Viggo Hougaard Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Viggo Hougaard


The Retired Mage of Asbury Manor

Viggo Hougaard is a notable character residing in Asbury Manor. The esteemed mage is a retired mage, has found a new home in Asbury Manor. Known for his cold and shallow demeanor, his respect and family connections ensure that he maintains a place of significance within House Asbury.

Character Description

Viggo Hougaard stands at 5'10" with a slender build. He wears a faded coat and loose pants, complete with a small hat. His hair is greying, and his face is marked by numerous wrinkles, a testament to his age and experiences.
Viggo is known for his coldness and shallowness, which often cause friction with those around him. However, his respect and connections with the Asbury family help mitigate these issues. Despite his aloof nature, Viggo possesses a deep well of knowledge and experience, making him a valuable advisor.


Viggo Hougaard was a respected member of the Mages Guild of the Silver Consortium, a prestigious magical study and library, and the Mages Guild. He decided to retire from his rigorous academic and magical pursuits to live out his days in the relaxing countryside of House Asbury. His decision was influenced by his close relationship with Baroness Elinor Asbury's mother and Armount, the Seneschal of House Asbury.


Viggo's primary motivation is to enjoy his retirement in the peaceful environment of Asbury Manor. He seeks solace and tranquility after a life filled with intense study and magical practice.
Though retired, Viggo remains passionate about the magical arts and often mentors young aspiring mages within House Asbury. He finds fulfillment in passing on his knowledge and ensuring that the legacy of magical study continues.


House Asbury
  • Baroness Elinor Asbury: Viggo holds a special place within House Asbury due to his longstanding friendship with the Baroness's mother. He acts as an advisor and mentor, offering his wisdom and experience.
  • Sir Armount Andalarian, Seneschal of House Asbury: Viggo and Armount share a deep bond, forged through years of mutual respect and collaboration. Armount values Viggo's counsel and relies on him for guidance in managing the household.
Local Politics
Viggo's influence extends beyond Asbury Manor into the broader political landscape of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. His connections and respect within the magical community grant him a unique position of influence.
Other Residents of Asbury Manor
Viggo's aloof personality can cause friction, but his respect within the household ensures that conflicts are minimal. He maintains a cordial relationship with other staff and residents, though his true friendships are few.

Detailed Description

Location: Asbury Manor
Viggo's quarters within Asbury Manor are modest yet comfortable. His room is filled with books, scrolls, and magical artifacts, reflecting his lifelong dedication to the arcane arts. He often spends his days in quiet study or engaging in philosophical discussions with Armount and other learned individuals.

Political Influence

Verbobonc Politics
Viggo's connections within the magical community extend to the political sphere of Verbobonc. His respect and influence grant him a unique position, allowing him to act as an intermediary between House Asbury and other political entities.


Viggo Hougaard is a multifaceted character whose presence in Asbury Manor extends beyond his role as a retired mage. His respect, knowledge, and connections make him an invaluable advisor and mentor within House Asbury. Despite his cold demeanor, Viggo's contributions to the household and the broader political landscape of Verbobonc are significant, ensuring his place as a respected and influential figure.
"The tranquility of the countryside is a balm for the weary soul."
Viggo Hougaard
The Retired Mage of Asbury Manor
  • Stands at 5'10" with a slender build.
  • Wears a faded coat and loose pants, complete with a small hat.
  • Greying hair and a face marked by numerous wrinkles.
  • A reserved demeanor with an air of wisdom and experience.
  • Known for his cold and shallow demeanor.
  • Despite his aloof nature, he commands respect.
  • Thoughtful and introspective, valuing knowledge and wisdom.
  • Minimal patience for trivial matters.
  • Maintains cordial relationships, though true friendships are few.
  • Enjoying Retirement: Seeks peace and relaxation in his twilight years after a life of intense study.
  • Mentoring Young Mages: Driven by his passion for the magical arts, he mentors the next generation to ensure the continuation of his legacy.
  • Maintaining Influence: Uses his connections and respect to influence local politics in favor of House Asbury.
Lawful neutral
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
522 54 Years old
Aligned Organization
"True peace comes from within, not from the absence of conflict."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Master Viggo Hougaard by 3orcs


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