Cienega Valley Settlement in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Cienega Valley

You see a small village at a distance nestled on both sides of the Nigb just before the mounds of the Kron Hills. The farmlands have changed from grain and beans to unending rows of sun-drenched vinyards. Commoners in long sleeve blouses and wide brim straw hats pull small carts up and down multitude of parcels. You notice that the topsoil is a deep rich black. It seems the regular showers of the Lortmils makes this a very fertile land. Many of the vines here have been in the ground for half a century or more. You have heard some of the wineries here have been here longer than that, passed down from father to son for more than a dozen generations, the secrets of their particular wines passed down through the years. Among the large estates, clumps of trees grow tall here and there, as well as flowering bushes, many placed to enhance the pastoral beauty of this place. You see a large ornate stone bridge spanning the river with wood docks and crane busy with trade. On the eastern side sitting on a gnoll is a small church presiding over the faithful. Further east, on the edge of the village, high in a ridge is a large stone fort standing guard of the community. It very much looks like a Mounted Borderer fort that is known to be along the river.
Cienega Valley, a picturesque township located 11 leagues south of the city of Verbobonc, lies along the Long Road and the Nigb's Run river in the Asbury Demesne. This article delves into the township's detailed description, lore and history, background, motivations, and relationships, highlighting its significance within the Viscounty of Verbobonc.


Cienega Valley is a small village nestled on both sides of the Nigb's Run river, just before the mounds of the Kron Hills. The farmlands have shifted from grain and beans to unending rows of sun-drenched vineyards. Commoners in long-sleeved blouses and wide-brimmed straw hats pull small carts up and down the multitude of parcels. The topsoil is a deep, rich black, nourished by regular showers from the Lortmils, making this a fertile land. Many vines here have been in the ground for half a century or more, with wineries being family-owned for more than a dozen generations. A large ornate stone bridge spans the river, accompanied by wood docks and a crane busy with trade. On the eastern side, a small church presides over the faithful from a knoll, while a large stone fort, resembling a Mounted Borderer fort, stands guard on a high ridge at the village's edge.


Cienega Valley gained prominence when travelers discovered that the soil was perfect for growing wine grapes. Lorien Vinter is credited with founding the Cienega Valley Wine-Cooperative, a place for wine-growers to showcase their labor's fruits. The Cooperative, built where the trade road crosses the river, became a sturdy and essential part of the hamlet, reflecting the independent spirit of the local farmers and wine makers.
Key Historical Events
  • Founding of the Wine-Cooperative: Established by Lorien Vinter, the Cooperative became the focal point for the valley’s wine industry.
  • Claim by Lord Simon Milinous : Recently, Lord Milinous's claim over a portion of Lady Asbury's lands turned Cienega Valley into a tense border town. This dispute was settled by an election in which Marcus Asbury was elected leader, maintaining the valley’s alignment with House Asbury.
  • Election of Marcus Asbury: Amidst tension, Marcus Asbury was elected, bringing some stability and reaffirming the valley’s loyalty to House Asbury.


Cienega Valley is characterized by rolling hills, fertile fields, and dense forests. The Long Road and Nigb's Run river are vital for trade and travel. The strategic location includes Fort Emridy, which offers a vantage point and enhances the valley’s defense. The presence of a natural area known as the Village Green, with its semi-tamed beauty and the consecrated grove dedicated to Lady Charmalaine, highlights the town’s commitment to preserving its natural surroundings amidst growth.

Society and Culture

The community of Cienega Valley is tight-knit, with a strong sense of tradition and adherence to the Old Faith. Festivals and rituals celebrating the agricultural cycle are common, reflecting the agrarian roots of the town. The influence of deities such as Beory and Obad-Hai is significant, with the Church of St. Cuthbert also playing a vital role in the spiritual life of the inhabitants.
Cultural Highlights
Festivals and Rituals: Celebrations tied to the agricultural calendar, honoring Beory and Obad-Hai. Village Green: A central gathering place for feasts, town announcements, and ceremonies, maintaining its natural beauty thanks to the efforts of a wandering druid.

Government and Laws

Cienega Valley is under the jurisdiction of House Asbury, with Lady Asbury at the helm. The local governance is supported by a contingent of house guardsmen and the Mounted Borderers. The Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc ensure law and order, upholding the viscounty’s legal framework.
Governance Structure
  • Lady Elinor Asbury: Head of House Asbury, overseeing local governance.
  • Marcus Asbury: Recently elected leader of Cienega Valley, maintaining the town's allegiance to House Asbury.
  • Asbury Guard and Mounted Borderers: Key enforcers of law and order, ensuring peace and security.


The political landscape is shaped by the ongoing rivalry between House Asbury and House Milinous. The recent dispute over land claims brought the valley into the political spotlight, with tensions still simmering beneath the surface despite the resolution through elections. The presence of the Gnome Free Alliance of the Kron Hills adds another layer of complexity, particularly concerning trade and resource management.
Political Dynamics


Religion is central to life in Cienega Valley, with The Old Faith and the Church of St Cuthbert being the primary influences. The Old Faith, particularly the worship of Beory and Obad-Hai, is integral to the town’s traditions and rituals. The Church of St. Cuthbert emphasizes law and order, complementing the spiritual landscape.
Religious Practices
  • The Old Faith: Worship of Beory and Obad-Hai, deeply rooted in agricultural practices.
  • Church of St Cuthbert: Advocates for law and order, playing a significant role in community life.


