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Talarien Carewlein

Hestomalkor Talarien Carewlein, a guardian of ancient lineage, a protector of the sacred elven realms, and a beacon of the lofty ideals of the Seldarine. His tale is one woven into the fabric of Greyhawk, a legend in its own right, echoing through the corridors of time.
Hestomalkor Talarien Carewlein is a legendary figure in the realms of Greyhawk, renowned as the elven Borderlord of Ostverk. He is the guardian of Celene’s sacred borders, a figure whose very name commands respect among both his kin and the inhabitants of the surrounding lands. Talarien’s life is dedicated to the protection of his people, the enforcement of the elven laws, and the preservation of the ancient heritage of the Seldarine. His presence at Caer Ostverk, a small fortress overlooking the village of Ostverk, is a symbol of the eternal vigilance of Celene’s forces against any threat that might encroach upon their domain.

Character Description

Hestomalkor Talarien Carewlein is a being of grace and power, embodying the nobility and mysticism of the Grey Elves. His appearance is striking, with features that reflect the ancient lineage of the Seldarine. His eyes, often compared to the glimmer of distant stars, reveal wisdom accumulated over centuries. Clad in armor that gleams with an ethereal light, Talarien commands his fifty elven warriors with an authority that is both calm and absolute. His fortress, Caer Ostverk, is not merely a military structure but a sanctum that resonates with the deep magic of the elven race.
  • Noble Bearing: Talarien stands tall and slender, his movements fluid and deliberate, reflecting the disciplined nature of his position.
  • Armor of Starlight: His armor, forged in the ancient forges of Celene, is as much a symbol of his status as it is a practical defense, shimmering with a light that seems to emanate from the heavens themselves.
  • Eyes of the Eternal Watcher: His gaze is penetrating, capable of seeing both the physical and the spiritual realms, a gift from Corellon Larethian himself.

Duties and Responsibilities

Talarien Carewlein’s primary responsibility is to prevent unauthorized entry into the Kingdom of Celene. As the Borderlord of Ostverk, he oversees a permanent garrison of fifty elite elven warriors, who are as devoted to their duty as Talarien is to his. His leadership ensures that the border remains secure and that the delicate balance between the human and elven realms is maintained.
Key Responsibilities
  • Border Security: Ensures the borders of Celene are impervious to unauthorized incursions, coordinating closely with his warriors to patrol the region.
  • Leadership and Training: Oversees the training and readiness of his garrison, ensuring that they are prepared to respond to any threat with swift and decisive action.
  • Diplomatic Duties: Serves as a liaison between Ostverk and the capital, Enstad, flying weekly to report on border activities and to receive new directives from his superiors.

Caer Ostverk

The Fortress of the Borderlord
Caer Ostverk, the fortress that Talarien calls home, is more than just a military outpost; it is a testament to the strength and resilience of the elven race. Situated atop a hill, the fortress commands a view of the surrounding lands, its tall spires and arches gleaming in the sunlight, a reminder of the otherworldly power that resides within its walls.
Features of Caer Ostverk
  • Gleaming Spires: The fortress’s tall spires are visible from miles away, their gleaming surfaces reflecting the light of both sun and moon.
  • Sacred Grounds: The hill upon which Caer Ostverk stands is considered sacred by the elves, infused with the ancient magic of the Seldarine.
  • Defensive Enchantments: The fortress is protected by powerful enchantments, making it nearly impervious to physical and magical assaults.

Political Influence and Relationships

As the Borderlord of Ostverk, Talarien Carewlein plays a crucial role in the politics of both Celene and the Viscounty of Verbobonc. His decisions have far-reaching consequences, influencing not only the safety of his people but also the delicate balance of power in the region.
Key Political Relationships
  • Queen Yolande of Celene: Talarien’s loyalty to Queen Yolande is unwavering. He serves as her eyes and ears on the border, ensuring that the will of the Faerie Queen is enacted with precision.
  • Lord Corbin Deleveu: Talarien’s relationship with Lord Corbin Deleveu is one of mutual respect, each understanding the other’s role in maintaining the peace between their respective realms.
  • The Viscount of Verbobonc: Though his primary allegiance is to Celene, Talarien recognizes the importance of maintaining a cooperative relationship with Viscount Wilfrick Revepaix, whose lands border his own.

