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Pasmarie Clee

(a.k.a. Bee Keeper of the Wild)

Pasmarie Clee, a dedicated druid and beekeeper, is a pivotal figure in the village of Sheernobb. Known for her deep connection with bees and her magical abilities, Pasmarie maintains her family's beehives, producing divine honey and fostering a sense of unity and resilience in the community. Her work not only supports the local economy but also embodies the harmony between nature and the gnomes of Sheernobb.


Pasmarie stands just under three feet tall, with alternating yellow and black striped hair that resembles a bee. She has bright blue eyes and a large bulbous nose. She typically wears all-encompassing white clothes and carries a veiled beekeeper’s hat. Pasmarie's eyes sparkle with a deep understanding of nature, and her presence exudes warmth and dedication.
Pasmarie is cheerful, nurturing, and deeply passionate about her bees. Her gentle demeanor and unwavering dedication to her work make her a beloved figure in the village. She is known for her infectious enthusiasm and her ability to bring people together. Pasmarie is also a fierce protector of her bees and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being.


Family Legacy
Pasmarie inherited the beehives from her grandmother, who originally established them. Over the years, she has expanded and improved the hives, significantly increasing the bee population. The beehives have become a symbol of the Clee family's dedication to the well-being of Sheernobb.
Druidic Training
As a druid specializing in the harmony and love of bees, Pasmarie has developed a deep understanding of nature and magical abilities that allow her to enchant and communicate with bees. Her training has enabled her to create divine honey with powerful healing properties.


  • Produce the Best Honey: Pasmarie is committed to producing the best honey in the region. The honey harvested from her bees is of divine nature, known for its exceptional taste and healing properties.
  • Ensure the Well-Being of Her Bees: Pasmarie views her bees as her family and will do anything to protect them. She maintains a harmonious relationship with her bees, who see her as their queen.
  • Support the Village: Pasmarie's work supports the local economy and fosters a sense of unity and resilience in the community. She shares her honey with the 3. Honey Haven Inn and sells it at a reduced rate to support local businesses.

Pasmarie's Unique Worship

Pasmarie Clee, the devoted beekeeper and druid of Sheernobb, worships Baervan Wildwanderer in a manner that reflects her profound connection with bees and the natural world. As a "Bee Keeper of the Wild," she integrates her reverence for Baervan with her dedication to the care and protection of bees, seeing them as divine messengers and essential creatures within the forest's delicate ecosystem.
Rituals and Practices
  • Bee Blessings: Pasmarie performs daily rituals at her beehives, whispering prayers and blessings to Baervan Wildwanderer, asking for his protection and guidance for her bees.
  • Honey Offerings: Monthly, under the full moon, she offers the finest honey from her hives to Baervan, pouring it into the roots of ancient trees as a tribute to the god of nature.
  • Forest Harmony: Pasmarie conducts seasonal ceremonies where she invites the villagers to join her in the forest, teaching them about the importance of bees and the balance of nature, all in the spirit of Baervan’s teachings.


  • Siblings: Pasmarie's siblings help with the beehives and support her in her work. They share her dedication to the well-being of Sheernobb and the bees.
  • Glennon and Mari Clee: Pasmarie's siblings, Glennon and Mari, established the 3. Honey Haven Inn, inspired by her success with honey. The inn quickly became known for its superb mead and welcoming environment, thanks in part to Pasmarie's high-quality honey.
Political Relationships
  • Glennddarc Keeleene: Pasmarie maintains strong ties with House Keeleene and supports their leadership. She is well-regarded by the local druids and nature clerics who assist her.
  • Regional Leaders: Pasmarie works with regional leaders, including the Druids of the Gnarley Forest and the Gnarley Rangers, who operate in this part of the Gnarley Forest and the Kron Hills. Together, they address security concerns and ensure the prosperity of Sheernobb.
Community Bonds
  • Paternal Care: Pasmarie views the villagers and her bees as her extended family, fostering a strong sense of unity.
  • Trade Partners: Maintains positive relations with neighboring villages and traders, ensuring a steady demand for her honey.


