Velnius Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Rainshroud, The Elder Breeze

Velnius is the Oeridian god of the Sky and Weather
Velnius, the Oeridian deity of the Sky and Weather, plays a pivotal role in the agricultural and climatic cycles of Oerth. His command over the elements and his position within the pantheon of the Oeridian agricultural gods, known as the Velaeri, position him as a guardian of both the natural world and its inhabitants.


  • Appearance: Velnius is envisioned as a majestic, middle-aged man with striking white hair, embodying the power and unpredictability of the weather.
  • Attire: He is often depicted wearing a magnificent cloak adorned with feathers, from which elements such as water and lightning continuously emanate, symbolizing his dominion over the sky.


  • Family Ties: As the eldest offspring of Procan, Velnius is intricately linked to the Oeridian pantheon. He is a sibling to Telchur, Atroa, Sotillion, and Wenta, leading them in their divine duties.
  • Alliances and Enmities: Velnius maintains alliances primarily within his divine family, emphasizing his role as a mediator and caretaker. He is particularly opposed to Kurell, reflecting familial and divine tensions.


Velnius's presence spans across the vast expanse of Elysium, particularly within the layer of Eronia, where he wanders, overseeing the balance of weather across all realms.


Velnius's teachings highlight the sanctity and significance of weather as a divine gift, stressing the importance of balance and understanding the necessity of all climatic conditions, from droughts to deluges.


Velnius is usually worshiped with his siblings as part of the Velaeri, the Oeridian agricultural gods.
  • Demographic: Farmers, travelers, and those whose lives are directly influenced by weather patterns pay homage to Velnius, seeking his favor for beneficial weather and protection against the elements.
  • Veneration Practices: Followers of Velnius often participate in rituals and offerings to appeal for favorable weather, particularly during planting and harvesting seasons.


  • Roles and Responsibilities: Priests of Velnius act as intermediaries between the god and the mortal world, conducting rituals to influence weather patterns and offering guidance to those seeking to understand the whims of the sky.
  • Weapon of Choice: The shortspear, symbolic of the piercing nature of rain, is favored among Velnius's clergy.
  • Sanctuaries: Shrines and temples dedicated to Velnius and the Velaeri dot the Oeridian landscape, serving as places of prayer and ritual for those seeking the god's favor or thanking him for his blessings.

Myths and Legends

  • The Freezing of the World: A testament to Velnius's importance and the delicate balance he maintains. This legend narrates how Velnius, upon returning from his celestial duties, corrected the eternal winter wrought by Telchur, establishing the cycle of seasons by sharing responsibilities among his siblings.


Velnius, the god of the Sky and Weather, stands as a guardian over all who dwell under the vast expanse of heaven. His influence, deeply interwoven with the cycle of life on Oerth, ensures that despite the unpredictable nature of the weather, there remains a constant, guiding force that nurtures and sustains the world.
  Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: a bird perching upon a cloud
Realm: Elysium
Domains: Air, Travel, Water, Weather
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Cleric of the 1sts order: weather sense
  • Cleric of the 3rd order: +1 saves, <1 damage per die (minimum 1) vs. cold, fire, & electrical attacks every 3 levels
  • Cleric of the 5th order: speak with normal birds at will
  • Cleric of the 7th order: rainbow
  • Cleric of the 9th order: aura of comfor
  • Cleric of the 11th order: weather summoning 1/month
Quotes & Catchphrases
"From calm skies to raging storms, all weather is Velnius's will."
Velnius holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Velnius by 3orcs


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