
Dalmatica is the capital city of the Recognized Emanations of the Holy Coronex Parhelion in Splendour, more commonly called the Allesans. It is the secondmost populous city on the continent of Gondara after Fauregand, with an estimated population of 160,000 people. Dalmatica is often described as the cultural capital of the continent, with a rich array of historical sites, vineyards, bardic taverns and sports competitions.  


The Broken Empire
And its myriad peripheries. Map represents much of Waking Materia's Gamma Quadrant.
  Dalmatica is located on a series of plateaus overlooking the last narrowing between the Outer and Inner Sea of Sarenom. Found on the Voidward side of the continent, the climate is generally warm and arid. The Inner Sea is renowned among tourists for its calm conditions and high salinity, making it particularly buoyant.  


Having already been high elevation and spared the destruction of the Deluge, Dalmatica remains one of the deepest sources of historical knowledge on Waking Materia, lesser only than Maraxas Mons on Khayyam, the Petal Cities of Marai and the Ruskanseyrie in Valamon. Excepting the chaos of the Deluge and the resulting melees over territory after the Juran Empire's retraction, Dalmatica's walls have always been open to foreigners willing to help deepen the city-state's well of knowledge.

Clothiers borrow ideas from ancient New Rozsan and Pre-Khayyamite diagram-books to set new trends across the Broken Empire. Artists study ancient Aikyo and Onidoshi compositions for their minstrelry.  

The Dalmatican Athletic Meet

The Dalmatican Athletic Meet (DAM) is the premiere pan-continental sporting competition, usually hosted 6-8 months after a Summer season begins. Nations from across Gondara and sometimes even the Lorent participate in about two dozen games. The most popular is the pentathlon, which is a grueling combination of épée fencing, archery, horseback show jumping and a cross-country run, capped by a swim to the opposite shore of the Inner Sea. The only saving grace for the participants is the buoyancy of the Sarenom.

Other competitions include

  • Assorted track & field games (running, javelin, discus, et cetera)
  • Wrestling (both underwater and open-air)
  • Mixed martial arts
  • Horse & chariot races
  • Target shooting (archery, sling and underwater crossbow)
  • Certamen (wizardry duels)
  •     Music: A famous Dalmatican folk song arranged for chorus and chamber ensemble. It is one of the Cantigas de Santa Sanjo di Telura, thought to be a composition by the Material demigod of martyrdom and repentant scoundrels, Frances Heronseye, in his mortal years.



    The Allesans

    The Broken Empire


    Late First Age (The Great Fractionation)
    A Dalmatican hanging garden, where garden beds are literally hung from the ceiling and seeded/watered from a skyway above. These sites are popular for salons.

    Cover image: by Frank Newbold (CC0)


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Aug 8, 2024 10:07 by Racussa

    Although I find sports boring, I like this beautiful article. The visual (and acoustic) presentation is a dream, the built-in map helps with orientation, the music example creates atmosphere. Back to the original beginning: The competitions are not only related to physical sports, but also to mental and magical abilities, which greatly expands the spectrum. Congratulations on this marvellous article.

    The world is not enough.
    Aug 8, 2024 16:50 by Alan Byers

    What a kind comment Racussa, thank you so much! Pleasure to make your acquaintance! I’m not exactly a sports nut either but part of the fun of summer camp is stretching one’s comfort zones.