Founding and Evolution
Pasmarie's Beehives were originally established by Pasmarie’s grandmother. Over the years, the hives have thrived under Pasmarie’s care, with the population of bees greatly increasing.
Significant Events
  • Expansion: Pasmarie is considering building a 13th hive due to the increasing population of bees.
  • Community Support: The honey produced is shared with the Honey Haven Inn at a reduced rate, supporting the local economy.

Politics of Verbobonc

  • Community Health: Pasmarie plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the village through the production of honey.
  • Security Concerns: Recent bandit activity has heightened the need for protecting trade routes to ensure the continued success of Pasmarie’s Beehives.
Regional Influence
  • Trade Relations: Pasmarie maintains positive relations with neighboring villages and traders, ensuring a steady demand for her honey.
  • Political Alliances: Supports the leadership of House Keeleene and works with regional leaders to address security concerns, including the Druids of the Gnarley Forest and The Gnarley Rangers.

Opinions and Quotes

On Bandit Raids
"These bandits are disrupting our trade and putting everyone at risk. We must take action to protect our village."
On the Long Road
"The Long Road is vital for our trade. We need to ensure it is safe for our merchants."
On the Druids' Gathering
"The druids' gathering at the old haunted keep is concerning. We need to stay vigilant and ensure they do not bring more trouble."
On Community Safety
"The safety of our community is paramount. We must work together to protect Sheernobb."
On House Keeleene
"House Keeleene has always supported us. We need their leadership now more than ever."
On the Future
"We must look to the future and ensure our village remains prosperous and safe."
On the Bees
"Our bees are a symbol of our community's resilience. As long as they thrive, so will we."
"As I tend to my hives, I offer my prayers to Baervan, asking him to bless my bees with health and abundance."
Pasmarie Clee 
Druid of Baervan Wildwanderer 
  • female gnome druid 7
  • HD7, BTH +3, HP 37
  • Str 7, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 16
Pasmarie stands just under three feet tall. Her hair is colored in alternating yellow and black stripes, resembling the bees she cares for. She wears all-encompassing white clothes and carries a veiled beekeeper’s hat.
  • Personality: Dedicated, cheerful, and nurturing. Pasmarie is deeply passionate about her bees and their well-being.
  • Background: She inherited the beehives from her grandmother and has continued to expand and improve them. Pasmarie has a deep understanding of bees and their behavior.
  • Motivation: To produce the best honey in the region and ensure the health and prosperity of her bees.
  • Political Relationships: Maintains strong ties with House Keeleene and supports their leadership. She is also well-regarded by the local druids and nature clerics who assist her.
Neutral good
Current Location
Year of Birth
524 52 Years old
brilliant blue sapphire
hair is colored in alternating yellow and black stripes
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Baervan’s spirit dances in the sunlight that kisses the flowers, in the gentle hum of the bees, and in the rustling leaves of the forest. In every moment, I feel his presence."
Baervan Wildwanderer

Worship Practices and Beliefs

Bee Blessings
Every morning, Pasmarie visits her beehives, where she performs a quiet ritual. She softly hums a melody known only to her and her bees, a tune she believes Baervan taught her in a dream. As she hums, she gently strokes the hives, whispering blessings and asking for Baervan’s protection and guidance.
Honey Offerings
Once a month, on the night of the full moon, Pasmarie collects the finest honey from her hives. She ventures into the deepest part of the forest, to an ancient oak tree that she has consecrated as Baervan’s shrine. There, she pours the honey at the tree’s roots, offering it as a tribute to the god of nature, while reciting prayers of gratitude and reverence.
Forest Harmony
Pasmarie believes in the interconnectedness of all living things, a principle she teaches to the villagers of Sheernobb. She organizes seasonal gatherings in the forest, where she educates the community about the importance of bees and the balance of nature. These gatherings are filled with song, dance, and the sharing of honey-based treats, celebrating Baervan’s teachings of joy and harmony.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Pasmarie Glee Druid of the Bees by 3orcs


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