Nordock District Settlement in Victoriam | World Anvil
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Nordock District

Nordock is the most northern point in the City, and the entrance for any incoming ships, though none have come since 1867. The warehouses here hold most of the reserve food, goods, raw materials, and fuel supplies, and are in constant upkeep to ensure that the supplies are kept safe. This area houses ship workers, warehouse owners, and factory workers for the factories in Upper Essend. As the entry point of the island, it serves as a fine gateway, welcoming everyone to the Victory City


The people on Nordocks live solidly in the middle-class range. The apartments created from old warehouses provide decent living spaces, and almost every adult has a job in the factories of Upper Essend or in clearing out warehouses.


The Nordock district is ruled by the Victoriam Council Government, and by extension, the Empire


Nordocks is the only district that could actually defend itself in the event of an emergency, which is why the Victoriam City Government has endeavored to keep Nordocks loyal to the crown. It possesses two anti-airship mounted guns, to defend from invading airships, but which could be used for other purposes in the event of a rebellion.

Industry & Trade

The Dockers don't have an actual dock to work in anymore, so most work in the factories or in the Nordock Erythrine Refinery at the base of the lighthouse. One solitary family still operates this lighthouse.


Nordocks has a derelict airship-yard, a large lighthouse inside of which is an Erythrine engine, and has bridges to HighCircle, Wessend, and Upper Essend.


Nordocks is one of the more abundant districts. While it doesnt have much money or natural resources, the scavenge efforts from all of the warehouses and storage containers have still not ended, yielding a bounty in food storage, manufactured goods, and most importantly- tea.


Initially it served as a bustling center of trade, where families reunited, merchants conducted deals, and citizens watched as magnificent airships docked. The Quarantine Act of 1867 ended the usefulness of the Docks, and until recently, families would still wait at the edge for any sign of a ship bearing loved ones, or even news of their disappearance.


Some smaller townhouses exist at the more southernly end of Nordocks, but most of the people live in apartments made from the old warehouses, which are made of concrete and are usually square and drab. The youth have taken to painting colorful murals on the buidlings, which is conveniently overlooked by adults because it improves the boring gray buildings.
Alternative Name(s)
Norsend, the Docks, Dockside
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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