Roland Atterton Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Roland Atterton


Lieutenant Roland Atterton, stationed at Fort Emridy under the command of Commander Olean Rodrigo, is a key figure in maintaining the security of the roads north of Cienega Valley. Known for his seriousness and commitment to duty, Roland has become a respected leader despite his unconventional path to military service. His journey from a privileged upbringing to a life dedicated to patrolling and protecting his community is marked by determination and a desire for redemption.


Roland Atterton is a formidable presence at 1. Fort Emridy. His demeanor is one of unwavering seriousness, reflecting his deep commitment to his responsibilities. Physically, he is well-built and imposing, often seen in his patrol gear, which is both functional and symbolic of his dedication to duty.


Roland is characterized by his serious approach to his duties. He takes his job very seriously, partly out of a fear of failure and partly due to his strong belief in the ideals of manliness and honor. Despite his stern exterior, he harbors a desire to be liked and to have a good time, often conflicted by his professional responsibilities and personal ambitions.


Roland Atterton was born into a well-to-do family, benefiting from a substantial trust fund that shielded him from the hardships of life. His privileged upbringing, however, did not translate into personal fulfillment. His childhood dream of becoming a tanner ended in failure, leading him to seek a new path.
Key Historical Events
  • Privileged Upbringing: Raised in comfort, never experiencing financial need.
  • Failed Tanner Dream: Attempted to become a tanner, but failed due to lack of aptitude and interest.
  • Military Service: Joined the Mounted Borderers and rose to the rank of Lieutenant at 1. Fort Emridy, driven by a desire for purpose and redemption.

Military and Patrol Duties

As Lieutenant, Roland Atterton is responsible for patrolling the roads north of Cienega Valley. His leadership has been crucial in responding to the increasing threat of bandits and ensuring the safety of travelers and merchants. He leads a small militia with determination and has gained respect for his serious approach to duty.
  • Road Patrols: Ensures the roads are safe and free from bandit activity, deterring potential threats.
  • Militia Leadership: Commands the village's small militia, organizing defenses and responses to bandit raids.
  • Community Protection: Works to protect the local inhabitants, balancing his military duties with the needs of the community.


Roland maintains professional relationships with his fellow soldiers and subordinates. His respect for Commander Olean Rodrigo is evident in his disciplined approach to his duties. While he may appear distant, his underlying desire for camaraderie and acceptance is always present.
Key Relationships
  • Commander Olean Rodrigo: Respects and admires his commander, striving to meet his high standards and expectations.
  • Patrol Members: Leads his patrol team with a firm hand, ensuring discipline and effectiveness.
  • Local Inhabitants: Though serious in demeanor, he is committed to the safety and well-being of the local community.

Challenges and Conflicts

Despite his dedication, Roland faces several challenges in his role. The increasing bandit activity and the pressure to protect the community weigh heavily on him. His fear of failure and the internal conflict between his duty and personal desires create ongoing tension.
Key Challenges
  • Bandit Threats: Persistent raids and demands for tribute from bandits, requiring constant vigilance and response.
  • Resource Constraints: Limited resources and support, making it difficult to effectively patrol and secure the roads and surrounding areas.
  • Personal Conflict: Balancing his serious professional demeanor with his underlying desire for personal fulfillment and acceptance.
Current Situation
Lieutenant Roland Atterton continues to lead his patrols with dedication, addressing the latest threats and ensuring the safety of the roads north of Cienega Valley. His efforts are crucial in maintaining the security and stability of the region.
Key Information
  • Bandit Activity: Regular patrols to deter and respond to bandit raids, ensuring the safety of travelers and merchants.
  • Militia Coordination: Works closely with the village militia, organizing defenses and responding to threats.
  • Community Engagement: Though serious, he remains committed to the safety and well-being of the local inhabitants, balancing his military duties with community needs.


Lieutenant Roland Atterton stands as a pillar of discipline and dedication at Fort Emridy. Under the command of Commander Olean Rodrigo, he plays a crucial role in maintaining the security of the roads north of Cienega Valley. His journey from a privileged upbringing to a life of military service is marked by determination and a commitment to duty, making him a respected and vital figure in the defense of the region.
Roland Atterton, Male Human Fighter 5
  • Armor Class 10
  • Hit Points 34 (5d10)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)
  • Languages Common
  • Attacks Melee +5, Ranged +3, Grapple +2
Possessions: 100 sp. Black pearl (900 gp). 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item.


Roland Atterton is driven by a complex mix of professional duty and personal desires. His motivation to excel in his role is partly fueled by a fear of failure and a desire to live up to his ideals. He seeks revenge against bandit raiders, driven by a personal vendetta and a commitment to protecting his community.
Personal Goals
  • Professional Excellence: Strives to excel in his military duties, maintaining high standards of discipline and effectiveness.
  • Revenge Against Bandits: Motivated by a desire for revenge against bandit raiders who threaten the safety of his community.
  • Personal Fulfillment: Balances his professional responsibilities with a desire to be liked and to enjoy life, seeking a sense of fulfillment and acceptance.
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
545 31 Years old
Attire: Practical patrol gear, equipped with necessary weapons and tools for his duties
Intense blue, with a stern expression
Short, sandy blond
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Duty first, everything else second."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lieutenant Roland Atterton by 3orcs


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