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Glennddarc Keeleene


Glennddarc is a stout and sturdy gnome with a twinkle in his eye that reflects his jovial nature and sharp intellect. His beard, long and meticulously groomed, is a testament to his age and wisdom. Often seen in finely crafted garments adorned with intricate designs, he embodies the gnomish love for artistry and detail.


Glennddarc is a charismatic leader with a warm and approachable demeanor. He is known for his sense of humor, which he uses to lighten the mood and foster camaraderie among the villagers. His deep empathy and paternal care for the residents of Sheernobb make him a figure of respect and affection. Despite his lightheartedness, he is a shrewd and capable leader, able to make difficult decisions when needed.


Early Life
Born into the prestigious Keeleene family, Glennddarc showed promise from a young age. His talents in magical illusions and gem cutting were apparent early on, and he quickly became a respected member of the community. His marriage to Meldreeb, a talented healer and wise counselor, further solidified his standing.
Rise to Leadership
Glennddarc assumed the role of Headgnome after the passing of his father. His tenure has been marked by a series of successful initiatives that have improved the village's infrastructure, economy, and defense.
Key Events
  • The Hateful Wars and The Battle of Emridy Meadows: Under his leadership, Sheernobb contributed significantly to these historic conflicts, providing warriors and resources.
  • Giant Raids: Glennddarc organized the village's defense, ensuring their survival and continued prosperity despite the ongoing threat.

Leadership and Governance

Vision and Goals
Glennddarc's primary goal is the happiness and well-being of Sheernobb's residents. He is dedicated to preserving the village's traditions while also encouraging innovation and growth.
Governing Style
  • Inclusive Leadership: Glennddarc values the opinions and input of all villagers, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and unity.
  • Strategic Planning: His approach to governance includes careful planning and foresight, particularly in matters of defense and economic development.
Key Policies
  • Economic Prosperity: Encourages trade and craftsmanship, ensuring the village's wealth through gem cutting and other crafts.
  • Defense and Security: Strengthens the village's defenses and coordinates with external forces for protection.


Glennddarc and his wife Meldreeb have no children of their own, but they view the villagers as their extended family. This paternal care is reflected in his leadership style.
He shares a close bond with the residents of Sheernobb, often seen engaging in community activities and celebrations. His approachable nature makes him a beloved figure among both gnomes and humans in the village.
External Relations
  • Viscounty of Verbobonc: Glennddarc maintains a delicate balance in his relationship with the Viscount, advocating for Sheernobb's interests while navigating political tensions.
  • Free Alliance of the Kron Hills: Acts as a representative of Sheernobb, voicing the concerns and interests of his community in broader gnomish political matters.

Political Relationships

Local Politics
Glennddarc's leadership is crucial in maintaining the delicate balance of power within Sheernobb. He is adept at mediating disputes and ensuring that all voices are heard in the village council.
Viscounty Politics
  • Tensions with Verbobonc: Navigates the complex political landscape between Sheernobb and the Verbobonc, Viscounty, particularly in light of recent tensions and the withdrawal of Viscounty troops.
  • Trade and Diplomacy: Works to secure favorable trade agreements and diplomatic relations, despite the challenges posed by political strife.
"His illusions are not just magic, they are a reflection of the beauty and wonder he sees in the world."


Glennddarc Keeleene stands as a pillar of strength, wisdom, and kindness in Sheernobb. His leadership has not only guided the village through numerous challenges but also fostered a deep sense of community and shared purpose. Through his dedication and love for his people, Glennddarc ensures that Sheernobb remains a thriving and harmonious haven for all its residents.
Glenndarc Information on the Giant raid
Show spoiler
This most recent Giant raid is the fifth he has experienced. And, it is the most worrisome. The scouts, caught off guard, could neither warn the village nor mount a successful defense. Somehow the Giants infiltrated past their forward lookouts and caused damage to one of the warrens that screens the mine entrance. In addition, they gathered up a score of sheep and goats. But, worst of all, some of his children were injured and killed. The Giants have not operated in this region for over 30 years. Finding their current lair is the key to chasing them away, far away.

Opinions on Bandit Raids

Trade Disruption
"These bandit raids are a severe threat to our trade routes. We must take action to protect our merchants and ensure the safety of our village."
Community Safety
"The safety of Sheernobb is my top priority. We need to strengthen our defenses and work with neighboring villages to address this threat."
Economic Impact
"Every disrupted trade route is a blow to our economy. We must find a way to secure our roads and protect our livelihoods."
Call for Action
"The Viscount must reinstate the Mounted Borderer patrols in the Kron Hills. We need their support to keep the bandits at bay."
Long-Term Solutions
"We must develop long-term strategies to ensure the safety and prosperity of our village. It's a challenge we must face together."
Community Resilience
"Our village has faced challenges before, and we will overcome this one too. Together, we can protect our trade and our people."
Collaborative Efforts
"We need to work closely with neighboring villages and regional leaders to address this threat. It's a collective effort that requires unity and cooperation."
"Never forget that the most important things in life are often hidden beneath the surface. Look deeper, and you will find true beauty and wisdom."
Headgnome Glennddarc Keeleene
  • Illusionist 7th level, 28 hp
  • spd 20 ft.; AC 15 (+2 Amulet of Natural Armor, +1 racial, +2 Dex)
  • Keen Edge dagger), light crossbow SQ: ring of major elemental resistance(fire)
  • Str 9, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12
Personal Passions
  • Magical Illusions: Glennddarc is an accomplished illusionist, often using his talents to entertain and inspire the villagers.
  • Gem Cutting: His skill in gem cutting is renowned, and he takes great pride in creating intricate and beautiful works.
  • Community Welfare: He views the villagers as his children and is deeply committed to their well-being.
Glennddarc's main motivations are the prosperity and happiness of Sheernobb. He is driven by a deep sense of duty and care for his village, striving to ensure that it remains a safe and thriving community. Personal Passions
  • Magical Illusions: Glennddarc is an accomplished illusionist, often using his talents to entertain and inspire the villagers.
  • Gem Cutting: His skill in gem cutting is renowned, and he takes great pride in creating intricate and beautiful works.
  • Community Welfare: He views the villagers as his children and is deeply committed to their well-being.
Possessions: wool clothing, keen edged dagger, light crossbow, case with 12 bolts, pouch containing 10 silver and 3 gold, pouch containing 20 various gems total value not exceeding 300 gp, belt of pockets containing several spell components, amulet of natural armor +2, ring of minor elemental resistance (fire). Spells (4/5/4/3/2):
  • 0-lvl flare, light, dancing light, open/close
  • 1st-lvl grease, obscuring mist, unseen servant, silent image, ventriloquism
  • 2nd-lvl glitterdust, Tashas hideous laughter, hypnotic pattern, minor image
  • 3rd-lvl hold person, displacement, major image
  • 4th-lvl lesser geas, shadow conjuration
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
413 163 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Remember, my friends, the true value of a gem lies not in its sparkle, but in the effort and care put into its crafting."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
The inside of the great hall The Moot Hall of Sheernobb by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Headgnome Glennddarc Keeleene by 3orcs


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