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Mercenary Caravan Guard

Zert, a mercenary caravan guard and aspiring adventurer, is currently staying at The Inn of the Welcome Wench in Hommlet. Ostensibly awaiting a caravan from the south, he is eager to join adventurers on their quests, offering his skills for an equal share of the treasure. Beneath his charismatic facade, Zert harbors dark secrets and dangerous affiliations.

Physical Description

Zert is a robust man in his early thirties, with a rugged appearance that speaks of numerous battles and hardships. His physique is muscular, honed by years of combat and rigorous training. He prefers to be unencumbered by heavy armor, opting instead for a well-worn wooden shield and a battleaxe that glows with an amber light during combat. His attire is practical and unassuming, designed for mobility and quick action.

Lore and History

Hailing from a distant land known as Blackmoor, far north of Furyondy and beyond the dreaded lands of Iuz, Zert has traveled extensively in search of fame and fortune. He claims to be from a region few have heard of, adding an air of mystery to his persona. Zert arrived in Hommlet just two days ago, seeking opportunities and awaiting the return of a caravan from the south.


Zert's journey to Hommlet is driven by a thirst for adventure and wealth. He has a large, muscular warhorse stabled at the inn and carries a modest sum of gold and valuable pearls hidden among his belongings. Despite his claims of nobility and high purpose, Zert's true motives are greed and selfish.

Motivation and Relationships

Zert's primary motivation is to gain wealth and power. He eagerly interviews fellow adventurers over mugs of ale, drawing detailed maps of their exploits and assessing their potential as allies or targets. He portrays himself as an amiable and capable companion, willing to share in the risks and rewards of adventuring.
  • Public Persona: Aspiring adventurer and treasure seeker.

Current Events

Zert's presence in Hommlet coincides with increased bandit raids and humanoid sightings in the surrounding hills. His arrival has not gone unnoticed by the village residents.   Zert's outward charm and hidden agenda make him a complex and intriguing character within the village of Hommlet. Adventurers who encounter him should be wary of his true intentions while enjoying his tales and camaraderie.
Zert's Secret Information
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Current Events
Zert has been in Hommlet for only two days, interviewing adventurers over mugs of ale, asking them about their exploits, and mapping out their tales on the tavern table. His sharp eye and advantage against alcohol effects make him a formidable opponent and an engaging conversationalist.
Key Points
  • Physical Appearance: Rugged, muscular, practical leather armor, sharp eyes, glowing amber battleaxe.
  • Background: Claims to be from Blackmoor, recently arrived, awaiting a caravan.
  • Secret Motive: Spy for the Temple of Elemental Evil, working for Lareth the Beautiful.
  • Public Persona: Friendly, eager adventurer, keen on joining expeditions.
  • Current Role: Gathering information, identifying potential recruits or threats, drinking with adventurers.
Zert's Dark Allegiance
Zert is not merely a mercenary caravan guard but a Chaotic Evil spy for the Temple of Elemental Evil. He works under the command of Lareth the Beautiful and is tasked with identifying potential recruits and neutralizing threats. The traders at the Trading Post (Area 13) are aware of Zert's true nature, although he remains ignorant of their own affiliations with the Temple.
Hidden Wealth
Zert's hidden coffer contains 265 gp, 100 pp, and 10 black but flawed pearls, each worth 100 gp but appearing far more valuable to the untrained eye. These treasures serve both as a reserve for his missions and as a lure for unsuspecting adventurers.
Double Drinking Capacity
Zert can consume great quantities of alcohol without becoming drunk, giving him an advantage in social settings where alcohol is involved. This ability allows him to maintain his composure and gather information while others are impaired.
Betrayal Plans
Zert's willingness to join adventuring parties is a facade. He intends to betray his companions at opportune moments, aiding in their downfall and seizing their goods for himself and his masters at the Temple. Zert is poised to act against adventurers who may pose a threat to the Temple, leading them into traps or betraying them when the moment is right.   By maintaining a facade of camaraderie and trustworthiness, Zert skillfully navigates the dangerous waters of Hommlet, ever ready to strike when the moment is right. His presence is a ticking time bomb for those who unknowingly invite him into their ranks.
Secret: Catching Zert in the Act
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While staying in the Inn of the Welcome Wench, the PCs may find the heavy-drinking Zert (Agent of the Temple) to be more than a little suspicious. If they didn't hire him and wind up stabbed in the back for their trouble early on, he will happily interview them over mugs of ale about all of their adventures with rapt detail, asking them to chalk maps onto the table, etc.   QUEST: 4. Catching Zert in the Act - Hommlet    At night, they may be woken by the sound of a rock rapping on his window. If the PCs rented room 8, they may hear this. If they are in rooms 7, 8, or 15, they may hear the sound of him attempting to sneak out.   If they follow Zert, they will witness him meeting with a cultist in a black cloak with the Elder Elemental Eye symbol on it. The cultist will tell Zert that he has a message from the new master. If they discover that they are being watched, Zert and the cultist will attempt to murder the PCs. Otherwise, Zert will read the note, cast it into the fire, and head back upstairs, while the cultist will sneak back to the Moathouse and slip in the main entrance to report to Lareth.   The PCs will have a few rounds to fetch the note from the fire (if they don't just quietly waylay Zert). The note will say, “The new adventurers are becoming a problem, inform G.R. to be ready to eliminate them on the usual sign. Look into recruiting the foreigner and his warrior friend further. -L.”
Zert TOEE Letter by 3orcs
    Zert's outward charm and hidden agenda make him a complex and intriguing character within the village of Hommlet. Adventurers who encounter him should be wary of his true intentions while enjoying his tales and camaraderie.
"I come from lands far beyond Furyondy, where legends are born."
Zert: AC 4 (scale mail & shield)
Level 2 Fighter; hp 12
D 1-8 (sword) or 1-4 (dagger AL CE; XP 52
S 16 I13 W 9 D 15 Co 11 Ch 10
Lawful neutral
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
550 26 Years old
hazel sharp
black crop with thick full beard
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Fame and fortune await those who have the courage to seize them."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Zert by 3orcs


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