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Palpariel is a young, fast-growing theocracy in the fertile southwest plains. They worship The Abundance, a sub-pantheon of The Patchwork centered around fertility and growth. They are predominantly human and halfling.   With their many clerics of agricultural deities maintaining near-permanent fertility blessings, combined with the already extremely favorable soil and climate of the region, Palpariel produces and exports enough food to sustain the whole continent.


Palpariel is ruled by a council of bishops representing the will of the Abundance at the highest level. They appoint a cabinet of ministers who run individual branches of the government and military. This power structure is mirrored at the local level.


The culture of Palpariel centers around fertility and productivity, mostly agricultural and industrial. The morality of actions is evaluated on whether they follow the axiom "More Life", rather than, say, whether they caused harm or whether they increased general utility. Farmers and craftsmen are held in much higher regard than merchants or scholars, with soldiers and other "destroyers" considered the least respectable. Food is plentiful and its consumption sacred, as is procreation and having a large family. In general, Bigger is Better.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of Palpariel is primarily to promote "more life", both internally and abroad, mostly through evangelism and charity. Their other major goal is the elimination of world hunger, a goal which they could realistically acheive within the next decade.


Palpariel has the fastest-growing population by a landslide, and soon to be the largest (after the Elven Coalition). It has incredible agricultural capacity and a fast-growing industrial capacity, but few intellectual or magical assets beyond their powerful clerics. Palpariel does not have a particularly strong or advanced military, but makes up for it in size and belligerently friendly diplomacy.


Palparielwas formed during a peasant uprising soon after The Destabilization, helmed by clerics of the Cult of Abundance. The grassroots organization converted most of the soldiers returned home from the Brothers' War and imprisoned the aristocrats in the region. The clerics, claiming to be guided by the words of their deities, founded a theocracy in the new capital city of the same name (Palpariel (City)), and swiftly began conquering the surrounding territory exhausted by the recent war.

Demography and Population

The majority of Palparians are human or halfling, with a few dwarves. Elves are quite uncommon in Palpariel.


The Abundance is the state religion of Palpariel. Worship of The Patchwork is legal and not uncommon in most cities, as is the worship of the dwarven or elven gods, but worship of other deities is technically illegal. This does not usually manifest as actual arrests, but the construction of temples or shrines to excluded deities is barred.

Foreign Relations

Palpariel has maintained positive relations with most other countries through massive affordable food exports. Nevertheless, other world leaders consider Palpariel fanatical and a potential long-term threat if it continues to expand.

Agriculture & Industry

The vast majority of Palpariel's population are farmers, 70% of which do agriculture. The three most common crops are sorghum, soybeans, and grapes, while cows and sheep are the most common livestock. The wine industry is also enormous. Industry is confined to larger settlements, and mostly includes tanning, distilling, and weaving/sewing. While Palpariel cannot compete with the elves and dwarves in terms of pure quality, they easily outgun them both in quantity.

Trade & Transport

Most internal trade is done over the rebuilt brick highways of the Magocratos, and either leads to Tracity or Palpariel. Most exporting is done through ship, with the goods coming down the river from Palpariel then transferred to a larger ocean vessel at the port city of The Mouth.


There is no public education system in Palpariel, though upper-middle class children are typically tutored. The masses rely on clerical sermons and The Worldsingers for general education.

More Life

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
Vast quantities of food, wine, cloth, leather, and other basic goods.
Major Imports
Palpariel imports magical goods and specialist labor, such as artificers and Spell Scrambling devices.
Judicial Body
The judicial system of Palpariel work in a similar way to The Magocratos, but the law has been rewritten to center the preservation and production of Life as the central legal pillar. There are not many years of legal precedence, so judges have lots of leeway. Fortunately (in some views), judges are appointed by local clerics.
Executive Body
Local policing is organized by police captains, also appointed by the local clerical council.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Traditions
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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