Empyreal City

Cultural and Governmental Capital of Marai, Location of the Empyreal Palace

Also known as the Empyreal Capital or the Four Petal Cities, the Empyreal City is a bustling metropolis on the Voidcentral lakelands in the Heartlands of Marai. It is the home of the Empyreal Palace, and in the palace the Plain Pillow on which the Shōgun of the Commonwealth sits.

The Capital is located on the inland island of Kozue's Rest, Voidward of the Sokenzan-jō fort city and Coreward of the port metropolis of O-Hoshakeiro. Though much of the island belongs to clan Sokenzan, the Empyreal City is politically neutral ground, and all clans have a presence here. One may most easily reach it by crossing the great Empyreal Bridge connecting the Capital to O-Hoshakeiro City on the Voidward mainland (see Map below).  


The Commonwealth of Marai
Including the Skylands to the east and the Kula'wongai to the Voidwest. Map covers Waking Materia's Lower Alpha and Upper Beta Quadrants.
Banner: The Empyreal Palace overlooks the city. (Illus. Classmate Jew)

Cover image: by Classmate Jew


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