
The Dire Nekomata

The Izuka are a cunning and individualistic Lowlander clan of the Maraian Commonwealth, with a reputation for underhandedness and selfishness. Though that's mostly accurate, they aren't overly ambitious either: they want enough power to remain comfortable, but without drawing excess attention by being elected to sit the Plain Pillow. Nonetheless if you want someone killed or something stolen, you can't go wrong with Izuka ninja. They are sometimes called the Nightstalkers after their Totem animal, the jungle nightstalker (though that is not quite accurate).  

Clan Status: Major

Totem Kami: Officially: The Jungle Nightstalker; in truth: The Nekomata

Colours: Black primary with red highlights; elegant and urbane fashion choices, unafraid of sex appeal

First Kannushi: Izuka Samanosuke

Vassal Clans: Yagyu (Bat), Kiryu (Moth), Nishiki (Bird-of-Paradise), Tsugaru (Gecko)

Reputation: Charismatic, urbane, elegant, scheming, ruthless, capable

Preferred classes: Courtier, ninja (greystep), investigator, samurai, bard, wizard

Imagery: Izuka Fashion & Scenery Image Gallery (External)

Although they dislike speaking of their unrefined, rural roots, the Izuka were once residents of the deep west, from the colossal jungles of the Emerald Expanse to the Petal Cities of the Heartlands, part of an antediluvian, pan-southern clan called the Iyō. They’ve since migrated east as their influence in the Commonwealth grew, and have taken vassal clans once under the The Chiyō and Oronaga with them.

Their ambitions are not to sit the Plain Pillow (they would never leave themselves in a position of such scrutiny) but to instead manipulate Maraian politics to a comfortable but unobsequious level of wealth and influence for the clan. Though ruthless and cynical, the Izuka are not necessarily evil as a whole; they just don’t fully buy the “strength in unity” approach the Commonwealth has taken to potential invasion from the western Khayyamites or eastern Skylanders, and simply live more in the moment than for the future. The unpatriotic Izuka are in fact most responsible for increasing diplomacy and trade with the Khayyamites, to the anger of the protectionist “resource” clans like the Koi, Great Elk, and Meadowlarks. They are also frequent rivals of the Erayo as they run in similar circles, but have largely the opposite view on things.

Their morality isn’t too complex, mind: if you want someone killed or illicit goods obtained, you can’t go wrong with Izuka contractors. The Panthers are the overseers of the largest retinue of ninja besides the Oronaga, except that these methods are shadow-aspected, adapted for urban use and assassination as opposed to forest combat or spirit hunting.  

The Nekomata

The Izuka claim their Totem Kami is the Jungle Nightstalker, but in truth it's a bestial yōkai related to bandersnatches and displacer beasts, called the Nekomata. This makes the Izuka one of three clans who secretly have a fae as a Totem: The Iname's's is a tsuchigumo (spider yōkai; they claim it is the standard spider) and The Shan is the tengu (relatives of vilderavn; they claim it's the great raven). All three keep this hidden as fae are (often quite rightly) distrusted in the Commonwealth.  


The Commonwealth of Marai
Including the Skylands to the east and the Kula'wongai to the Voidwest. Map covers Waking Materia's Lower Alpha and Upper Beta Quadrants.
An Izuka samurai.
illus. Mamoru Nagano).   Banner: Chief Kannushi Izuka Samanosuke (Centre). Izuka peacekeepers (Left, Right).
Geopolitical, Clan
  An Izuka peacekeeper. Charged by the Chief Kannushi to keep the streets safe... by any means necessary.

Character flag image: by Mamoru Nagano


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