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The Temple of Sehanine Moonbow - Enstad

The Temple of Sehanine Moonbow, known as Lómë Cala in the Elven tongue, serves as a spiritual beacon for the Grey Elves of Celene. Dedicated to Sehanine Moonbow, the goddess of dreams, death, and the moon, this sacred site is a place of deep reverence, reflection, and divine communion. The temple plays a vital role in the religious and cultural life of the elven people, offering solace and guidance in times of peace and conflict. Its influence extends beyond the spiritual, impacting the political and social dynamics of the region, particularly in light of recent tensions and threats.

Architecture and Design

A Temple Bathed in Moonlight: Lómë Cala is an architectural marvel, blending natural beauty with elven craftsmanship to create a space that is both ethereal and serene. The temple’s design reflects the divine nature of Sehanine Moonbow, with every element carefully crafted to evoke a sense of peace and wonder.
Key Architectural Features
  • Moonlit Dome: The temple’s central dome is a masterpiece of elven architecture, crafted from silvered glass that captures and reflects the light of the moon, creating a soft, ethereal glow throughout the interior.
  • Celestial Frescoes: The walls and ceilings of the temple are adorned with intricate frescoes depicting the phases of the moon, the cycles of life and death, and the celestial journey of the soul. These images serve as both decoration and spiritual inspiration for worshippers.
  • Reflecting Pool: At the heart of the temple lies a tranquil reflecting pool, surrounded by white marble pillars. The pool is said to mirror the moon’s light, even on the darkest nights, and is used in various rituals and ceremonies dedicated to Sehanine Moonbow.

History of Lómë Cala

From Humble Beginnings to Sacred Sanctuary
The history of Lómë Cala is deeply intertwined with the history of the elven people and their worship of Sehanine Moonbow. Over the centuries, the temple has grown from a modest shrine to a grand sanctuary, reflecting the enduring devotion of the elves to their goddess.
Early Origins
  • Founding of the Shrine: Lómë Cala began as a simple shrine dedicated to Sehanine Moonbow, built by a group of elven mystics who sought to honor the goddess of dreams and death. The shrine quickly became a place of pilgrimage for elves seeking guidance and comfort in times of transition.
  • Expansion and Renovation: As the worship of Sehanine Moonbow grew, so too did the shrine. Over the centuries, it was expanded and renovated to accommodate the increasing number of worshippers, eventually becoming the grand temple it is today.
  • Role in the Hateful Wars: During The Hateful Wars, the temple served as a place of healing and mourning, where the souls of fallen elves were honored and guided to the afterlife. The temple’s priests and priestesses played a crucial role in comforting those who lost loved ones in the conflict.

Religious Practices and Ceremonies

Rituals Under the Moonlight
Lómë Cala is the center of religious life for many elves, offering a wide range of rituals and ceremonies dedicated to Sehanine Moonbow. These practices are designed to honor the goddess and to help the elves navigate the challenges of life, death, and the dreams that lie between.
Key Ceremonies
  • The Moonlit Vigil: A monthly ceremony held under the light of the full moon, where worshippers gather to reflect on their dreams, seek visions, and commune with Sehanine Moonbow.
  • The Dreamer’s Journey: A sacred rite of passage for young elves, this ceremony marks the transition from youth to adulthood. It involves a night-long meditation under the guidance of the temple’s priests, during which the initiate seeks a vision of their future.
  • The Passing of the Veil: A sacred rite performed for elves who are nearing the end of their life cycle, preparing their spirits for the journey to Arvandor, the elven afterlife.
  • The Dreamwalk: A ritual journey undertaken by select priests and priestesses, where they enter a deep trance and explore the dreamscape, seeking guidance and wisdom from Sehanine Moonbow.

Political and Social Influence

A Temple with a Voice
Lómë Cala is not only a place of worship but also a center of influence in Celene. The temple’s leaders play a significant role in the political and social dynamics of the region, often acting as mediators and advisors in times of conflict.
Political Role
  • Advisory Role: The Moon Oracle and the Council of Seers often advise Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty on matters of state, particularly those involving prophecy, dreams, and the spiritual welfare of the kingdom.
  • Cultural Significance: The temple is a cultural center, hosting festivals, art exhibitions, and performances that celebrate elven heritage and the mysteries of the moon.


The Temple of Sehanine Moonbow, known as Lúthienel Ithildin or the House of the Silver Starlight, is a sacred sanctuary in Celene dedicated to Sehanine Moonbow, the elven goddess of dreams, death, and the moon. This serene temple, with its silver-domed roof and starry sky ceiling, serves as a place of worship, meditation, and prophecy for the elves of Celene. Led by the Moon Oracle, High Priestess Elantha Starfall, the temple plays a significant role in both the spiritual and political life of the kingdom. Through its rites, such as the Moonlit Vigil and the Passing Ritual, the temple guides elves on their spiritual journeys and offers wisdom through dream interpretation. Lúthienel Ithildin also maintains strong ties with other religious institutions, particularly the Old Faith and the worship of Ehlenestra, fostering harmony between the different spiritual traditions in Celene. As the kingdom faces increasing external threats, the temple remains a pillar of support and guidance for its people.
Temple of Sehanine Moonbow by 3orcs
"Sehanine guides us through the veil of dreams."

Leadership and Clergy

Guardians of the Night Light
The temple is overseen by a dedicated group of priests and priestesses, known as the Cala’rindë, or "Guardians of the Night Light." These spiritual leaders are chosen for their deep connection to Sehanine Moonbow and their ability to guide others on their spiritual journeys.
Key Clergy
  • High Priestess Lúthien Estelindë: The current High Priestess of Lómë Cala, Lúthien is known for her wisdom and her ability to commune with Sehanine Moonbow. She has led the temple for over a century and is revered for her deep spiritual insight.
  • The Cala’rindë Council: A group of elder priests and priestesses who assist the High Priestess in the administration of the temple and the performance of sacred rites. The council also plays a key role in advising the elven leadership on matters of spiritual and political importance.
Temple / Church
Parent Location
High Priestess Lúthien Estelindë by 3orcs

Cover image: Elven Pantheon by 3orcs


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