Abigail Lewis

Clan: Ventrue   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Baron Hef , Baron Eric , others   Generation: Unknown (Lowered through diablerie) (8 Originally)     Biography   Abigail Lewis is an old and powerful Ventrue Elder. Coming from the powerful and aristocratic Lewis family, one of the founding families of Tri-Island Cities, she was accustomed to a life of luxury. Abigail always got what she wanted, her father and mother constantly spoiled her. Tremere who entered the area in the late 1700's, however, wanted the family's land and began fighting and killing them off for it which wasn't hard. Abigail, however, was approached by a Ventrue of the Camarilla and negotiated with them. She would "enter into business" with them and join them, saving her land and the rest of her family. Little did young 19-year-old Abigail realize that she was going to be embraced. The Ventrue member embraced her, and the Tremere were ordered by the Prince to back down as Abigail and her estate belonged to the Camarilla now. Abigail took to being a kindred well, embracing the beast inside of her and loving every second of it. She went on to sire a handful of kindred including Baron Eric, and Baron Hef.   Fortunately or unfortunately, as time went on Abigail began to slowly become unhinged. High off of her growing power, she became a serial diablerist, killing and eating the very essence of other kindred. Her childer Hef and Eric, despite being in love with her, realized that they had to stop her. The two of them with their ghouls managed to stake her and put her in torpor.     Appearance Abigail appears to be a sweet young woman. She has brunette hair and large blue eyes. She is pretty and has a refined and proper air about herself owing to her upbringing. She has lost all subconscious movement and when she stands still she appears to be a statue. She loves all sorts of finery and luxury, but not having been awake for the past 50+ years she still wears old fashioned outfits.     Modern Nights   Abigail was awakened from torpor by Everlast Lacroix during the raid on Fantasia by Old Hef's assault teams. She survived the battle, staying hidden most of it, and was greeted by Eric upon his return to the club. He granted her Locustwood Manor, her ancestral home.   When the security team displeased Matio by open firing on Everlast, Terry, Sarah, and the now destroyed Lincoln, whilst visiting, Abigail came up to the head of security and snapped his neck then had his body brought to her room for feeding.   Several days later she spoke to Matio and told him a little bit about the history of the manor and the catacombs beneath.


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