Wendell Rhynehurst Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Wendell Rhynehurst


Lord Wendell Rhynehurst is the current head of House Rhynehurst, a noble family known for their cultural contributions and significant holdings in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Wendell is a spry and jolly old bard, beloved by his people for his entertaining nature and lax rule. His family, each unique in their own right, plays vital roles in maintaining the house's legacy and influence.
"Even in difficult times, laughter and merriment keep our spirits strong and our bonds unbreakable."

Historical Background

Lord Wendell Rhynehurst hails from a long line of Rhynehursts who have shaped the region's history through resilience, rebellion, and a strong support for the arts.
  • Legacy of Rebellion: The Rhynehurst family's legacy was cemented during the Keoish occupation when Artel Rhynehurst led a successful rebellion, driving out the invaders with the aid of Sir Elistad Krompox.
  • Cultural Flourishing: Since the rebellion, the town of Rhynehurst has become a cultural hub, known for its vibrant arts scene, wine production, and a relaxed lifestyle.
Personality of Lord Wendell Rhynehurst
Lord Wendell Rhynehurst is a charismatic and jovial figure, beloved by his people.
  • Physical Appearance: A spry old bard over fifty years old, portly and jolly, with a love for entertainment and social gatherings.
  • Personality Traits: Wendell is relaxed and easy-going, enjoying a luxurious lifestyle and supporting the arts. He is rumored to enjoy and permit illegal activities like gladiatorial fights, though his overall governance is marked by leniency and cultural enrichment.

Political Influence

House Rhynehurst's political influence is marked by their loyalty to the Viscount and their significant cultural impact.
  • Loyal to the Viscount: The Rhynehursts are staunch supporters of Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, the Mounted Borderers, and the Church of St Cuthbert.
  • Cultural Diplomacy: Using cultural events and the arts to maintain positive relations and subtly influence political dynamics within Verbobonc.

Estates and Holdings

House Rhynehurst's estates are strategically located and economically valuable, contributing to their wealth and influence.
  • Town of Rhynehurst: A vibrant trade town at the confluence of the Celeb’vara and Velverdyva River's, known for its arts scene and welcoming attitude towards the Rhennee Rhenn-folk riverfolk.
  • Rhynehurst Lands: Fertile lands producing renowned wine, supporting a prosperous and relaxed lifestyle for its residents.

Family Relationships

Lord Wendell Rhynehurst, the jovial and charismatic head of House Rhynehurst, has a complex and dynamic relationship with each of his children. His involvement and concerns for their futures reflect his deep care for his family and the legacy of their house.
Braden Rhynehurst
Second Son: The Paladin
  • Loyal yet Critical: Braden Rhynehurst, a dedicated paladin in the Church of St Cuthbert, is deeply loyal to his family but often finds himself at odds with his father's relaxed governance. He is critical of the perceived lawlessness and lack of order in Rhynehurst lands, believing that stricter control is necessary for the betterment of the community.
  • Father-Son Dynamic: Despite their differences, Wendell respects Braden's commitment to his principles and his devotion to the church. Wendell sees Braden's perspective as a valuable counterbalance to his own approach, recognizing the need for diverse viewpoints in maintaining a well-rounded leadership.
  • Concerns and Hopes: Wendell worries that Braden's rigid adherence to law and order might alienate him from the more relaxed and artistic nature of their family. He hopes Braden will learn to appreciate the balance between structure and creativity that defines House Rhynehurst.
Mylindar Rhynehurst
  • Only Daughter: The Financial StewardClever and Capable: Mylindar Rhynehurst, at 23, is a strikingly pretty and exceptionally intelligent young woman. She has taken on increasing responsibilities, managing much of her father’s financial affairs with skill and precision.
  • Father-Daughter Bond: Wendell is immensely proud of Mylindar's abilities and her dedication to the family's well-being. He sees in her the future leader of House Rhynehurst, someone who can combine the family's cultural heritage with strong financial stewardship.
  • Concerns and Aspirations: Wendell’s primary concern for Mylindar is the weight of responsibility she bears at such a young age. He wants her to enjoy her youth while also preparing her for future leadership. Wendell is also mindful of potential suitors, hoping to find a match that respects her independence and intellect.
Garilon Rhynehurst
Youngest Son: The Bard and Noble
  • Arrogant but Good-Hearted: Garilon Rhynehurst, the youngest of Wendell’s children, is a foppish and sometimes arrogant young noble. Recently cleared of a murder charge by adventurers, Garilon has followed in his father’s footsteps as a bard, embracing the family's artistic legacy.
  • Father-Son Dynamic: Wendell sees much of himself in Garilon and is both proud and concerned for him. While he admires Garilon’s passion for the arts and his charming personality, Wendell worries about his son's reckless behavior and the trouble it can attract.
  • Concerns and Guidance: Wendell’s main concern is ensuring Garilon matures into a responsible leader who can navigate the complexities of noble life. He encourages Garilon to temper his arrogance with humility and to learn from his past mistakes. Wendell hopes Garilon’s close brush with danger will instill a sense of caution and responsibility.
Involvement and Concerns
  • Balancing Act: Wendell Rhynehurst's role as a father and head of House Rhynehurst involves a delicate balance of guidance, support, and correction.
  • Supportive Parent: He strives to support his children in their individual pursuits while fostering a sense of unity and purpose within the family.
  • Guiding Future Leaders: Wendell is deeply involved in preparing his children for their future roles, ensuring they are equipped with the wisdom and skills needed to uphold the family's legacy.
  • Encouraging Diversity: Recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of each child, Wendell encourages them to learn from one another, valuing Braden’s discipline, Mylindar’s intellect, and Garilon’s creativity. 


Lord Wendell Rhynehurst and his family stand as vibrant and influential figures in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Their strategic location, cultural contributions, and economic power make them a respected noble house. Through Wendell’s relaxed and charismatic governance, House Rhynehurst continues to thrive, maintaining a delicate balance of influence and cultural enrichment in Verbobonc’s political and economic landscape.
"Giving my people the freedom to enjoy life and express themselves makes for a happier, more vibrant community"
Rhynehurst Family
The Rhynehurst family consists of several notable members, each contributing to the family's influence and reputation.
  • Lord Wendell Rhynehurst: A portly, jolly bard over fifty years old, Wendell loves to entertain guests and is rumored to enjoy and permit illegal gladiatorial fights. He is beloved by his people for his relaxed and charismatic governance.
  • Egret Rhynehurst: The eldest son, a Knight Commander in the Mounted Borderers. Egret is dour and serious, with a notable inability to appreciate music due to being tone-deaf.
  • Braden Rhynehurst: The second son, a paladin in the Church of St Cuthbert. Braden is loyal to his family but critical of the lawlessness in his father’s lands.
  • Mylindar Rhynehurst: The only daughter, a strikingly pretty 23-year-old who handles much of her father’s financial affairs. Mylindar is clever, loyal, and increasingly taking on more responsibilities as Wendell ages.
  • Garilon Rhynehurst: The youngest son, a foppish and arrogant young noble who was recently cleared of murder by a group of adventurers. Garilon follows in his father’s footsteps as a bard and is the only one of Wendell’s children to pursue this path.
Chaotic good
Year of Birth
526 50 Years old
hazel mirthful
curly short greying
portly and jolly
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In Wine, We Find Wisdom"
Aligned Organization
House Rhynehurst coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lord Wendell Rhynehurst by 3orcs


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