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Ka-Ko-Rae, the sub species of fire Alum with jet black skin and fiery veins. Descendants of the fire spirits and wielders of fire and healing magic.  

Abilities & Appearance:

Typically appearing taller than the average Sorcerer, these new beings have jet black skin like solidified lava and veins that glow with red purple hues. A sight most find intimidating and so often avoid these secluded and peaceful people. The great fire spirits granted many gifts to the original Ka-Ko-Rae that have been passed down through generations. Including an extended lifespan, a natural connection to both fire and healing magic. With a second chance of life, the Ka-Ko-Rae seemingly have an innate ability to regenerate from weaker wounds making them incredibly resilient people.   If you were to meet one in the street and start a conversation you would quickly come across a personality that is loud, fiery but most importantly religious. Praying to the spirits that gave them another life and very respectful of other beings beliefs. As such, they don't stray too far from hot climates, whether that is at the base of volcanoes, the desert or tropical forests.  
Mmm, mess with the Ka-Ko-Rae and get burnt? Mmmm, foolish to face them head on. Mmm, powerful healing they have too. Hmm, very unfair.
— Rattic, Black Market Merchant


The origins of these beings date back to the Ancient Times, when Minauran would be sacrificed to the Great Volcanoes. But unknown to the ones sacrificing helpless souls, inside the depths of each volcano lay a great fire spirit who would judge all that were thrown inside. If the spirit deemed their souls to be worthy then the great fire spirit would save them and give them a new life as the Ka-Ko-Rae.  


The realm of magic is a large place, thus many variations of Ka-Ko-Rae live and thrive in the world. The most common being the children of Cytal simply being called Ka-Ko-Rae. Then there is the more tribal groups of Ignea, living comfortably on the continent of Hoarwae. Finally there is the older groups that distance themselves from modern day and live more simple and traditional lives out of the way. They call themselves Do-Ma-Na. Having greyer skin with their fiery veins replaced with smouldering tar instead. These variants typically are older and wiser in nature.  
Plot Prompt: You are lost in the Ash Plains of Cytal and need a place to rest before nightfall leaves you completely blinded. One party member tells the tale of a mysterious town of Do-Ma-Na living nearby and suggest they could help.

Notable Fire Spirits:

Fi-Ka-Rah: The fire spirit of the dormant volcano at the centre of Cytal   Bodiera: The spirit that lives inside the volcano located on Hoarwae   Ra-Si-Don: A weak fire spirit in the Untouched Lands that is defensive about his lava lake, actively warding people away   Lo-Len-Yah: A spirit mentioned in old children's stories as a powerful deity who guards the realm of fire. It is said this is the spirit that would meet Fire Alum on the other side of the portal during the Elemental Migration
Level 1 Character Stats:
HP - 10
Inventory - 10
Difficulty Score - 11
Brute - 0
Skulk - -1
Erudite - 0
Magic - 1
Defence - 1
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Species | Jun 2, 2024
Ethnicity | Jun 23, 2024


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