Religion and the Old Faith

Talarien is a devout follower of the Seldarine, the pantheon of elven gods led by Corellon Larethian. His faith is not just a personal matter but a guiding principle in his rule over Ostverk. The Old Faith, revered by many in the Gnarley Forest, also holds a place of respect in his heart, and he works to ensure that the spiritual harmony of the region is maintained.
Religious Practices
  • Worship of Corellon Larethian: Talarien’s devotion to Corellon is evident in his daily rituals, which include offerings and prayers at the sacred altar within Caer Ostverk.
  • Respect for The Old Faith : Understanding the importance of the Old Faith to the people of the Gnarley Forest, Talarien ensures that its traditions are respected within his jurisdiction.
  • Spiritual Leadership: Though not a priest, Talarien often acts as a spiritual leader to his warriors, guiding them in their faith and ensuring their actions align with the will of the Seldarine.

Military Role in Celene

Talarien’s role extends beyond the borders of Ostverk; he is a key figure in the military hierarchy of Celene. His weekly flights to Enstad on Dionysus are not just for diplomatic purposes but also for receiving military orders and coordinating with the Companion Guard, Celene’s elite forces.
Military Contributions
  • Strategic Patrols: Talarien’s garrison is responsible for regular patrols of the border, ensuring that any potential threats are identified and neutralized before they can reach Celene.
  • Coordination with the Companion Guard: Though his primary focus is Ostverk, Talarien works closely with the Companion Guard, sharing intelligence and resources to ensure the security of the entire kingdom.
  • Training of New Recruits: Talarien’s fortress often serves as a training ground for new recruits, who are taught the art of border defense by some of the most experienced warriors in Celene.

Opinions on Politics

  • Gnomes of Greenway Valley and Sheernobb: Talarien holds a grudging respect for the gnomes, particularly those in Greenway Valley and Sheernobb. He acknowledges their cunning and skill, particularly in matters of defense and craft. However, the political tensions between the gnomes and the elves, especially concerning territorial rights and the flow of trade, make him cautious in his dealings with them.
  • Opinion on the Bandit Problem
    The rise of banditry in the Viscounty of Verbobonc is a matter of grave concern for Talarien, particularly as it impacts the security of Celene’s borders.
      On the Rise of Bandits: "The increase in bandit activity is no coincidence; it is a symptom of the greater malaise that afflicts the human realms. Their greed and corruption spread like a disease, and now it encroaches upon our borders. We must remain vigilant, for where bandits tread, more dangerous forces are sure to follow."
    The Withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers
    Talarien is deeply troubled by Viscount Wilfrick's decision to pull back the Mounted Borderers from the Kron Hills, leaving the region more vulnerable to external threats.
    On the Withdrawal: "The Viscount's decision to withdraw the Mounted Borderers is a grave mistake. Without their presence, the region is left exposed to the predations of bandits and worse. Lord Deleveu’s forces are stretched thin, and while I hold the utmost respect for his abilities, even he cannot cover such a vast territory with so few men. This is a time for unity and strength, not retreat."
    Views on Caer Ostverk and Lord Corbin Deleveu
    Caer Ostverk is a critical outpost, not only for Celene but also for the broader region. Talarien’s role here is vital, and he takes his responsibilities seriously.
    On Lord Corbin Deleveu and the Situation at Caer Ostverk: "Lord Corbin Deleveu is a man caught between two worlds. His elven blood gives him insight, but his human side, I fear, may cloud his judgment. With the Mounted Borderers pulled back, we at Caer Ostverk must take on greater responsibilities. Lord Deleveu’s remaining forces, though valiant, are not enough. It falls to us to ensure that the borders remain secure, even as we keep a watchful eye on the intrigues of the human and gnome factions."


