Greyson Read Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Greyson Read


Captain Read is a charismatic and shrewd individual with a keen sense of observation and a knack for diplomacy. He is approachable and friendly, always ready to engage in a conversation or share a story. However, beneath his warm exterior lies a strategic mind constantly assessing the political landscape. Greyson is loyal to his allies but remains cautious of those who might pose a threat to the stability of Cienega Valley.


Greyson Read was born and raised in Cienega Valley, his family having deep roots in the community. His father was a respected merchant, and his mother a healer. Growing up, Greyson learned the value of hard work and community from his parents. When the political tensions between House Milinous and House Asbury began to rise, Greyson found himself drawn to the center of the action. He joined the Black Griffon Inn as a mediator and advisor, using his skills to navigate the delicate political dynamics.


Greyson's primary motivation is to ensure the prosperity and stability of Cienega Valley. He seeks to maintain peace between House Milinous and House Asbury while protecting the interests of the local community. Greyson is also driven by a desire to honor his family's legacy by contributing to the growth and well-being of the town. He aims to prevent conflict and foster cooperation through diplomacy and strategic alliances.

Political Relationships

Tibor Timason
Greyson has a close working relationship with Tíbor Timason, the innkeeper of the Black Griffon Inn. They share a common goal of keeping the inn a neutral and welcoming place for all patrons, regardless of political affiliation. Greyson often advises Tíbor on political matters and helps him navigate the complexities of serving House Milinous while maintaining good relations with House Asbury.
  • Interaction: Trusted advisor and mediator, assisting in maintaining neutrality and peace at the inn.
  • Shared Goals: Ensuring the inn remains a safe and welcoming place for all, promoting prosperity and stability.
Elara Brightwood
Greyson sees great potential in Elara Brightwood and appreciates her ability to connect with patrons and keep the atmosphere at the inn lively and positive. He often mentors her, offering guidance on handling difficult situations and understanding the political dynamics at play.
  • Interaction: Mentor and advisor, helping Elara navigate the inn's political landscape.
  • Shared Goals: Maintaining a positive and welcoming atmosphere at the inn, fostering community spirit.
House Milinous
While Greyson respects House Milinous and acknowledges their ambitions, he remains wary of their intentions to absorb Cienega Valley. He strives to keep an open line of communication with Sir Simon Milinous, advocating for the interests of the local community and seeking to prevent conflict.
  • Interaction: Diplomatic advisor, maintaining open communication and advocating for local interests.
  • Shared Goals: Ensuring the prosperity and stability of Cienega Valley while balancing political ambitions.
House Asbury
Greyson holds House Asbury in high regard, particularly for their efforts to secure and develop Cienega Valley. He works closely with Lady Asbury's representatives, supporting their initiatives to strengthen the town's infrastructure and maintain peace.
  • Interaction: Ally and advisor, supporting House Asbury's efforts to secure and develop the town.
  • Shared Goals: Strengthening the town's infrastructure, maintaining peace, and fostering cooperation.
  • Professional Rivalry: Opposing allegiances but mutual respect.
Captain Jareth Thorne of The Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse Greyson is one of professional rivalry tempered with mutual respect with Captain Jareth, the leader of the Asbury guards stationed at 9. The Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse. They frequently discuss strategies to maintain order and security in the town, sharing intelligence and coordinating efforts to manage the political tensions.
  • Interaction: Collaborative partner, coordinating efforts to maintain order and security.
  • Shared Goals: Ensuring the safety of Cienega Valley, managing political tensions, and fostering cooperation between the guards and the community.
  • Professional Rivalry: Opposing allegiances but mutual respect.
"While we serve different houses, I respect Jareth’s dedication and competence."

Role in the Community

Greyson is a vital figure in the political and social landscape of Cienega Valley. His diplomatic skills and deep understanding of the local dynamics make him an invaluable asset in maintaining peace and promoting prosperity. Greyson's efforts to foster cooperation and prevent conflict are crucial in navigating the challenges posed by the competing ambitions of House Milinous and House Asbury.


Greyson is a charismatic and strategic individual dedicated to the well-being of Cienega Valley. His relationships with key figures such as Tíbor Timason, Elara Brightwood, House Milinous, House Asbury, and Captain Aric Stone highlight his importance in the delicate political balance of the town. Through diplomacy, strategic alliances, and a commitment to community, Greyson works tirelessly to ensure the prosperity and stability of Cienega Valley.    

Soldiers under his command

Tomas Robson
Tiese Glas
Krist Gorter
Bradwr Prichard
Pennant Scurlock
Nudd Rees
Short Sword
Light Crossbow
Greyson Read
  • Level 5 Fighter
  • AC 1 (splint mail & shield + 2)
  • hp 31; #AT 1; D1-4 (light crossbow, ranges 6'712'718", or dagger) or 2-9 (longsword + 1)
  • XP 365
  • S13 111 W13 D14 Coll Chl4
Lawful neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
545 31 Years old
Attire: Practical yet refined, including a fitted tunic, trousers, and a cloak
sharp blue
Dark brown, neatly styled
Aligned Organization
Greyson Read is known for his charisma and diplomatic skills. He has a natural talent for making people feel at ease and is an excellent conversationalist. His ability to read situations and people allows him to navigate complex political landscapes effectively. Despite his friendly demeanor, Jareth is cautious and strategic, always thinking several steps ahead to ensure the best outcomes for Cienega Valley.
Milinous coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Captain Greyson Read by 3orcs


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