The military presence in Cienega Valley is robust, anchored by Fort Emridy and the Mounted Borderers. These forces ensure the town's defense and maintain order. The fort serves as a training ground and strategic outpost, reflecting the valley’s importance in regional defense.
Military Units
  • Fort Emridy: A strategic military outpost, key to local defense.
  • Mounted Borderers: Elite military unit ensuring safety and law enforcement.
  • House Guardsmen: Supporting local governance and security under Lady Asbury's command.

Adventures and Points of Interest

Cienega Valley offers numerous opportunities for adventure and exploration. Key locations include Fort Emridy, the Iron Hearth Forge, and the Village Green. These sites provide rich backdrops for quests and interactions, reflecting the town’s vibrant history and dynamic present.
Key Locations
  • Fort Emridy: Military outpost with opportunities for exploration and defense missions.
  • Iron Hearth Forge: A smithy in need of a blacksmith, presenting potential quests for skilled characters.
  • Village Green: Central gathering place with the Hearth of the Lady Charmalaine, a consecrated grove highlighting the town's natural beauty and spiritual significance.


Cienega Valley, with its rich history, strategic importance, and vibrant community, offers a dynamic and immersive setting within the Viscounty of Verbobonc. From political intrigue and religious devotion to military strategy and agricultural prosperity, this township encapsulates the diverse and complex nature of life in the region, providing a compelling backdrop for any campaign.
Cienega Valley
The township of Cienega Valley 11 leagues south of the City of Verbobonc along the Nigb's Run and the Long Road.

Notable Figures

  • Lady Elinor Asbury: Matriarch of House Asbury, central to local governance and political dynamics.
  • Marcus Asbury: Recently elected leader of Cienega Valley, maintaining stability and allegiance to House Asbury.
  • Canon Gunter Ashton: Prominent religious figure advocating for the Church of St. Cuthbert.
  • Gigur Nónason: Founder of the 3. Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall, pivotal in the town's wine industry.
  • Henning and Keld Jeppesen: Respected local leaders involved in agriculture and forestry.
Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall Banner by 3orcs
Cienega Pier by 3orcs
  "Earth and stone, man and gnome"
Cienega Valley by 3orcs
Asbury coat of arms by 3orcs

Articles under Cienega Valley

1. Fort Emridy
Building / Landmark | Jun 26, 2024

Fort Emridy is a key Mounted Borderers outpost located in the township of Cienega Valley, within the Verbobonc, Viscounty .

10. Grape Caravan Traders
Building / Landmark | Jun 30, 2024

Grape Caravan Traders is the most successful merchant house in Cienega Valley.

11. Cienega Valley Wine Market
Building / Landmark | Jul 1, 2024

The Cienega Valley Wine Market is a prominent shop in the township of Cienega Valley, known for its exquisite selection of local wines.

12. The Hidden Vine mill
Building / Landmark | Jul 1, 2024

The Hidden Vine Mill has been a vital part of Cienega Valley for generations. Originally built to serve the local vineyard.

13. Vesi Potter Mill
Building / Landmark | Jul 1, 2024

Vesi Potter Mill, located on the west side of Cienega Valley near the banks of Nigb's Run River, serves as a vital source of pottery and clay products for the township.

14. Tornio Ranch
Building / Landmark | Jul 2, 2024

The Tornio Ranch, situated on the southeast end of Cienega Valley behind the Druids Grove, is a well-known cattle farm and cheese-making establishment.

15. Town Commons
Building / Landmark | Jul 2, 2024

The Cienega Valley Town Commons, located centrally between the Druids Grove, Fort Emridy, and the Black Griffon Inn, is a hub of community activity and commerce.

16. Caravan Campground and Border's Drill field
Building / Landmark | Jul 2, 2024

The Caravan Campground and Border's Drill Field is a multifunctional open field located across the merchant road north of Fort Emridy at the eastern end of Cienega Valley

2. Hearth of Obad-Hai
Building / Landmark | Jun 26, 2024

The Hearth of Obad-Hai, a sacred druid's grove, is a place of profound spiritual significance in the township of Cienega Valley.

25. Vartia Vineyard
Building / Landmark | Jun 26, 2024

Vartia Vineyard, located in the township of Cienega Valley , is a well-respected establishment known for its dedication to quality and tradition in winemaking.

3. Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall
Building / Landmark | Jun 26, 2024

The Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall was established to support the local wine industry, providing a central location for vineyard owners to collaborate, set prices, and manage distribution.

4. Black Griffon Inn
Building / Landmark | Jun 26, 2024

The Black Griffon Inn is the only inn in Cienega Valley with ample space, making it a favorite gathering place for off-duty mercenaries, House Milinous's patrols, and those seeking to be hired.

5. Pia's Sundries
Building / Landmark | Jun 26, 2024

Pia's Sundries: is a charming and eclectic shop located in the heart of Cienega Valley known for its wide array of non-perishable goods.

6. Chapel of the Cudgel
Building / Landmark | Jun 27, 2024

The Chapel of the Cudgel of St. Cuthbert is a central hub of community life in Cienega Valley, second only to the Druids Glade.

7. Greensward Manor
Building / Landmark | Jun 27, 2024

Greensward Manor is a historic and influential estate located in the township of Cienega Valley. Home to Mayor Marcus Greensward and his family.

8. The Shining Temple of Pelor
Building / Landmark | Jun 29, 2024

The Shining Temple of Pelor is located in the heart of Cienega Valley, easily visible from anywhere in the village due to its radiant presence.

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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