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E18 - The Hag and the Dryad

General Summary

As combat began, the once-nymph-turned-hag Gwenvere ducked under the muddy water, hiding and biding her time. As Jack, Bryn, and Myetharia battled the wretch, Rayland and Winry snuck into her cavernous abode, and found what they were looking for. There, wrapped around a stone idol, was a lock of blonde hair tied together with a brass clip.   Snatching the relic of Anyariel, the two made their escape. But as the Protectors of the Pass tried to board their giant roc steed, Gwenvere attacked. But she was rebuffed by many attacks from the prepared party, with Jack furiously and brutally landing the final blow.   Removing Gwenvere's head, the party mounted the roc and soared over the blaze of the forest, to Timbre's Grove, home of the forest's dryad spirit. Once there, the Protectors displayed the lock of hair, prompting the dryad to share her story.   In short, she revealed that in years past Shahalesti attacked the forest elves, but Anyariel defended it. Wounded, she was cared for by Timbre. As an additional gift, Timbre gave Anyariel a living piece of Timbre's willow tree made into a sword. When Indomitability attacked years later, it was that same sword that pinned the trillith to the bottom of Seela Lake. Timbre revealed that while that piece of her tree survived, so would the Seela, so long as the sword was bound to a living person.   Armed with this information, and accompanied by Timbre herself, the Protectors of the Pass again mounted their roc companion, beginning their return to the Seela village. As the dryad presented the information to the Seela, the Protectors headed back to the elven village and under the tree statue to find Diashan Shediell still in his slumber. Waking him, the elf shared the dire truth - Shahalesti was responsible for the fires of Innenotdar Fire Forest through their emissary, an elf disguised as an orc and claiming allegiance to the Ragesian Empire.   Discovering Torrent and Crystin were suffering from the heat of the forest, Bryn delivered them via roc beyond the forest. They were to wait there until the Protectors joined them.   Their business with Diashan completed, the party returned to the Seela village. There, Jack was taught the Song of Forms by Tiljann, Winry Mountain Peak and Myetharia Faewarin found common ground, and Bryn shared her concern for Jack's wellbeing. Jack and Winry also spoke, reuniting what the death of Gwenvere had strained. And Rayland Red did whatever it is Rayland does.   Finding solace in the Seela village, the party rested, preparing to find if Indomitability deserved his name.

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In world date
1st Udiel of Khalary 5754 AC
Report Date
19 Oct 2021
Primary Location

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