1. Fort Emridy Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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1. Fort Emridy

Fort Emridy is a key Mounted Borderers outpost located in the township of Cienega Valley, within the Verbobonc, Viscounty. Situated 11 leagues south of the City of Verbobonc, along the Nigb's Run river and the Long Road, the fort plays a crucial role in the defense and security of the region. It is commanded by Olean Rodrigo, who oversees 30 mounted Borderers patrolling the region and another 30 guarding the fort.


Fort Emridy is strategically positioned with its rear to the east on the edge of a hill, making it difficult to access the lived-in sections of the keep. The road runs up the easier side of the hill, where walls have no access points on the first floor. Arrow slits on the second floor provide light and air while allowing defenders to shoot at attackers. The fort's primary objective is defense, deterring all but the most determined invaders.
Entrance and Gatehouse
The entrance features a gate topped by a barbican. Guards greet visitors through a sliding view portal or call down through arrow slits. Intruders breaking through the front doors face a dropped portcullis and a barrage of arrows or crossbow bolts. This gatehouse is the only way in or out without resorting to extreme measures.
As you approach the keep by the main road, you see that it is situated with its rear which is to the East on the edge of a hill. This makes it difficult for anyone to get to the lived-in sections of the keep, which necessarily have lots of arrow slits in the walls to let in light and air.   The road itself runs up the easy side of the hill, and the walls accessible from this angle have no access points in the ”arrow slits, windows, whatever is on the first floor. For those, you have to reach the arrow slits on the second floor, and you would have to top the wall to be able to get in.   The primary objective of this keep is defense. As a border keep, it has no defenses against those armed with powerful magic, but it does a fine job in keeping out just about anyone else. The key means of defense the keep has against anyone powerful enough to take it single-handedly is that most such people couldn't be bothered tangling with such a place.   As you enter the keep through a gate topped by a barbican. Guards meet you at the door, greeting you through a sliding view portal or calling down to you through the arrow slits in the front wall of the barbican and asking you what business you might have. If your answer is satisfactory, the doors open, and the guards allow you into the space beneath the barbican.
Intruders breaking through the front doors would find themselves in a space beneath the barbican, facing a dropped portcullis. The guards above pepper the invaders with arrows or crossbow bolts through the slits in the floor of the barbican. At the same time, they shout to raise the alarm, ringing the small bell outside the rear window to the barbican.   This point is the only way in and out of the keep without resorting to magic, tearing down a wall, or some other extreme measure, that is.
The Interior
Directly before you is the keep yard, drill and work area which is the interior of the keep. To the left stands a stable for up to six horses, while to the right stands doors to the interior of the keep.   The stablehand comes to take your horses if you have any. If the stable has room, he brings them inside. Otherwise, he hitches them to a rail outside the stables and brings them fresh hay or oats.   When you are led through the left door of the barbican, you enter what seems to be a barracks mess hall. Much like a tavern, there is rugged food and drink stained oak tables and chairs. Then you are led up a winding stone stairwell up through a solider barracks on the second story then again climb to a third story of an officers room with a desk strewn with maps and letters. A work table on the left with assorted weapons and tool. Pieces of armor and shields on the walls. Banners and pennants. The commander of the fort looks up from a letter he was reading impatiently. Short and abrupt he demands what you want. The guard snaps to attention "Commander Olean, these travelers say they have word of importance for you"   "What business of yours here at Fort Emridy?"
Upon entering, visitors find the keep yard, a drill and work area. To the left is a stable for six horses, and to the right are doors to the interior. Inside, a barracks mess hall on the first floor, a soldier barracks on the second, and an officers' room on the third complete the layout. The officers' room includes a desk with maps, letters, weapons, and armor.


Fort Emridy is named after the Emridy Meadows, situated ten miles north and east of Cienega Valley. It has a long history of serving as a defense post, guarding the region against bandits, cultists, and other threats. The fort has played a pivotal role in the ongoing protection and stability of the surrounding area.

Politics of Verbobonc

Fort Emridy is integral to the political landscape of Verbobonc. Its strategic location makes it a focal point for power struggles between local lords and houses. The fort’s presence reinforces Lady Asbury’s influence in Cienega Valley, countering claims and incursions from rival houses such as House Milinous.
Relationships with the Lords of Verbobonc
House Asbury 
  • Supportive Role: Fort Emridy bolsters Lady Asbury's position, providing military support and ensuring the security of her lands.
  • Trade and Defense: The fort guards vital trade routes and farmlands, crucial for the prosperity of House Asbury.
House Milinous 
  • Rivalry: House Milinous’s territorial claims create tension, necessitating a strong military presence at Fort Emridy.
  • Border Disputes: The fort is often at the center of disputes, with both houses vying for control over strategic areas.
Politics Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
Fort Emridy plays a key role in the broader politics of the Viscounty, serving as a deterrent to external threats and a stabilizing force within the region. It ensures the safety of merchant roads, vital mines, and farmlands, contributing to the overall stability and prosperity of Verbobonc.     Mounted Borderer outposts is located in the following settlements:
  • Fort Wilfrick located in Swan
  • Fort Emridy located in Cienega Valley
  • Falls Keep located in Twilight Falls
  • Fort Emridy by 3orcs

    Notable Figures

    Olean Rodrigo
    • Position: Commander of Fort Emridy, responsible for overseeing the defense of the region.
    • Duties: Guards the eastern edge of the Viscounty, ensuring the safety of merchant roads and the Greenway Valley.
    • Command: Leads 30 mounted Borderers patrolling the region and 30 guarding the fort, supported by two dozen servants and skilled laborers.
    Commander Olean Rodrigo by 3orcs
    Lieutenant Roland Atterton 
    • Role: Responsible for patrolling the roads north of Cienega Valley.
    • Personality: Serious about his job, motivated by a desire for revenge against bandit raiders.
    • Background: Comes from a well-off family but failed in his childhood dream of becoming a tanner.
    Patrol Leader Ralliq 
    • Role: Patrol leader, a five-year veteran of the Verbobonc military.
    • Experience: Has faced many bandit threats, especially from Nulb, and is frustrated by political constraints.
    • Background: Born in Anshan, his family was killed by raiders, motivating him to join the Mounted Borderers and seek vengeance.
    Mounted Borderer Outposts
    • Fort Wilfrick: Located in Swan, another key defensive outpost.
    • Falls Keep: Situated in Twilight Falls, reinforcing the security network.
    Parent Location
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location

    Monthly Wages

    • Animal tender/groom 4.5GP
    • AcolyteKnowledge (religion) +7 30gp
    • CavalryRide +7 (Dex) WAR 12GP
    • CookProfession (cook) +5 (Wis) 3GP
    • Guard Spot +5 (Wis)* 6GP
    • MaidProfession (maid) +5 (Wis) 3GP
    • Servant 3GP
    • Stablemaster 6GP
    Military Forces
    • Cavalry, light: light warhorse with studded leather barding, scale mail armor, large wooden shield, heavy lance, light flail
    • Infantry, light: scale mail armor, large wooden shield, longsword
    • Guard: chainmail, guisarme, heavy pick
    • Officer: breastplate, large steel shield, longsword,dagger

    Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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