
The Tanuki

Reclusive, eccentric and apolitical, the Nikata could almost be considered diligent in doing exactly the bare minimum of their Commonwealth duties. They are, however, agreeable hosts and Tanuki lands are popular for their coastal vistas and remote hot springs. Despite their dopey and hedonistic image, Nikata forests are still well-protected by Greenstep ninja, called kamaitachi.  

Clan Status: Minor

Totem Kami: The Tanuki

Colours: Green and brown primary; rustic, folky and unusual fashions

First Kannushi: Nikata Onjin

Vassal Clans: None; historic vassals of The Matsunagayama

Reputation: Rustic, eccentric drunks, forest hicks, hippies, sex magicians, tourist-friendly, nonetheless dangerous guards of their forest borders

Preferred classes: Ninja, ranger, bard, samurai, cleric (Aum, Hanafubuki)

Imagery: Nikata Fashion & Scenery Image Gallery (External)

Occupants of the boreal forest regions Voidward of the Heartlands, the Nikata are a rustic, eccentric and politically apathetic people. They are almost dilligent in doing exactly the bare minimum of Commonwealth duties, though they have warmer relations with the neighbouring Iname, Rakuyōsei 'Birch Elves' and amphibious Korobokuru hobbits, as they share more in common culturally.

The Tanuki are particularly observant of spirits and deities of fertility, holding festivals decorated with phallic imagery and living openly polyamorous lifestyles. Sokenzan scholars theorize they were victims of an affliction in times past that brought birth rates to critically low levels; they have since grown a resistance to this condition, but retained their obsession with fertility. While the Tanuki are politically aloof and culturally strange, travelers in Nikata lands generally regard them as a warm and hospitable people, with excellent onsen hot springs.

Potential hegemons should beware not to take their carefree attitudes too seriously, however: the Nikata are extremely tenacious guerilla fighters and have a historically high victory rate defending their forested, mountainous land during the Shattered Age. Many exceptional rangers and druids of Maraian history were Nikata. Furthermore their ninja, known as kamaitachi, employ an odd form of forest-aspected ninjutsu—not sourced from Duskscape spirits but instead from the memories of local flora & fauna—in contrast to the spirit ninjutsu of the Iname Blendwalkers, the blood ninjutsu of the Oronaga Wraiths, and the shadow ninjutsu of the Izuka Deliverers.



The Commonwealth of Marai
Including the Skylands to the east and the Kula'wongai to the Voidwest. Map covers Waking Materia's Lower Alpha and Upper Beta Quadrants.
Geopolitical, Clan


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