Tibor Timason Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Tibor Timason


Tíbor Timason, the owner and bartender of the Black Griffon Inn, is a central figure in the social and political landscape of Cienega Valley. Beholden to House Milinous, Tíbor ensures the inn serves as a welcoming gathering place while subtly promoting the interests of his patrons. His charismatic personality and strategic acumen make him a respected and influential figure in the community.


Tíbor Timason is a sturdy and approachable man known for his warm hospitality and keen political awareness. His practical attire is always clean and well-maintained, reflecting his commitment to providing excellent service to his patrons. Despite his busy role, Tíbor always finds time to welcome guests with a smile.


Tíbor is friendly and charismatic, always ready with a smile and a welcoming word. He exudes confidence and takes pride in the quality of service provided at the Black Griffon Inn. Tíbor's shrewd political awareness allows him to navigate the complex landscape of Cienega Valley, balancing his loyalty to House Milinous with his commitment to the local community.


Tíbor has a long history with House Milinous, having served them loyally for many years. His deep understanding of the local community and his ability to manage people effectively led to his appointment as the owner and bartender of the Black Griffon Inn. Over the years, Tíbor has transformed the inn into a central hub for social and political activity in Cienega Valley.
Key Historical Events
  • Service to House Milinous: Long-standing loyal service to House Milinous.
  • Appointment as Innkeeper: Chosen to run the Black Griffon Inn due to his management skills and community knowledge.
  • Transformation of the Inn: Developed the inn into a key social and political hub in Cienega Valley.

Responsibilities and Duties

As the owner and bartender of the Black Griffon Inn, Tíbor has a wide range of responsibilities. He oversees the daily operations of the inn, ensures the quality of food and drink, and manages interactions with patrons. Additionally, Tíbor plays a significant role in the political dynamics of the region, subtly promoting the interests of House Milinous.
Key Responsibilities
  • Daily Operations: Manages the day-to-day activities of the inn, ensuring smooth and efficient service.
  • Quality Control: Ensures the food and drink served at the inn are of the highest quality.
  • Patron Interaction: Welcomes and engages with patrons, fostering a friendly and inviting atmosphere.
  • Political Influence: Subtly promotes the interests of House Milinous while maintaining good relations with House Asbury.


Tíbor maintains strong relationships with various influential figures and factions in Cienega Valley and beyond. His ability to foster good relations with key figures ensures the success and influence of the Black Griffon Inn.
Key Relationships
  • House Milinous: Loyal servant and key player in their expansion plans.
  • House Asbury: Navigates a delicate balance, ensuring neutrality and avoiding conflict.
  • Local Patrons: Beloved by locals for his hospitality and fair treatment.
  • Travelers and Merchants: Provides a welcoming environment, boosting trade and commerce.
Tíbor's Concerns
Captain Greyson Read 
Despite their strong partnership, Tíbor harbors several concerns about the current political climate and its impact on the Black Griffon Inn.
Political Neutrality
Tíbor is deeply concerned about maintaining the inn’s political neutrality amidst the rising tensions between House Milinous and House Asbury. He fears that any perceived favoritism or misstep could lead to conflict and jeopardize the inn’s reputation and safety.
  • Maintaining Neutrality: Worried about balancing the interests of House Milinous and House Asbury without offending either.
  • Reputation Risk: Concerned that the inn’s reputation could suffer if it is seen as aligning with one house over the other.
Patron Safety
The safety of the patrons is a paramount concern for Tíbor. With the inn serving as a gathering place for soldiers, mercenaries, and travelers, he is constantly vigilant about potential conflicts that could arise from political disputes or personal grudges.
  • Conflict Prevention: Focused on preventing conflicts and ensuring the safety of all patrons.
  • Vigilance: Continuously monitors the inn’s atmosphere to defuse tensions before they escalate.

Politics of Verbobonc

Tíbor plays a crucial role in the politics of Verbobonc through his management of the Black Griffon Inn. The inn serves as a strategic location for House Milinous to gather information, foster alliances, and influence the local populace. Tíbor's political savvy ensures that the inn remains a neutral ground, avoiding conflict with House Asbury while furthering the interests of House Milinous.
Political Influence
  • House Milinous's Agent: Tíbor is loyal to House Milinous and works to convert local favor towards their cause.
  • Information Hub: The inn serves as a place where news, rumors, and valuable information are exchanged.
  • Alliance Building: Tíbor uses the inn to foster relationships with influential figures and potential allies.

Challenges and Conflicts

Despite his successes, Tíbor faces several challenges in his role as innkeeper. Balancing the interests of House Milinous with the need to maintain neutrality and avoid conflict with House Asbury requires careful diplomacy. Additionally, managing the diverse clientele of the inn and ensuring the quality of service can be demanding.
Key Challenges
  • Political Balance: Navigating the delicate political balance between House Milinous and House Asbury.
  • Clientele Management: Ensuring the inn remains a welcoming place for all patrons.
  • Quality Control: Maintaining high standards of food and drink quality.
  • Conflict Avoidance: Preventing conflicts and maintaining a peaceful atmosphere.


Tíbor Timason is a dedicated and charismatic innkeeper who plays a crucial role in the social and political landscape of Cienega Valley. His management of the Black Griffon Inn and his loyalty to House Milinous ensure that the inn remains a key hub for social and political activity. Tíbor's friendly nature, strategic thinking, and ability to navigate complex political dynamics make him a respected and influential figure in the community.
Tibor Timason
  • Warrior level 3
  • Armor Class 11r]
  • Hit Points 25
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1)
  • Weapon: dagger
Chaotic neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
546 30 Years old
Attire: Practical and clean, suitable for a bartender and innkeeper
hazel, Warm and welcoming
Dark, often kept short
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The Black Griffon is the heart of Cienega Valley, where stories are shared and alliances are forged."
Ruled Locations

Personality and Traits

Tíbor is known for his friendly and welcoming nature. His charisma and ability to engage with patrons make him a beloved figure in the community. However, his shrewd political awareness and strategic thinking ensure that he never loses sight of the broader political dynamics at play.
Key Traits
  • Friendly and Charismatic: Always ready with a smile and a welcoming word.
  • Confident and Approachable: Engages with patrons and makes them feel at home.
  • Politically Savvy: Understands the complex political landscape and navigates it effectively.
  • Loyal and Strategic: Dedicated to House Milinous and committed to furthering their interests.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Tibor Timason by 3orcs


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