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5. Catching Zert in the Act - Hommlet

The mercenary Zert, a seemingly friendly and helpful adventurer, harbors a dark secret. While staying at the Inn of the Welcome Wench, the PCs may find him more than a little suspicious. Unbeknownst to most, Zert is a spy for the Temple of Elemental Evil, gathering information and plotting against those who could pose a threat to his dark masters.  


Zert, a rugged mercenary with a well-worn appearance, arrived in Hommlet a few days ago under the guise of seeking employment and adventure. However, his true allegiance lies with the Temple of Elemental Evil, where he serves as a covert agent. Zert's charm and sharp eye allow him to blend in with other adventurers, while his true purpose is to gather intelligence and eliminate threats to the temple.

The Setup

Zert spends most of his time at the Inn of the Welcome Wench, drinking and chatting with other adventurers. He is particularly interested in hearing about their exploits, asking them to map out their adventures and share every detail. His seemingly innocent curiosity, however, is part of his plan to assess the threat these adventurers may pose to the Temple.

The Suspicion

If the PCs didn't hire Zert earlier and avoid being stabbed in the back for their troubles, they may notice some suspicious behavior. At night, the PCs could be woken by the sound of a rock tapping on Zert's window. If they have rented rooms 7, 8, or 15, they may hear Zert attempting to sneak out. Following him will reveal his true nature.

The Encounter

If the PCs follow Zert, they will witness him meeting with a cultist from the Temple of Elemental Evil. The cultist, dressed in a black cloak adorned with the Elder Elemental Eye symbol, hands Zert a message from their new master. Should the PCs be discovered, Zert and the cultist will attempt to murder them on the spot. However, if the PCs remain undetected, they will have a chance to retrieve the note from the fire after Zert reads and burns it.

Secret Information

Zert's true role in Hommlet is that of a spy and assassin, loyal to the Temple of Elemental Evil. He intends to gather intelligence on adventurers who could threaten the temple and eliminate them when the opportunity arises. The traders at the Trading Post are aware of Zert's true nature, though Zert remains ignorant of their own connections to the Temple. If the PCs do not discover Zert's secret in time, they may find themselves betrayed at a critical moment.


Zert's Background:

Useful Information

  • Cult Intel: The note contains vital information about the cult's plans, allowing the PCs to anticipate and counter future threats from the Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • Local Favor: The PCs gain favor with the townsfolk for exposing Zert, which could result in discounts at local shops or even free lodging at the Inn of the Welcome Wench.
Role-Playing Rewards
  • Recognition: The PCs’ reputation in Hommlet will improve as they are recognized as heroes who exposed a dangerous spy. This could lead to further quests or alliances.
  • Future Allies: The PCs might gain the trust of Zeb Fletcher (Elmo's father and the militia captain), which could be helpful in future encounters or when rallying local forces against the Temple.
These rewards not only provide material benefits but also offer role-playing opportunities and future advantages as the PCs continue their adventure in Hommlet and beyond.
Zert TOEE Letter by 3orcs
The Note
"The new adventurers are becoming a problem. Inform G.R. to be ready to eliminate them on the usual sign. Look into recruiting the foreigner and his warrior friend further. -L."
Related Characters
  • Experience Points: Zert: 100 XP
  • Cult Messenger: 250 XP
  • Treasure: Retrieving the note and revealing Zert's true nature can provide vital information, allowing the PCs to prepare for future encounters with the cult.

Quest Experience

Experience Points (XP)
  • Zert: 100 XP for defeating or exposing him.
  • Cult Messenger: 25 XP for defeating the cultist.
  • Additional XP: 50 XP for retrieving the note from the fire without being detected.
  • Bonus XP: 100 XP if the PCs successfully use the information in the note to prevent further cult activity.
Monetary Rewards
Zert's Hidden Wealth:
  • 265 gp
  • 100 pp
  • 10 black but flawed pearls (worth 100 gp each, but appear more valuable)
Cultist's Pouch
  • 50 gp
  • A small ruby worth 100 gp.
Magic Items
  • Amber Battleaxe (Zert's Weapon): A +1 battleaxe with a faint amber glow. Provides an additional +1 to damage against undead.
  • Cloak of the Cultist: A black cloak with the Elder Elemental Eye symbol. It provides a +1 bonus to stealth checks when worn.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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