    Hestomalkor Talarien Carewlein is more than just a Borderlord; he is a living legend, a protector of the elven realms, and a symbol of the enduring strength of Celene. His life is one of duty, honor, and unwavering commitment to the safety and prosperity of his people. As the guardian of Ostverk, Talarien stands as a bulwark against the encroaching darkness, his eyes ever watchful, his sword ever ready to defend the land he holds dear.

    Introduction to Adventurers

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        Upon your arrival, the gilded gates of Caer Ostverk open, revealing the inner sanctum a marvel of ancient elven craftsmanship and mystical architecture. Here, amidst the dappled sunlight and the rustling leaves, stands the noble Elf Lord, Hestomalkor Talarien Carewlein, his countenance aglow with the ethereal light of his ancient kin.   With a voice melodious as a summer breeze through silver leaves, he addresses you in the whimsical, ancient cadence of the fairies, his words like a gentle stream flowing over smooth pebbles:   "Pray, lend thine ears unto the hope of Celeste, the very beacon of elvenkind. Fairest be our greeting this day, for hearts within us doth glow with joy unbound, and swords, sheathed in honor's sheath, rest idle by our sides. In our palms, we clasp the fragile bloom of peace, its luminescence guiding our steps through the woven paths of this world. Be welcome, ye seekers of valor and wisdom, under the spires of Caer Ostverk, where lore of old and new entwine like the ivy upon ancient stone."   His eyes, sparkling like the dew on morning leaves, survey the adventurers with a gaze that pierces through the veils of time, seeing in them not just the heroes of today, but the echoes of legends yet to be written. His presence, an embodiment of the timeless spirit of the elves, fills the air with a sense of wonder and profound serenity, inviting the adventurers to share in the sacred communion of their ageless vigil.
    Carewlein explains the role of the fort
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        "As ye canst surely behold, our esteemed saradine artisans have wrought a semblance of elven civilization in the midst of this untamed wilderness. Behold Caer Ostverk, a shining jewel in the saradine dominion, an oasis of refinement amidst these backward territories."
    He gestures grandly towards the windows, where the fort's spires rise elegantly against the sky.   "Verily, Celene stands as the pinnacle of the olven realms within the Flanaess. Under the wise rule of Queen Yolande, the Perfect Flower of Celene, our borders have remained sealed, save for the vigilant Knights of Luna who patrol beyond. Alas, this isolation hath brought forth murmurs of discontent from the human lands, misguided clamors about 'protecting the trees.' Such folly!"   His gaze hardens slightly as he speaks of the neighboring human territories.   "The mounted borderers led by Lord Delevue, in their disarray and scarcity, are but a faint shadow of our elven vigilance. Their protests, like sparks in the night, are wont to fizzle and die without consequence. Our task, solemn and sacred, is to prevent unauthorized passage into the Kingdom of Celene. In this duty, we find not just responsibility, but pride and honor, for we are the steadfast guardians of our state."   His countenance softens as he addresses the adventurers more personally.   "I am well aware that our kin in the Kron Hills, save those in Ostverk, dwell amidst the forested crests of the Gnarley Forest, living in harmony with the land, shunning the affairs of other races. 'Tis a curious turn of fate that brings thee, who are wont to roam the wilds, into the fold of human matters. What winds of change doth blow that stirs thine interest thus?"
    Elf Lord Carewlein Provides Tour of Caer Hall
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    The adventurers, having been granted an audience with Elf Lord Hestomalkor Talarien Carewlein, find themselves following his graceful stride into the grand Caer Hall. The hall, a testament to elven artistry and elegance, is bathed in the ethereal glow of enchanted light, casting intricate shadows upon the ornate walls.
        "Behold, the Hall of Caer," the Elf Lord announces, his voice echoing softly in the vast chamber. "Marvels aplenty reside herein, for even in a border fort such as ours, we uphold our reverence for beauty and art. Behold the treasures we've gathered from the depths of the Gnarley."
    He gestures towards a display of rare and mystical plants, each with its own unique aura and history.   "Behold, Roland's Tear," he begins, pointing to a delicate, luminescent plant. "Alchemists would pay dearly for such a specimen. It shall be a crowning jewel in the royal gardens of Celene."   His gaze then shifts to a vibrant crimson plant. "And this, Crimson Nirnroot. Long thought to be mere legend, a Flan tall-tale, yet here it thrives."   Next, he moves to a cluster of glowing flowers. "Gleamblossom, discovered in a Valenwood cave, a rarity in these lands."   Finally, he presents a striking red plant. "Domica Redwort, a peculiar variety we've endeavored to transplant into Summerset. A challenging task, but one we embrace."   He pauses, his expression turning solemn. "May the light of Aldmeris guide you, and may this dreadful turmoil be quelled swiftly, with minimal suffering."   His eyes, reflecting a deep wisdom, focus on the adventurers. "I sensed the darkness in your recent foe, now vanquished. Yet, not all who follow his path bear the same malice. Should Celene deem these people enemies, I wonder?"   He speaks of a visitor, a curiosity in his tone. "A member of the Cult of Orcus has sought audience with me here. His presence intrigues me; I am not quick to label him foe."   Talarien's gaze grows distant, as if peering into unseen realms. "Like the branches of a Great Oak, the destinies of Maris, myself, and thine own are entwined. His harp unstrung, his sword dulled, yet his role remains crucial."   He imparts a charge upon the adventurers. "You must eventually return home, but not yet. Each of you is a thread in the Gnarley's tale. Seek the spinner, Shandril, to understand this story's origin and end."   He speaks of impending strife. "Maris and Koraashag hasten towards the black monolith, sowing chaos. Follow their fiery trail. Koraashag faces a crucial choice; Maris, unlikely to yield, will need your aid."   His eyes, now alight with a sense of urgency, implore them. "Koraashag's power grows near the Black Monolith. He descends into the Valley of the Shrines. Be there to support Maris in his stand."   Concluding his words with a solemn blessing, he says, "I beseech thee to find and end this corruption, a blight upon our forest. May Corellon Larethian guide and protect you. We, the Seldarine of the Fey Court of Seline, place our hopes in you."   With these words, the Elf Lord concludes his tour and lecture, leaving the adventurers with a sense of purpose and the weight of a significant quest upon their shoulders. The fate of the Gnarley, it seems, rests in their hands.
    Talarien Carewlein
    • Fighter 9 / Wizard 5
    • HD 9, HP 60, AC 21
    • Mv 30, AL LN
    • Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 16
    • Elven Chainmail +2
    • +3 Sylvan Sword
    • Lance +1
    • Cloak of Protection +2
    • Ring of Force Shield
    • Hippogriph Elven chainmail +1
    • Potions: Invisibility, Cure Serious Wounds, Protection from Alignment


