Sotillion Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Summer Queen, Queen of Ease

Sotillion is the Oeridian goddess of Summer, the South Wind, Ease, and Comfort
The Summer Queen, Queen of Ease   Sotillion, also known as the Summer Queen, is a prominent figure within the Oeridian pantheon, revered as the goddess of Summer, the South Wind, Ease, and Comfort. Her influence over the warmer months and her embodiment of relaxation and pleasure make her a beloved deity among those who seek to bask in the joys of life. This article delves into the intricate details of Sotillion's lore, her divine relationships, her followers, and her worship.

Lore and Description

  • Divine Visage: Sotillion is portrayed as an exquisite woman donning diaphanous attire, the epitome of beauty and grace among the seasonal deities. She is often depicted reclining with a bottle of wine, a symbol of her indulgent and leisurely nature, accompanied by a winged, pure-orange tiger, her holy symbol.
  • Personality: Sotillion embodies the languid, joyous essence of summer. She promotes comfort and ease, often needing motivation from her divine family to perform her duties amidst her relaxed disposition.


  • Divine Family: Daughter of Procan, the storm and sea god, and sister to Velnius, Telchur, Atroa, and Wenta. Sotillion's familial ties underscore the interconnectedness of the seasons and the natural world.
  • Spousal Ties: Wife to Zilchus, god of wealth and prestige, from whom she derives her comfortable lifestyle.
  • Adversaries: Particularly dislikes Kurell, who chose her sister Sotillion over Atroa, sparking a divine rivalry.
  • Allies: Allied with gods of nature and growth, such as Ehlonna and Phaulkon.

Motivation and Hierarchy

  • Drive for Comfort: Sotillion promotes leisure, comfort, and the avoidance of undue hardship, embodying the spirit of summer relaxation.
  • Clerical Hierarchy: Ranges from novices, known as Breezefollowers, to high-ranking clerics, or Summerlords, who oversee the worship and temples dedicated to Sotillion.


  • Followers: Farmers, vintners, and anyone who revels in the pleasures of summer. Her worshipers are diverse, united in their pursuit of comfort and enjoyment.
  • Dogma: Advocates for a life of ease and comfort, protected and defended with zeal. Sotillion's teachings discourage stress and hard work, emphasizing the protection of one's well-being.


  • Roles and Responsibilities: Priests, known as Luxuriates, live by Sotillion's ideals, enjoying and spreading the joys of summer. They serve as diplomats, using their charm to ease tensions and foster peace.
  • Adventuring Clerics: Some clerics seek adventure to break the monotony of comfort, acquiring wealth for more luxurious living.
  • Vestments and Symbols: Adorned in robes reflecting summer's vibrancy, they carry symbols of Sotillion's divine aspects, spreading her teachings through example and counsel.


  • Sanctuaries of Comfort: Temples and shrines dedicated to Sotillion are havens of relaxation and joy, often located in places blessed with natural beauty and warmth.
  • Cathedral of Delight: The grandest of her temples, located in Niole Dra, epitomizes Sotillion's essence, with its luxurious decor and tranquil ambiance inviting all to partake in summer's blessings.


  • Celebrations of Summer: Rituals and ceremonies are held to honor the peak of summer, involving music, dance, and the sharing of bountiful feasts.
  • Midsummer Night: A key holy day, Richfest, encapsulates the zenith of Sotillion's power and is celebrated with great fervor across the lands.
  Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: a winged tiger of pure orange
Realm: Ysgard
Domains: Air, Chaos, Charm, Good, Healing, Plant
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Cleric of the 3rd circle: sleep
  • Cleric of the 6th circle: control temperature 10' radius
  • Cleric of the 8th circle: control winds
  • Cleric of the 15th circle: rope trick (x3 dur and cap)
Divine Classification
Lesser goddess
Chaotic good
Sotillion holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Sotillion by 3orcs


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