven mail, adorned with symbols of Corellon Larethian, the chief deity of the Seldarine. His sword, an elegant elven longsword, and his staff, inlaid with runes of power, are always within reach.

Background and History

Born into the noble Triscaryn family, Traeliorn's life has been one of duty and honor. His family has long served the court of Queen Yolande, and from a young age, he was trained in both the martial and magical arts. Traeliorn's dedication and skill quickly earned him a place among the elite Grey Elves  warriors of Celene. His rise to the position of Captain at 1. Caer Ostverk was a natural progression, given his loyalty to the crown and his exceptional abilities.   Caer Ostverk, under the command of Commander Talarien Carewlein, is a key defensive position on the borders of Celene. Traeliorn's role as Captain places him in charge of a select group of elven warriors, whose primary mission is to ensure that the borders remain secure and that no threats cross into the elven kingdom. This position has also thrust him into the complex political dynamics of the region, where he must navigate relationships with human, gnome, and even fey inhabitants.

Duty and Loyalty to Celene

Traeliorn’s sense of duty to Celene is absolute. He believes in the sanctity of the elven kingdom and the wisdom of Queen Yolande's decision to close the borders. To Traeliorn, the world beyond Celene is filled with chaos and corruption, and it is his sacred duty to protect the purity of the elven homeland.
On the Closed Borders of Celene: "The borders of Celene are more than just lines on a map; they are the boundaries between order and chaos, between the sacred and the profane. Queen Yolande, in her infinite wisdom, has decreed that they remain closed, and it is our duty—my duty—to ensure that this decree is upheld. Let no mortal or monster defile the sanctity of our lands."

Relationships and Politics

Traeliorn's position as Captain brings him into contact with various political entities, each with its own agendas and expectations. His relationships are shaped by his dedication to Celene and his cautious approach to the outside world.
  • Commander Talarien Carewlein: Traeliorn serves directly under Commander Talarien Carewlein, the leader of Caer Ostverk. The two share a mutual respect, though Traeliorn often finds Talarien's approach to diplomacy with humans and gnomes to be too lenient. Nonetheless, they work well together, balancing each other's strengths in protecting the border.
  • Lord Corbin Deleveu: Traeliorn has a complex relationship with Lord Corbin Deleveu, the half-elf leader in charge of the nearby township of Ostverk. While Traeliorn respects Corbin's elven heritage and his role as Knight Captain of the Mounted Borderers, he remains wary of the half-elf’s human tendencies. Traeliorn values Corbin’s strategic mind but is concerned about his divided loyalties between Celene and Verbobonc.
  • Gnomes of Greenway Valley and Sheernobb: Traeliorn holds a grudging respect for the gnomes, particularly those in Greenway Valley and Sheernobb. He acknowledges their cunning and skill, particularly in matters of defense and craft. However, the political tensions between the gnomes and the elves, especially concerning territorial rights and the flow of trade, make him cautious in his dealings with them.
Opinion on the Bandit Problem
The rise of banditry in the Viscounty of Verbobonc is a matter of grave concern for Traeliorn, particularly as it impacts the security of Celene’s borders.
On the Rise of Bandits: "The increase in bandit activity is no coincidence; it is a symptom of the greater malaise that afflicts the human realms. Their greed and corruption spread like a disease, and now it encroaches upon our borders. We must remain vigilant, for where bandits tread, more dangerous forces are sure to follow."
The Withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers
Traeliorn is deeply troubled by Viscount Wilfrick Revepaix's decision to pull back the Mounted Borderers from the Kron Hills, leaving the region more vulnerable to external threats.
On the Withdrawal: "The Viscount's decision to withdraw the Mounted Borderers is a grave mistake. Without their presence, the region is left exposed to the predations of bandits and worse. Lord Deleveu’s forces are stretched thin, and while I hold the utmost respect for his abilities, even he cannot cover such a vast territory with so few men. This is a time for unity and strength, not retreat."
Views on Caer Ostverk and Lord Corbin Deleveu
Caer Ostverk is a critical outpost, not only for Celene but also for the broader region. Traeliorn’s role here is vital, and he takes his responsibilities seriously.
On Lord Corbin Deleveu and the Situation at Caer Ostverk: "Lord Corbin Deleveu is a man caught between two worlds. His elven blood gives him insight, but his human side, I fear, may cloud his judgment. With the Mounted Borderers pulled back, we at Caer Ostverk must take on greater responsibilities. Lord Deleveu’s remaining forces, though valiant, are not enough. It falls to us to ensure that the borders remain secure, even as we keep a watchful eye on the intrigues of the human and gnome factions."


Traeliorn Triscaryn is a warrior and a mage, but above all, he is a protector of Celene. His loyalty to the elven kingdom and his duty to uphold Queen Yolande's decrees guide every action he takes. As tensions rise in the region—be it from bandits, political strife, or the withdrawal of critical military forces—Traeliorn remains steadfast, ready to defend his homeland against any threat, no matter how great. His presence at Caer Ostverk is a beacon of strength for those who serve under him and a warning to those who would dare challenge the sovereignty of Celene.
Questions on the Grey Elves
Seldarine we are named, the Grey-elves, the Elves of the Twilight, We follow Queen Yolande, elven monarch of Faerie lineage, Mantle of the Blue Moon, Lady Rhalta of All Elvenkind, the Perfect Flower of Celene, of the Grand Court that is imbibed of the Fey Mysteries.
Elves are born from the blood of Corellon Larethian, mixed with the soil of the world, blessed with the tears of the moon, and given our nearness to divinity.
"Our borders are sacred, and I shall defend them with blade and spell alike."
Traeliorn Triscaryn
Captain of the Elven Patrol at Caer Ostverk Fighter 6 / Wizard 3
  • HD 5, HP 38, AC 18
  • Mv 30, AL LN
  • Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 13
  • Elven Chainmail +1
  • +3 Sylvan Sword
Potions: Protection from Alignment , Cure Wounds,
Lawful neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
427 149 Years old
dark green
long silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pastel pale
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Where the light of Corellon shines, no darkness shall prevail."   "The purity of Celene must be preserved, no matter the cost."
Elven Pantheon

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Traeliorn Triscaryn by 3orcs


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