Ten Thousand Islands

The Ten Thousand Islands are an archipelago of several thousand small islands directly Coreward of the continent of the Lorent on the plane of Waking Materia. They're also known varyingly as the Myriad Islands, the Seagraves, the Blacksheep, Blackwaterside, the Wall of Shoals and more. They are among the closest landmasses to Materia's centrepoint, approximately 860 km outward at minimum.  


The Broken Empire
And its myriad peripheries. Map represents much of Waking Materia's Gamma Quadrant.

The vast majority of the Ten Thousand Islands are uninhabited: only sixty-two islands are known to host humanoid settlement, and of these only seven islands have populations in the thousands, hereafter referred to as the major islands.

The archipelago is officially under the jurisdiction of Kallor, who are in turn a protectorate of the former holy empire of Jura, though approximately half the inhabited islands do not recognize their authority and are effectively independent. Of the seven major islands, six recognize Kallorian rule, the one exception being the Isle of Trond. Kunisia—the secondmost populous of the islands—has a historically erratic relationship with the mainland powers, but was brought to heel in a series of brutal military campaigns culminating in the Battle of the Blacksheep in I.M. 4130.  


The Ten Thousand Islands are host to an enormous variety of cultures and languages, some with seemingly little or no relation to other islands or mainland nations. The Raes from Raetis, for example, speak a complete language isolate called Dunúl, as do the mysterious peoples of Artevangia. Nations under mainland rule use Kallorian as the lingua franca. Diplomats, merchants and some academics also use High Juran. Efforts are being made by Juran hierogrammats, likely under the direction of the Conciliat Panharmonica, to map out all the languages and genetic lineages of the Myriad Islands, which is proving more and more to be an incredible task.

The most populous islands, in order, are

  • Dhund (population ~32,000)
  • Kunisia (~19,000)
  • Trond (~11,000)
  • Talaus (~9,000)
  • Tulinor (~5,000)
  • Raetis (~2,000)
  • Baunt (~1,000)
  • Chubb (~900)
  • Ninase (~900)
  • Artevangia (~600)


Materia's climate is generally colder toward the planar centrepoint and the Sunken Expanse, and the Myriad Islands are no exception. Weather is typified by heavy winds and rain even during the warm seasons, and see frequent snowfall during winters. Much of the islands are mere rocky outcroppings, however the larger islands are host to boreal meadows and shrubland suitable for pasture and limited agriculture (e.g. oats, legumes, root vegetables). Mixed forests are also common.

As with all landmasses closest to the planar centre, Aurora Corealis phenomena are common, presumably because the overlying layer of Arcana, and therefore its visual manifestations, are densest over the centre of the plane.  


Alongside the immense cultural diversity of the Myriads is a dizzying range of architectural styles. Major cities—for example Sedaris and Drumsport in Dhund, or Dauth in Kunisia—often feature finely-gilded Juran domes or towering Kallorian brutalism (Banner, right).

Trondian towns are comprised of onion-like circular layers of wooden longhouses, with the open centre for trade, communal cooking, smithing, et cetera.

The core of Artevangian settlements are complex, interconnected halls & courtyards of stone, radiating outward from a cave entrance, with the cave system itself acting as both the holy and governmental centre.  

Notable Islanders

The first leader of the newly-born nation of Jura was named Galbraith of Kunisia, likely from the island of the same name.

As his title implies, the High Commander of the Holy Juran Empire, Olcadan of Dhund, is said to have been born in the city of Drumsport, on the Isle of Dhund.

The Ten Thousand Islands


The Lorent, The Broken Empire


Cover image: by Johannes Voss, Jie Ma


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