Olean Rodrigo Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Olean Rodrigo


Olean Rodrigo, the esteemed commander of Fort Emridy, is a pivotal figure in the defense and administration of Cienega Valley within the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Known for his tactical acumen and steadfast dedication, Rodrigo oversees the Mounted Borderers stationed at Fort Emridy, ensuring the safety and security of the region.


Olean Rodrigo is a seasoned military leader, characterized by his imposing presence and unwavering resolve. With a stern countenance and sharp eyes, he commands respect from his subordinates and peers alike. His attire typically includes the emblematic armor of the Mounted Borderers, adorned with symbols of his rank and accomplishments.


Rodrigo is known for his strict discipline and no-nonsense attitude. He is a man of few words, preferring actions to speak for themselves. Despite his stern exterior, he cares deeply for the welfare of his men and the people of Cienega Valley. His leadership style is both authoritative and protective, earning him loyalty and admiration from those under his command.


Olean Rodrigo hails from a noble family in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. From a young age, he displayed an aptitude for leadership and combat, which led him to join the Mounted Borderers. His career has been marked by numerous campaigns and skirmishes, including the defense of Verbobonc against bandit raids and incursions from Nulb.
Key Historical Events
  • Early Career: Rose through the ranks of the Mounted Borderers, gaining recognition for his bravery and tactical skills.
  • Appointment as Commander: Appointed as the commander of Fort Emridy, tasked with safeguarding the eastern edge of the Viscounty.
  • Defense of Fort Emridy: Led successful defenses against bandit raids and other threats, solidifying his reputation as a formidable leader.


Olean Rodrigo maintains professional relationships with various key figures in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. His alliances and interactions are crucial for the fort's operations and the broader political landscape.
Key Relationships
  • Lady Elinor Asbury: Works closely with Lady Asbury to ensure the security of her lands and the prosperity of Cienega Valley.
  • Lord Simon Milinous: Maintains a wary yet respectful relationship with Lord Milinous, navigating the delicate political tensions between their territories.
  • Marcus Asbury: Collaborates with Marcus Asbury, the elected leader of Cienega Valley, to address local issues and coordinate defense efforts.


Olean Rodrigo is driven by a sense of duty and honor. His primary goal is to ensure the safety and stability of Cienega Valley and the surrounding areas. He is also motivated by a desire to uphold the legacy of the Mounted Borderers and protect the interests of the Viscounty of Verbobonc.

Personal Goals

  • Maintain Security: Continuously improve the defenses of Fort Emridy and the effectiveness of his patrols.
  • Protect the Community: Ensure the well-being of the people in Cienega Valley and nearby areas.
  • Uphold Honor: Maintain the honor and reputation of the Mounted Borderers through exemplary service.

Challenges and Conflicts

Despite his successes, Rodrigo faces several challenges. The ongoing threat of bandit raids, political tensions with neighboring lords, and the need to balance military and civil duties are constant pressures. Additionally, he must navigate the complexities of local politics and maintain the morale and loyalty of his troops.
Key Challenges
  • Bandit Threats: Persistent raids from bandits, particularly those originating from Nulb.
  • Political Tensions: Navigating the delicate political landscape involving Lady Asbury, Lord Milinous, and other influential figures.
  • Resource Management: Ensuring adequate resources and support for the fort's operations and the needs of his men.


Olean Rodrigo stands as a pillar of strength and leadership in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. His role as the commander of Fort Emridy is crucial for the region's security and stability. Through his dedication, tactical prowess, and unwavering commitment, Rodrigo exemplifies the qualities of a true leader, ensuring the safety and prosperity of Cienega Valley and beyond.
Military and Command As the commander of 1. Fort Emridy, Olean Rodrigo oversees a contingent of 30 mounted Borderers who patrol the region and another 30 who guard the fort. He also manages a team of two dozen servants and skilled laborers who support the fort's operations.
  • Patrol Coordination: Ensures regular patrols to deter bandits and other threats.
  • Fort Defense: Manages the fort's defenses, including strategic planning and resource allocation.
  • Training and Discipline: Maintains rigorous training standards and discipline among his troops.
  • Community Protection: Works to protect the local community, balancing military duties with civil responsibilities.
Notable Figures Under His Command
  • Lieutenant Roland Atterton: Responsible for patrolling the roads north of Cienega Valley, known for his serious demeanor and desire for revenge against bandits.
  • Ralliq: A five-year veteran and patrol leader, deeply committed to combating bandits and ensuring the safety of the region.
Lawful good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
540 36 Years old
steely blue
Short, graying black hair
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Commander Olean Rodrigo by 3orcs


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