4. Black Griffon Inn Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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4. Black Griffon Inn

From the outside the three-story Inn looks intimate, cozy and modest. Timber and thick, hard-wooden logs make up most of the building's outer structure. It's near impossible to see through the small, stained glass windows, but the inviting music from within can be felt outside. Hanging proudly is the bannor of the black griffon.   As you enter the tavern through the hard-wooden door, you're welcomed by clapping hands and amazing, but unknown scents. The bartender is quite busy, but still manages to welcome you with a smile.   It's as alluring inside as it is on the outside. Squared, wooden beams support the upper floor and the lanterns attached to them. The walls are full of military weapons and shields, all from famous battles from the surrounding area.   The tavern itself is packed. Soldiers seem to be the primary clientele here, which often means great company. Several long tables are occupied by, what looks like couples, lone travelers and anybody else who enjoys great company. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who are clearly having a good time. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.   The only Inn in the township of Cienega Valley with space is the Black Griffon Inn. It has become the favorite gathering place for off duty mercenaries, House Milinouss patrols and those that are still seeking to be hired.
The Black Griffon Inn, located in the township of Cienega Valley, is a cozy and intimate three-story establishment that serves as a gathering place for soldiers, mercenaries, and travelers. Beholden to House Milinous, the inn is a hub of activity and camaraderie, with a rich history and a significant role in the local politics of Verbobonc.


From the outside, the Black Griffon Inn looks intimate, cozy, and modest. Timber and thick, hard-wooden logs make up most of the building's outer structure. It's near impossible to see through the small, stained glass windows, but the inviting music from within can be felt outside. Hanging proudly is the banner of the Black Griffon, representing House Milinous.


As you enter the tavern through the hard-wooden door, you're welcomed by clapping hands and amazing, but unknown scents. The bartender is quite busy, but still manages to welcome you with a smile. The interior is as alluring as the exterior. Squared, wooden beams support the upper floor, with lanterns attached to them. The walls are adorned with military weapons and shields, all from famous battles in the surrounding area.


The taproom is packed, primarily with soldiers and mercenaries, creating a lively atmosphere. Several long tables are occupied by couples, lone travelers, and others enjoying the great company. The smaller tables and bar stools are also filled with patrons, none of whom mind more company. The main taproom measures 40 ft. by 60 ft., with a 20 ft. bar on the east wall. The stairs to the second level are on the south wall, and a massive fireplace dominates the west wall. Windows line the room, adding light and a view of the bustling exterior.

Dining and Accommodations

The inn boasts a wide fare of pork, chicken, and beef dishes, with large portions and home-style cooking. The bar offers common ales, including a fantastic honey oat ale. Meals are reasonably priced, with a complete meal under a gold piece. Rooms cost 5 silvers per night, with food and drink priced affordably.

Community and Clientele

The Black Griffon Inn is the only inn in Cienega Valley with ample space, making it a favorite gathering place for off-duty mercenaries, House Milinous's patrols, and those seeking to be hired. The inn also hosts dart and dagger throwing competitions, though gambling is strictly prohibited.


The Black Griffon Inn has a rich history intertwined with the politics and conflicts of Verbobonc. Established to cater to the needs of soldiers and travelers, the inn quickly became a central hub for House Milinous's efforts to expand its influence in Cienega Valley.
Key Historical Events
  • Establishment: Built to serve soldiers and travelers, becoming a key location for House Milinous.
  • Political Influence: Used by House Milinous to gain favor with locals and influence regional politics.
  • Cultural Hub: Over time, the inn has become a cultural and social hub for the township, hosting numerous events and gatherings.