    • INT: Animal
    • SIZE: Large
    • ALIGNMENT: Neutral
    • HD: 
    • TYPE: Magical Beast
    • AC: 15
    • MOVE: 50 ft., 100 ft. (fly)
    • ATTACKS: 2 Claws (1d6), Bite (1d10)
    • SPECIAL: Darkvision 60 ft
    Dionysus: The Royal Hippogriff
    Talarien’s mount, the royal hippogriff Dionysus, is not merely a steed but a companion of unparalleled loyalty and strength. The bond between Talarien and Dionysus is legendary, forged in the fires of countless battles and tempered by the mutual respect and trust that only comes from years of partnership.
    Attributes of Dionysus
    • Majestic Appearance: Dionysus is a creature of beauty and power, with the wings of an eagle and the body of a lion, his coat shimmering with a silver hue.
    • Combat Prowess: Trained for battle, Dionysus is as fearsome as he is graceful, capable of swift and deadly strikes from both air and land.
    • Loyal Companion: The bond between rider and mount is unbreakable, with Dionysus responding to Talarien’s commands with a speed and precision that is unmatched.
    Lawful good
    Current Location
    Year of Birth
    438 138 Years old
    brilliant silver
    long silver
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    pale white
    Elven Pantheon
    Ruled Locations

    Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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