Politics of Verbobonc

The Black Griffon Inn plays a significant role in the politics of Verbobonc, serving as a strategic location for House Milinous. Sir Simon Milinous uses the inn to convert local favor and absorb the lands of Cienega Valley into his domain.
Political Influence
  • House Milinous: The inn is a key asset in House Milinous's efforts to expand its influence.
  • Local Governance: The innkeeper, Tibor Timason Timason, ensures that the locals are treated well and aligned with House Milinous's interests.
  • Local Community: The inn is a beloved gathering place for locals, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.
  • Travelers and Merchants: Provides a welcoming and comfortable environment for travelers and merchants passing through the area.
Politics Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
Influence and Control
Tíbor Timason, the owner and bartender of the Black Griffon Inn, is a trusted agent of House Milinous. He ensures that the inn operates smoothly while also furthering the political ambitions of Sir Simon Milinous. The inn is a key location for House Milinous to gather information, foster alliances, and subtly influence the local populace.
Key Political Roles
  • House Milinous's Agent: Tíbor is loyal to House Milinous and works to convert local favor towards their cause.
  • Information Hub: The inn serves as a place where news, rumors, and valuable information are exchanged.
  • Alliance Building: Tíbor uses the inn to foster relationships with influential figures and potential allies.
House Asbury's Vigilance
House Asbury, aware of the strategic importance of the Black Griffon Inn, maintains a constant vigil through their guards stationed in Cienega Valley. These guards ensure that the political maneuverings of House Milinous do not disrupt the peace or lead to conflict.
Key Roles of House Asbury's Guards
  • Neutrality Maintenance: The guards are tasked with remaining neutral to prevent any incidents between House Asbury and House Milinous.
  • Peacekeeping: They ensure that the inn remains a safe place for all visitors, regardless of political affiliation.
  • Monitoring Activities: The guards discreetly monitor the activities at the inn to ensure that House Milinous's influence does not undermine House Asbury's authority.

Political Tensions

The Black Griffon Inn is a focal point of subtle political tensions between House Milinous and House Asbury. While House Milinous seeks to expand their influence, House Asbury is committed to maintaining their sovereignty and the stability of Cienega Valley.
Key Political Tensions
  • Influence vs. Sovereignty: House Milinous's efforts to influence the region clash with House Asbury's desire to maintain control.
  • Strategic Location: The inn's central location in Cienega Valley makes it a key asset for both houses.
  • Diplomatic Maneuvering: Both houses engage in careful diplomacy to avoid open conflict while pursuing their respective goals.

Background and Motivation

Tíbor has a long history with House Milinous, having served them loyally for many years. He was chosen to run the Black Griffon Inn due to his ability to manage people and his deep understanding of the local community. His primary motivation is to ensure the success of the inn and support House Milinous's expansion plans.


Tíbor maintains strong relationships with key figures in Cienega Valley and beyond, ensuring the inn's success and influence.
  • House Milinous: Loyal servant and key player in their expansion plans.
  • House Asbury: Navigates a delicate balance, ensuring neutrality and avoiding conflict.
  • Local Patrons: Beloved by locals for his hospitality and fair treatment.
  • Travelers and Merchants: Provides a welcoming environment, boosting trade and commerce.


The Black Griffon Inn is more than just a place to eat and sleep – it is a cornerstone of the Cienega Valley community. Under the management of Tíbor Timason and the influence of House Milinous, the inn has become a vital hub of social, military, and political activity. Its welcoming atmosphere, hearty food, and strategic importance make it a beloved institution in the township and beyond.
Black Griffin In by 3orcs
"House Milinous stands for strength and unity, and so does our inn."
Tibor Timason Tíbor Timason is the owner and bartender of the Black Griffon Inn. Beholden to House Milinous, he ensures the locals are treated well and have a good time. He is under orders to convert local favor to House Milinous as Sir Simon Milinous has his eyes set on absorbing these lands into his domain.
Tibor Timason by 3orcs
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Elara Brightwood by 3orcs
Elara Brightwood serving girl at the Black Griffin Inn  
Captain Greyson Read by 3orcs
Captain Greyson Read stationed at the Black Griffon Inn
The Black Griffin Inn menu by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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